Buyfag thread

Miku's cute feet!

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Other urls found in this thread: Changes for February 2019 Products.html

Stop delaying it already

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Brother! I understand!

what do you mean? is hasn't aged well? I own two HS DxD figures but I haven't seen any season yet.

Git gud.

Attached: Link stop motion.webm (850x958, 413K)

The figure still looks like shit, fag.

and don't forget this cool and easy to read guide!

Attached: read it.jpg (1522x1014, 353K)

Attached: Megumin stop motion.webm (720x750, 982K)

What is the point you're making?
Someone used it in a stop motion does not mean it looks like a good figure.

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Oh I was referring to the Gun Tribe page. The girl is super cute in that series but the rapes leave a bad taste in my mouth.

Attached: pepsiman.webm (540x360, 1M)

Thanks for proving my point.

translucent shoes
footfags win again

Attached: cutefeet.png (800x800, 626K)

I refunded am item on Tokyo Otaku Mode and the money was transferred back onto my credit card.
However it must've been mid shipment because I received the item in the mail.
Can they charge me again or did I just something for free?

just dont say anything retard, its their mistake

The point is yes they are very small and simple, they sacrifice that to be made for motion. If you desire an impressive piece that looks great immediately, yes get scales. If you like to pose for photographs or animations, get action figures. There's nothing wrong with action figures, it's just that they're not for every collector. Posts recommending against action figures should bear in mind that they were not to their own personal tastes.

Attached: chitocerium LXXVIII-platinum PV.webm (960x540, 2.65M)

Go to then, it's literally for this type of stuff.

I do sometimes, but I main the Yea Forums threads since I collect scales too. It just makes me feel sad most buyfags keep shitting on them.

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I liked this one.

/buyfag/ is mostly scale figures and the like, hence why figmas look like ass and get shat on all the time.
Stop trying to force them here, you bastards literally have a general for it. The stuff here isn't even allowed on /toy/.

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>implying pepsiman would lose against a boat

Attached: 5I4p2uF.gif (240x155, 348K)

Hence why I said I main these threads. I love scales as much as action figures. That doesn't mean people can't share their love for action figures here just because there's a board for them. Hell, I always wonder if one of these days the nu-mods will finally chase buyfag threads off to /jp/.

You're not wrong. The animator Plamoo likes cute girls doing cool things too much to let them loose.

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Which Hitagi Senjyogahara figure do you prefer buyfagtachis? GSC crab, Kotobukiya Crab or Alter Crab? help me deside on this one. I kinda like GSC ver but the quality does not satisfy me and the after market skyrocket and it seems it'll not go down for a while she is now almost 16k in JP market. Kotobukiya has good quality, price and details but the face kinda looks off for some reason. Alter overall is great but the face is kinda bishojo-ish to me.

>people can't share their love for action figures here
My point is that you'll be shat on, because to the majority of people here think they look like ass, and trying to force people to change their opinion just strikes me as very arrogant.
On another note, the figure you posted will also probably look like ass considering it's by emon.

Big part of the statement. Fuck off with your gatekeeping.
There are many different forms of buyfaggotry, from plushes to scales and keychains to artbooks.
If someone posts something you don't like, then just do us all a favor and ignore it.

>FAG the Nagano edition

Attached: fss.jpg (1280x916, 216K)

I regret not PO this

Do you not know what gatekeeping means?
>from plushes to scales and keychains to artbooks
Yes, hence why I said mostly.
You tell me faggot, how common are action figures in these threads?

I'd honestly love some FSS anthropomorphizations. Imagine a properly in scale Jagd Mirage.

I think Emontoys is just shit at moe style characters. I remember the New Game chick anons posted had a really bad headsculpt, but the other figs from them I've seen look very nice.

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not him, but poches are in every thread and are looked upon fairly favorably

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Literally who refers to nendos/poches as action figures?

Not him, but more than you think. Shut up and hide the posts if you don't want to see them.

People like you are why these threads are dying, fuck off.

I doubt that very much. Feel free to prove otherwise.

what are they then, genius?

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Anything that has joints are action figures. They're chibi, but they're still poseable. Naturally no one will post "look at this action fig I got!" when showing a nendo, but they are a part of that category. They're easier to pose and more cute/photogenic, so that's why Yea Forums seems fine with them. Plastic kits similarly get posted about favorably, I guess because you have to assemble them yourself.

