Will the "Finale" of GuP really be the last part, or do you expect even more to come after that?
Will the "Finale" of GuP really be the last part, or do you expect even more to come after that?
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Depends whether it's still making money or not and that includes Das Finale actually getting finished as well
Well, that may take some time, granted.
If everything goes as planned, Das Finale will end in what 2025 or something like that. It's impossible to make predictions now.
At this rate, Mizushima will die of old age before the last part is out.
stupid tricksters
GuP thread
It was stated by the creators that it will only be the final part for Ooarai's arc but not for GuP altogether.
>Will the "Finale" of GuP really be the last part, or do you expect even more to come after that?
Agreed with user on that if the series keep making money they will for sure will make more, after all, storywise, there was a plot foreshadowing in the 'der Film' movie when they mentioned the World Tournament, so with the 'das Finale' ovas being relased, it seems like the series is making enough money to keep more GuP
Another thing that back up this claim is that they have been making more mangas based on the series, right now there is 4 or 5 mangas being published
We'll have GuP for a while
I admire this guy's dedication
U jelly?
doesn't matter, we'll all be dead by then
Duce wig must be tasty
>Not taking care of your health, so you can see the end of the journey
Step up user, don't give up, you can do it!
This, take care, do it for the GuPs
This, prolly gonna an hero before GuP is through. Fucking Actas.
Blessed Image
Cancer in several ways
>not panzers
Is it time?
Youre a retarded nigger fuckboy.
No. We will get a spinoff series with Yukari as the MC
Tank Girl: The anime
More cancer
Actually, that’s only fans’ speculation. The GuP production committee never said anything about that. Though they also did not say any confirmation that Das Finale is the last GuP anime content they will do.
It's not bullying.
They are just testing if she's carbon-coated properly.
I do think Ribbon Warrior will have a huge draw if they adapt it. They just need to heavily cut down on the /u/ shit.
Not brown enough
Pravda first.
Aside from the Ribbon Warrior manga, in which other manga are working the /ak/ guys? GuP related of course!
Reminder that Kay > Darjeeling
Marie > Kay > Darjeeling
Only RW, the rest are abandoned or finished.
I hope we continue getting new GuP until the day I die
so basically six more OVAs after finale ;_;
>/u/ shit
that's one of the best parts though
>the rest are abandoned or finished.
There is still a plenty of mangas ongoing
>Dracula school
>GuP Mission
>cooking with the Hobos
>Anzio shenanigans
They have never touch those
Ribbon Warrior anime when?
Not soon enough
/ak/ did the first chapter of the Variante one IIRC
only 114 more days until das finale 2!
based, fluffpilled, and panzerpilled
>totsugeki baka
>Not bending to the Nishizumi
>Chaotic evil
>True Neutral
But Mika is a criminal.
I wish my school had a secret bar that served booze when I was in school.
I wish that i had my own Mako
I'm assuming we've all played this, yeah? it's cute and fun!
Cute pit
cute and definitely NOT smelly feet
Today on History: Malcolm X is assassinated In New York City
Also in 1940, The Germans begin construction of a concentration camp at Auschwitz.
Bandai will probably want Actas to make more. GuP prints stupid amounts of money. But Actas is such a disaster production studio that I'm not sure if Finale will even be finished. You'd think that they'd stuff Actas with production assistants and desks from their other studios to get their shit together.
Id really like Rukuriri to play a bigger role in das Finale.
bros I discovered Girls und Panzer a few weeks ago and now I have finished watching the anime, the OVAs and the movie
why does it end so abruptly
why is it taking so long for them to release new material
wtf I want more girls and more panzers
Also I'm not sure who best girl is they're all so cute
you should also consider reading the manga, or at least ribbob warrior
best guppie is obviously Rukuriri
also since I'm here, what's up with the fucked up security in these matches? I know the tanks are supposed to be carbon-coated, but I have a hard time believing that anyone could survive that giant Der Film cannon
Also Miho always riding her tank with the hatch open, what happens if a cannon just shoots her away?
Also why were the Finnish girls introduced this way, helping Oorai when no one knew about them?
cute wig
I think the Finns are there because they were Ooarai's first choice as partner for the exhibition match, but the hobo queen rejected it because "Mika works in a mysterious way".
when is this said? In Der Film? I must have missed it
any more art like this? doesn't have to be pravda
Aki whines to Mika that why they aren't down there fighting too.
the pravdas are cool but they are overrated, the only time we see them winning is because Miho abandoned the battle to save her teammates
Also I often see art like that in youtube videos
>the pravdas are cool but they are overrated
You're not wrong. I think Katyusha has been bored into everyone's skulls over the years that people subconsciously judge Pravda on that one scene.