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>Fuck off with your gatekeeping.
I don't even agree with the guy saying figmas should stay in /toy/, but you should fuck off back to /reddit/facebook/whatever shithole site you came from or just straight up kill yourself.

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You run around calling nendos action figures?

>Naturally no one will post "look at this action fig I got!"
Literally my point.

A new thread with a slapfight right off the bat. Wonderful.
With that being said, those subtle nipple bumps and garter are an instabuy for me.

Attached: FIGURE-046369_02.jpg (600x800, 70K)

Ok for real now, fuck off faggot.

That'd suck if they had tossed it. I'll shoot another email, just to check if they might have it.

Sorry that was unclear, I got that back in mid-January. I tried messaging Tenso earlier this month.

Post the extra large gun

Fun stuff, I'll always side with content posters over bikeshed faggots

Chitocerium are basically not-Megami Device. They use the same base engineering, that being Apsy's Machineca body.

>bikeshed faggots

The buyfag thread is for anime MERCHANDISE not just scale figures. So keychains, straps, artbooks, doujins, scale figures, action figures, non-scale figures, clothing even bluray / dvds are relevant. So long as it's anime or related MERCHANDISE.

>Parkinson's law of triviality is C. Northcote Parkinson's 1957 argument that members of an organization give disproportionate weight to trivial issues.

He's right, though.

Read the full chain before replying next time or just let it die, fag.

>The buyfag thread is for anime MERCHANDISE
So I can't post original characters?

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I'm sure they'll accept you to. Because statues aren't much better dipshit.

At this point, buyfag threads should be banned.

So why are you here?

>back in mid-January
Yeah, definitely probably tossed then.
Usually they'll message you within a few days after receiving a package they think might belong to you but aren't certain (I've had this happen at least twice). Be careful to not miss inputting your member ID.
Care to post what you (most likely) lost?

Look at this Nep.

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Cute but look at this maid!

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What chinese companies make good figures?


imagine legitimately being this fucking retarded lmao

I like Hobby Max

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Cute slut.

What an argument!

Please turn out good.

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Stop bringing this shit up you faggot, let it die.

What's with all these spergs shitting up the threads lately? It's always someone trying to force this place to change to suit there taste


this looks great! are there any more figs like this?


To my knowledge there's only 2(ish) companies that make scales of some Japanese IPs. Hobby Max like user mentioned is one. Then there's Emontoys/Actoys/Myethos which are all branches of the same company I believe. There's several other good Chinese companies but they only make Chinese IPs/OCs. There's a MFC club for chink figures not allowed on MFC's database.

Yes, see the MFC entries for the Chinese companies mentioned. Or use the parasol tag if that's what you liked.

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>non-scale fags trying to fit in

Attached: its official ver. 1.2.jpg (836x2000, 325K)

Your Nep is amazing.


Thats a cute nep. I want it

Is this the best fig for miku feet? Also is the box edition worth it?

Look what finally came in the mail buyfriends, I'm so happy

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>thing i like
>thing i no like

Functional Human Being Tier
Just buying whatever the fuck you want and enjoying yourself (so long as they aren't funko pop)

>pochako anything
Sorry, not everyone is a fat fag. I dunno why anyone would unironically follow a guide like this in the first place, though. Buy what you think looks good, and just avoid saying/asking/doing stupid shit.

So where the fuck do my FAGs go

In the trash.

Attached: smug.png (1221x676, 501K)

I don't care about anything here except for the placement of bootleg toys, which is the highest tier. Toys pirating. It's up there with gashapon figures. Expensive stuff is for consumerist morons who like professional cosplay and are have backlit clicking keyboards, sitring on gaming chairs which look like racing chair, but are in a room.

>how dare those people spend money on things they like
>let me fund the chinks by paying for their garbage knockoffs, that'll stick it to the man
You could just say you're poor, user.

Kill yourself, Pablo.

That's a very fappable feet.

Hey fuck you, not him but I spend plenty of money on real scale shit and toku merch as a Hispanic. I would literally die if I couldn't have my lolis to surround me

Kill yourself, Pedro.

You first, Billy.

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It must be really cold there, but the nipples certainly are done nicely.

After you, Detolf.

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do you actually hot glue your scales you faggot?

only traps and normalfags on /gif/ do. They have meetups now and than apparently

I'll admit I set myself up for that one

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If I jizz on my dakis, is it still hot glue?

No semen is fucking disgusting and if I could stop every male from ejaculating on climax I would.

that's worse

Huh? Why


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Why aren't cucko POPs listed on the bottom?

Daki fags, how do I hang my dakis?

theyre so atrocious that they arent even listed, as having one instantly makes you an instant pariah

Bun is finally here!

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That image used bootleg incorrectly, bootlegs are unauthorized releases, fan made items that are rare, usually of the highest quality, but they don't have license to sell them.
Counterfeit items on the other hand, are cheap chinese knockoffs that fall apart as soon as you get them in your hands.

There are some extremely nice custom bootleg figures out there that have small product runs.

>onaholes god tier
Thanks user.

More common than plushes, keychains, and artbooks.
Sorry for the delay in response, I was buyfagging a movie at the theater.

>how do I hang my dakis?

MFC classifies nendoroids, figmas, revoltek, and pouches as Action/Dolls.
This thread is the first in a while that I've even seen the term "action fugure" used.

>tfw my new daki will be here before my new core
I hope that shit gets here faster

>bootlegs are unauthorized releases, fan made items that are rare, usually of the highest quality, but they don't have license to sell them.
You're thinking of garage kits, which would be true except many people obtain the license to make and sell GKs these days.

>tfw toku fag

You should hang yourself for not cuddling every daki of your waifu and treating them like a wall scroll

>current project

Attached: shirts.jpg (1511x850, 273K)

cringey as fuck

Fucking retard.

where do I petition to have pochaco moved to god tier?

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I already made a concession of giving her the spot in "special tier". I will not move her up higher under any circumstances

Bootleg, counterfeit, and knockoff are all basically interchangeable when it comes to figures. What you're describing here are your personal usage preferences, which aren't actually part of the definitions of the words.

When can I pre-order it?

Attached: histygun.jpg (391x337, 52K)

Can the whole special tier be dedicated solely to her then?

We must stay strong

>Big Slut gets her own figure
>Blanc getting her own figure
>Vert still has literally zero figures

Attached: 5f0.jpg (791x978, 260K)

Any day now.

Attached: [imouto intensifies].gif (1280x720, 719K)


Buy the rabbits and maybe you'll get your green onee-san by 2025

I have dakis on rotation and want to hang the rest on the wall. I have a lot desu

ill think about it

Been out of the threads a few, forgive me if this was discussed.
Friend told me of a new Yuuki figure, and I was super excited. However, what on Earth is this? The face looks like allsmiles.jpg and ruins it. I'm not alone in this right?

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oh pretty please
id be your gf for a day!

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Who the fuck is APEX?

Attached: Houkai_Impact_3rd_APEX_x_MIHOYO_Theresa_Apocalypse_Rosy_Bridesmaid_Ver._1024x1024.jpg (550x800, 66K)

gf (male) or gf

this is the objective truth

Attached: tier list.jpg (628x504, 75K)

>Yea Forums template
holy shit kill yourself

female gf

So sad the only SSSS. Gridman figures we have heard of so far are nendos, figma, and 2 scales from a bad manufacturer. What did we do to deserve this???

Attached: donald_dick.jpg (700x473, 46K)

make a better one instead of crying about it then faggot

Attached: blue satania.jpg (667x623, 64K)

>Being this buttmad that someone she posting/sharing things you don't like, even is they're related to these threads
You're now on the list

Attached: Release the Salt.png (370x320, 42K)

I already did, and if you weren't a complete retarded newfag you'd know that nobody does templates here except for this meme one I made as a joke a few months ago
kill yourself

>defending shitty Yea Forums stop motion of shitty figs
you have and never will belong in these threads.
kill yourself

>Pochacofags are special need tier


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fuck off back there

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hello rebbit, go away

yeah i posted that sentiment last thread, i love everything but that smile, kind of a deal breaker

>I can't read and I'm still buttmad
Here is your exit user>>>/plebit/
And don't come back


tell me user, how does it feel to live with a stick up your ass all the time? did you get used to it with time or are you one of those kinky boys that like the feeling of pain it brings?