Really I just like art with garupans going full military.
very fun
I rebought it for the Switch as well
eh, Katyusha is cool and cute, but I expected more of her I admit. At least some Olaf-tier use of winter climate instead of simply encircling her foes and taking a nap
I was referring to Katyusha the song not Katyusha the forehead.
sorry fren
GuP's ost is amazing, I think they have the best rendition of When Johnny Comes Marching Home
Also they made me like the Chanson de l'oignon, which is no small feat considering how ridiculous it sounds in French
>When Johnny Comes Marching Home
That is a fantastic version
>Chanson de l'oignon
Lots of things sound better when cute girls sing them
yeah give her the tortoise or tog II when st glo upgrades
I want it to be basically a Toy Story segment but it's Yukari as a kid, and her tenks.
Just her doing all the voices too.
I thought anzio got axed?
And is GuP mission, the Susume one?
the fuck happened to Pravda, it's already volume 3 in Japan
Or the T28 since it's a tradition that the defeated will join the main cast as allies in later episodes.
swap Marie and Shizuka
I hate tanks and I hate Yukari.
Thanks are okay, but Yukari could fuck off any time.
I want to beat up Yukari.
leave Yukari alone
She should be in a side role as big as Yuzu maybe. Not one of the most prominent guppies even though no one likes her in show or outside.
I'm sure plenty of people like her, I see pics of da floof everywhere
fuck yukari
crocodile hands posted this
What are you talking? it only have 6 chapters, and vol 1 was just released recently.
Anzio is now daily strips.
Anzio girls can strip for me daily.
What's Rosehip is doing there.
>No more motto love love sakusen
I miss the bakas
Duce has a hard life.
>Those off-colour tights
>be biggest tank nerd ever
>become just a fucking loader
yukari is a loser cuck
How can she get away with it?
Is that from the untranslated chapters?
Fuck, a baka fight between Marie and Darjeeling would be epic.
Because hana gets off to shooting tank rounds
Hana is great.
Second generation of garupans once the last das finale comes out in 2050. Like love live.
Will it be based on modern tanks?
>Original: WW2
>2nd: Modern
>3rd: Future panzer
Sounds nice actually.
but all tanks would be the same then
modern tankery would also be too politically loaded
I just hope not more Nishizumi
Imagine all twelve of Mihos kids forming their own senshado team
I don't think it has that staying power. Idols are eternal, tanks are not.
who would be the father? Alice's futa cock?
Boko of course
what are you talking about, she's literally the most liked GuP character.
(you) are a faggot
this is nice
DVCE has the best legs
best wig too
Doujin when?
Rabu Rabu is still on-going. It’s just not translated.
any links to the raws?
That's what he is implying.
They are off color because I nut in them before DVCE puts them on
Yeah this is good stuff I hope we get a ton of Ueno stuff
Maybe he will make one, and will never be scanned.
So any user playing it? want to know about the BC story parts.
Milk truck has arrived
Reminder that Kay is not that big
>Nishi is as stacked as Kay
At last I truly see. Truly, Japan is the greatest.
what are the chances they'll put some Wickie references into part 2
this is important
Behold, the might of autism
Maho dies, Miho cries, Erika lies.
Shit taste. Nishizumi's are what make GuP so good.
Wrong, is the variety, not the boring MC.
I like nerdy Duce.
Nishizumis are the most boring aspect of GuP. Mary Sues are never good.
>Mary Sues
After Finale comes Da Capo. Or Girls und Panzer - Die Fortsetzung.
What tank would you donate to Oorai or Anzio?
I'd watch that cute show
How authentic is Marie one? I mean, how many kilos does it weight?
>And is GuP mission, the Susume one?
I forgot about the susume one, I think is not the same manga, but I don't remember what is it about. Someone knows?
>No more motto love love sakusen
I forgot about this one too, but TbH, that list I put in a hurry was about the more recent mangas that are being published, MMLLSD is a long running manga with even daily 4komas being made
I hope that the /ak/ boys retake this one and keep translating it
What are these? posters?
It triggers my autism that some of them aren't arranged in the correct order, based on the background tank
Susume? looks like it's similar to MLLSD.
Extra for the game.
>looks like it's similar to MLLSD.
Damn, It's a pity that no one is translating it, MLLLSD is funny, so I'm not against more SoL GuP shenanigans
>How authentic is Marie one? I mean, how many kilos does it weight?
If that keychain is actually made of Osmium,it could be very accurate
Not translating Susume is really a crime, looks like it has some interesting parts.
Marie is NOT fat
when is DTM coming to PC so I won't have to play WoT
Marie's plump thighs are the best.
Literally never.
We need a west release first.
Attack of the Hippus.
>Not translating Susume is really a crime
Someone knows where to get the raws?
I want to see what we're missing out
I'm hard.
Wani would never say that she hates tanks, though.
Only in ComicWalker, but they only let the last chapter.
Is canon that wani shiposts.