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I'll put my plug in now and than but you still need to fuck off back to you're so out of place its not even ironic anymore

this image really pisses me off

Attached: file.png (1176x502, 713K)

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-02-20 at 5.51.46 PM.png (1386x1432, 601K)

don't buy or sell from/to that chink.

Rip, didn't know they would just toss them. I'll probably only end up reordering Wisteria and the Little Maid.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-02-20 at 5.51.40 PM.png (1366x1416, 610K)

>local stores
You first mistake. Do not make it again, see

Nice! How much was it?

my bad. it was in the guide tho

fuck off, fat loving retard.

Why do you try so hard user? Where does this obsession with fitting in come from?

Pork in heli is included!

Attached: Dz5N-eUVYAAcQf6.jpg (1200x1200, 244K)

Damn son, you weren't joking:

Does anyone know what the difference between Toranoana's three shipping options is?

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He is right though you posted a Yea Forums template and get called out for it.

Thanks for confirming I'm not crazy user. If there was some way to swap the head off the "old" genco figure of her I have and put it on the new one, it would literally be the perfect figure. I wonder if the japs will get butthurt enough and they will change the face.

Has anyone ever haggled on YAJ!
My moonspeak is probably passable for something like this, but I'm curious if it's worth the effort or if most sellers are hard set in their pricings?

I need this but pochaco ver.

It's almost certainly not worth it.

>an user on Yea Forums calling another cringey

post em

Attached: collection2019.png (653x746, 713K)

Are there any artists or services that take commissions for one off figures if I provide references? I found a guy that can do 3dprints and HK-Gensen can make you a prototype, but I'm wondering if anyone knows anything else.


why don't you take a picture you faggot

no thanks i don't want to be doxxed

Got these yesterday. It was long ago since my last buyfag.

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why the fuck do people buy duplicates? I really don't understand the thought process, unless you're a scum of the earth scalper that is

I can understand Nendos/Poches to put in different poses and use different expressions, at least.

x2 KLK no less. Double the shit taste

I have a duplicate of my grail, might get a third one

won a KLK set in a local anime con.

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How is Sol International? Should I trust them with the Alisa?

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swallow a razor blade

already there

then don't use that fucking word on Yea Forums you retard
I gurantee this faggot has a reddit account

I actually don't, I tried to check it 6 years ago but the reply system felt so tedious compared to Yea Forums that I never bothered

The Kirbo book is real nice

>one of the bunny boys without the other
>2 of basically the same Akira figs
Terrible. Also which Harlock is that?

Medium box. What's in it?

Attached: 20190220_224835-1008x567.jpg (1008x567, 110K)

already posted it last thread

Attached: collection.jpg (736x506, 92K)

out of all the fucking characters to get a figure

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seething poorfags

7 tenga robots

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Hey, so I'm sure I missed WonFes this year. Did I miss anything important? What's everyone hyped about right now?

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I thought that was a hair follicle

This one came with an extra face so the only logical thing to do was to buy 2

Attached: sabersps.jpg (5184x3456, 2.84M)

I'm real fucking hyped for what you just posted user, other than that there's also pic related but I already knew about her

Attached: 806111.jpg (600x899, 70K)

shit, hes back guys. don't reply him

Cool, when you getting the other three quarters?

Alright I've mostly been ignoring you but please for the love of god you faggot stop posting your sabers. We all get it you've bought multiple of the same saber alter.
It's really bloody annoying now.

Imagine being this pleb.


Attached: 1550363480840.jpg (696x637, 104K)

Nice cable management faggot

Don't forget the ugly prize figure Saber he paid 3k for.

Attached: Fate-stay-night-Saber-Alter-ver.-Dress-Figure_c.jpg (1200x1200, 106K)

Thank you, my king.

Anybody experiencing issues with using Paypal in Suruga-ya? Can't pay for my shit since I keep getting the return to merchant page.

While I thought the prize figure was less than mediocre I didn't really give a shit that he bought it. If it makes him happy why the fuck should I care?

I'll make my second detolf prettier, I promise

Why are you so butt blasted over 3000¥? Also why post a render when you can post my picture?

Attached: fsnsaber.jpg (3456x5184, 1.98M)

She's pretty

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As if I care enough to search through archived threads when I can just google "alter saber prize figure" and there it is. Your photo makes it look far, far worse though.

>look I replied to many anons
I'm staying, cope with that fact mongrel

wtf I love GI Joe

Do you have any tips for taking better pictures?

Yamashita Shunya figs are so underrated for the most part. The sculpted eyes and lips are so good most of the time. Too bad the Eva Rei was shit.

Get better lighting, a better camera, and better figures.

Attached: DSC_0343B.jpg (5591x3800, 2.69M)

is the cmd9900 worth it?

This is something I can get behind

Attached: FIGURE-046433_05.jpg (534x800, 68K)

But you will have to cope for the rest of your life with that constant feeling that nobody will ever like or respect you. You will never be accepted here. Every time you post, we'll know it. You will never be a /buyfag/ and your collection will always be shit. You will always be a normalfag

>inb4 he says im assblasted or whatever Yea Forums shit he'll throw my way

The picture of my Kotobukiya sabers look fine though, right?

>projecting to cope

I think you meant Just looking out for you, user. We all make typos sometimes.

Hot damn whose booty is dat

>Redditor doesn't know how to reply in Yea Forums(nel)
You don't have to write the number yourself, just click on the post number and it will open a Quick Reply box
Also take "Yea Forums x" add on for a better experience

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Nice hoards US friedns

Hotglue ain't a cheap service, m8

Bishoujo Scarlet


Attached: figures.jpg (747x1001, 356K)

Yea Forums tier temple and youtube comments sections tier opinion.

But I'm not even from the US

Attached: Shocking_Lines_FAG.jpg (1080x717, 137K)

I want more like this.

Attached: Agon1550719293.jpg (750x650, 118K)

Unironically neck yoursel, you stupid absolute moron. You have no place here. MUH SCALES fuck off with that shit. You're entry-level enough to be clueless, smarmy and insufferable yet have read just enough threads to know what you think is most likely to get you accepted by the lowborn. You buy Beats headphones.

If you sell your waifu, she wasn't your waifu.

I'm not going to give him another (you)
fucking retard newfags

Keep on screaming into the void, alone and ignored, newfag.

Attached: KIno-no-Tabi-02-16.jpg (854x480, 66K)


US friends please go to bed already, getting mad late is not good for health!

>kino in now acceptable on Yea Forums
you need to go back

>Understood how to reply and to two posters at the same time
impressiv, glad to be of help user
also download Yea Forums x if not done already

>being this new
and that's how you oust yourself as being a redditor

Welcome to 2008.

Not even going to give this fucktard a (you)

>trying to fit in now that he knows how to reply properly
cute but don't get ahead of yourself

I think you meant

>Figuarts and Revoltech over figma
I can understand hating joint shit, but at least internally rate them against one another correctly.

>ironic newfaggotry

Pablo and his commie cronies at it yet again trying to undermine this thread. Times up Pablo, time is up

Stop shitposting pablo

I hope all of Europe gets bombed by Russia and China. I hope all your children are raped and killed along with their mothers.
Fuck Europe
Fuck Europeans

Calm thine teats and enjoy spectating on plastic butts.

Post your hoard friend

Good morning to you too!

this kind of speak isn't allowed in 4channel, the mods will hear about this

Please, I sincerely beg of you, stop trying to police these threads for months on end. You are a net loss, you have 0 power or influence, and never, ever use "we" again. We don't care about you or your shit opinions and you are a minority whose influence here is even smaller than in your real life. You have no say in anything and have no insight into anything. You have 0 board culture knowledge. You out yourself immediately, you are a pest, you don't have a place here and never could. Just kill yourself.

You will never matter. Ignored and reported and filtered. I know you are sexually unable to resist trying to save face and get in a last word but it's not getting read so don't bother. You're dying with no acknowledgement. No validation you crave so desperately.


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>unironically seething

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A man of culture, i see

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>But no Akane to go with
user, why.

>30 dollarydoos

The final product must look like shit

Attached: 1.jpg (800x1200, 106K) Changes for February 2019 Products.html
>Hikari delayed to March
>Jannu delayed to May
Life is suffering.


Nice Hassan fig

Actually pretty glad. My ami order for Feb was nearing 70k while I have literally nothing for March. Wish Jannu didn't get punted all the way to May though...