Is she the worst commander of all?
I mean, she got wrecked by Eclair, while having a 3 to 1 superiority AND the stronger tanks.
remember when people tld for gup threads
>Girls und Panzer: Die unendliche Geschichte
mah nigga
At least Pravda is being translated.
>Unlimited Speed Works.jpg
Speaking of CW, someone knows how to extract the images from the manga chapters?
>An, An, An...
Yes, but she loves tanks, too.
>you'll never pick her up
Fucking end me.
Come, we had quite a number of GuP translations
>Little Army
>Phase Erika
And now Pravda
I mean, someone has to translate and type all that stuff.
Stop already.
That's not the right attitude.
>first an Erika manga, now a Katyusha manga
Why do only the worst girls get spin-offs?
Aside from RW, all of these were short mangas that have already been translated (we're thankful of that, of course) but that doesn't mean that the new mangas can't be translated too
we know that the /ak/boys are short in personnel, but we need our GuP fix of manga chapters to tolerate the wait between Ovas
But Anzio and Keizoku got one, so that's not right.
You heard me user.
Why do only worst girls get spin-offs?
It hurts too much.
Sorry that your favorite school/girl is not popular enough for a spin-off
> 150kg
Jesus christ you want a 330 pound manlet?
>Yukari (she's the protagonist in the series manga)
>LA girls
Slanders, but yes.
MLLSD is mostly slag central.
>Why do only the worst girls get spin-offs?
I don't see a manga about Alisa or Nishi
Not really, but they are part of the series
That was uncalled for.
user, what?
Yeah, but still they get the most chapters.
That's Pannettone or Gelato
Nishi is the most beautiful gup change my mind
Alisa is a good girl.
>Mary Sues are never good.
>Mary Sues
You don't know what the term means.
Alisa is a dumb girl that will be bullied in any media.
Why would i? You are right.
That's Marie/Duce/Mika/Assam.
You saying we should have a St gloriana spin off?
Such as: A girl joining up with her mother's old Tortoise to carry on her legacy, along with a rag tag team to join her?
But why?
Why are they not on normal readers, like based mangadex?
Earl Grey prequel/Civil war manga fucking when?
Imagine beating up Alisa.
user, are you really suggesting that they should use a fan-based one?
>girl comes up with her Tortoise
>Gloriana immediatley lock it up in the forbidden garage of cool stuff and force her to use a Churchill Mk. I instead
Alisa is for hugs and tender loving. You leave her be.
It's fan translators usually
Alisa is for ignoring.
And Comic Walker is used for the artists.
What's wrong with those fucking slags?
How would Anzio girls react to pasta russian navy style?
i can't find it ;_;
>Earl Grey prequel
>Basically just a manga of bullying smol Darj
I can get behind this.
Of course they need to hide all these cool tanks in not-Bovington, how else will they sustain David Fletcher-sensei: youtu.be
>Darj bullying
I want it so badly.
What can't you find?
after des finale and s2 finishes ;_;
Assam is so lucky.
Write it already
When Yukari spends too much time with hippo team
Post CVs.
Jap CVs had peak aesthetics
Alisa is for anal rape by Naomi's boyfriend.
See? we can do a thread without imagedumps and forced memes.
i see you're a girl of culture
Dorkchovy is the best
Yukari is so dumb, she could have been friends with them from the beginning.
>Alisa is for tender love by Naomi, her boyfriend.
user no.
Maybe she should wash her hair sometimes.
the search bar gives no results to anything girls und panzer.
I have yet to find the confidence in demand and I am busy with work
I want a GuP game by the team who made Valkyria Chronicles.
Sorry, but trying to steal my tendies is an unforgivable offence.
please help
No amount of water can tame the fluff, ask Yukari.
The fluff cannot be contained, and that's a good thing
My wife is very pretty, a wonderful mother and I love her.
That's all true, except for the wonderful mother part
Are her children currently very successful, independent, unspoilt, hard-working, intelligent and happy radiant maidens?
Yes, because of traditional strict upbringing.
Literally, the only people that think Shiho is a monster are the spoilt fat lazy Americans that were cuddled and given everything they have and have lost all sense of pride and entitlement. Being here on Yea Forums is a good sign that I am right.
When can I buy dream tank match DX in burger land?
NA release never.
Import the SEA release.
I really like this Wani and I don't usually like her that much desu got anymore from that artist?
No sorry.
Is there a good website to buy from?
usually play asia. Been a while since I imported games though so the meta might have shifted.
Does this look like a happy radiant maiden to you, Shiho apologist?
Shiho fucking broke her down to the point that she has PTSD about tanks and is terrified of her own goddamn mother. Maho on the other hand had to live for years pretending that she's something she's not, the perfect little heir Shiho always wanted above all else. This entire family is screwed up to the core.
I know that feel man
Nah, I expect bamco will bill a sequel with a new school/team. They know there's tons of money to be made off the military fans, so I'd be confident in assuming that they'll axe all but the key staff from actas and get the show on some sort of regular production schedule in order to bolster the fan base and regain people who left because they got tired of waiting for content.
>Nishi will never vomit all over your dick
Feels bad man
>user yes
Stop with that.
who is that supposed to be? Miho's mother and Alice's mother?
Stop with what user?
>the Switch
Lewding GuPs
If you truly love garupans you will love them in all forms.
>lewdposting starts again
just stop
if you don't want lewdpost you could answer my question you fags
>Nishifag shows up ITT
Everything is lost now
Post more Rukuriri pls.
You misspelled Momo.
Momo give us the "S2", she is fine
You want a turn-based game?
You're doing it wrong.
lewdposters should get purged especially for spreading lies about such a pure maiden of senshado
Her costume changing scenes gets me going
And here comes the imagedump.
>very successful
Perhaps a bit of an overstatement.
Seems that way.
By all appearances.
If strict adherence to rote qualifies as intelligent.
> and happy
lol NOPE!
The only term that actually applies for them.
I would play it.
stalker translate pravda manga as it comes out
I think he's still looking for typesetter
stalker please translate Count manga.
He's also going to translate the Anzio manga.
Nilhiri need more love and screentime
Useless girl
Miho’s mihos look good in everything. Why??
Nishizumi genes
Dumbasses are usually sexy
The fact they dont spend even more time with each other is criminal
>Nishi as fat as Kay
My wife is an elegant Japanese woman not some fat fucking cow
I see. Such a tsundere, you badmouthed Nishi just because you're jealous that she became my wife
Based Nishibros
You are becoming hanafag levels of bad.
That manga looks so boring.
Duce's duces look bigger than Kay's here
Duce got some nice duces
Why was Nishi omitted?
Wait, who is that on the right?
Some new Kuromorimine girl?
Best gf
Nishi is not a friend
Who is the author of this image?
So? Nor are they.
post more erwin
I see all teams posted except for the swole team. Where the love?
Yea Forums doesn't like girls who can break them.
right here
What a bunch of gaywads!
Kay and Duce are the only friends
>might as well post here too
Do you have the strength to protect that which is most important to you?
I want to speak Russian in front of Katyusha!
Don't troll the tiny tyrant!
IDK if he did more GuP but his other work is nice
>Washington Conference 1943 colorized
In a world where cute girls wear Panzer Soldat uniforms, Cat Ears and Stuttering isn't going to do it for me.
but they will just add more parts into it
I forgot how stacked Maho is
Never again
And we get back to another episode of:
'Today on History' with our host Oreo
>1349: Jews are expelled from Zurich, Switzerland.
>1613: Mikhail Romanov is elected czar of Russia.
>1797: The last invasion of Britain takes place when some 1,400 Frenchmen land at Fishguard in Wales.
>1926: Pope Pius rejects Mussolini's offer of aid to the Vatican.
>1932: Adolf Hitler is the Nazi Party candidate for the presidential elections in Germany.
>1942: President Franklin Roosevelt orders Gen. Douglas MacArthur to leave the Philippines.
>1951: The Atomic Energy Commission discloses information about the first atom-powered airplane.
>1963: Moscow warns the U.S. that an attack on Cuba would mean war.
>1967: Operation Junction City becomes the largest U.S. operation in Vietnam.
cute commies, also these remind me
how much gup merchandise do you fags have?
I have normal Alice and Kat figures and I am thinking about getting Mika one soon and maybe Erika
They're just the worst designed team. What's the deal of that chick with the dumb peach eyepatch?
we shall see
Is cool
Never forget dem Mahos
Where is the manga?
I can't find it on mangadex or kissmanga.
Is stalker like panda or madoka where you have to go through some bullshit hoop to read stuff?
>Doesn't do anything in the movie but be shut
>still find her adorable
I really hate myself
An uncommon version of the hexagonal-turreted T-34 with a casted UZTM turret. Known as the T-34 ChTZ with at least 2,670 built and designated by the Germans as its own variant, the T-34/76F
Chapter one of Pravda Senki translated by /ak/
Chapters two to five translated by S.T.A.L.K.E.R
T-34s are ugly and shit!
no tank is ugly
Slopes make tanks look worse.
That's a bold statement, user
T-34 a nice and fascinating!
Based and redpille
I wanna cuddle with Kay
Why do the Saint Gloriana alumni want to use Mathildas and Churchills instead of Centurions?
*blocks your path*
don't bully tanks
Raws for Chapter 3 of the Keizoku Manga is now up on Comic Walker.
Thanks for this.
thank you user
>Erika calling Mika kameradin
>special steak Erotic Erika
dumb cute wani
I want to suck on Yukari!