>order this stupid baka on mandarake for 5.5k because it's an old figure and out of stock everywhere
>back in stock on amiami new for 8.9k day after it shipped

Sure hope "unopened, box dirt" is literally nothing

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Oh my god thats incredible. I need it

don’t they always

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cant wait for dudebros

europe is sleeping, especially neet

Neet here, it's 7h30 why would we be sleeping? NEET sleep during the day

you need sun for your vitamin D user

>Delayed from February 2019 to May 2019
>Akari Kawamoto
Just after I found out Ice Wall bunny was delayed to March. My February order can be paid in pennies now, Jesus Christ.

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Thanks mom

no problem, take care

which figures have the cutest feet

Figures of (You)

I'm a fan of this one

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>implying normalfrags
I can confirm this Chiya has cute feets

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Didn't G.I Joe have an anime years ago?

why did they cancel

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nips have shit taste

Because vampire Gabu is superior.

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For those of you who buy doujin, how many do you own?

If it's listed that way on mandarake, it's literally nothing.

Please don't slander Sophie-chan's name by calling her Gabu

Cute camper

Attached: yuru camp.png (2560x1440, 2.81M)

But I want her now...

Attached: akari.jpg (550x800, 137K)


Attached: best kisshot.jpg (600x600, 85K)

Anyone getting this?

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so they can drop it again?

Who else here /devilish/?

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I'm hoping that won't be the case this time. 4 volumes have been confirmed so I'm hopeful.

so what you gonna do

The moralfag in me says I should return it.
But the buyfag in me says I got two figs for free based on their fuckup so why say anything.

I've got your order number, I'm going to tell on you!

they can prolly track the shipment and see you got it, did you sign anything for it?
id prolly keep em too tho

Nope, I didn’t sign or anything like that.

yeah if he signed anything then i doubt he can lie his way out but if his delivery is like mine where they sometimes toss it over my fence then i dont know

you "should" be ok, no way for them to prove you got them

How stupid are they to even let you cancel shit? They make you pay when you order. They shouldn't care once they have your money.

better than cgi shit

Attached: heh jashin-chan anime.png (1245x1080, 317K)

For those of you with shelves, or open display cases, how often do you dust and do you use anything in particular?

fucking jews. most companies wouldn't give a shit and would let you keep it instead of expecting you to inconvenience yourself for their retardation
>shipping coupon

You can use a set-up involving magnets where you attach one set of magnets to your walls and have another set of mangets that you place in each of the corners of your cover. This allows you to hang any cover without having anything pierce the fabric.

Airdust daily
dust wand once a week

what do you mean airdust

I have glass display cases (detolfs mostly). I dust once a year.

I mean use air to dust. You get a can of canned air, and you blow all the dust off gently.

Aka "hotglue"

What the fuck is this "hotglue" thing all the time? Do you guys break your figures this often?

i guess mine is too pressurized then

This is cool and all, but unless you plan on doing this yourself they will sit on your shelf and look bad.

She's broken alright

If they leave it at the door/toss it on the lawn, he can just say the niggers/spics lifted the box.

the only time i have to sign is when i have to pay custom, really make me want to say i didnt get my shit the rest of the time

This looks pretty good. I'm not sure I want another Miku though. Anyone preordered her and cares to post some pics on arrival?


Because they literally went bankrupt.

Late, but looking at the pics I'm not too sure of the 18k price. Though doing a combo with ciel makes me want to get her since I'll be getting ciel regardless

Attached: combo.jpg (800x533, 104K)

>18k for a 1/7
That's a bargain!

Attached: Agon1550557323r1550642173.jpg (800x627, 109K)

What's with the hate for wall scrolls? Official ones are nice.

They're in god tier, what more do you want?

Items from Japan

Attached: items.jpg (1920x893, 594K)


Hello? Bolis?

Thanks user

You have good taste.

18 k each ?

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Nice haul, I am envious.

Yeah, Alisa is 18k on amiami. Ciel is not up yet, but will probably be the same price range

About the same price as another recent duo. Not too sure of the quality of Sol International compared to GSC though

Attached: 1642213214.jpg (800x550, 171K)

I love Velvet but fuck

Huh? Did the market explode or something? This doesn't seem right.

I saw less complain for the jeanne scale at 27k

Extremely cute and very funny. Natsuha a best!

Look at this pedo.

reminds me of a channel I used to follow back in 2004-2005 something named pla... >cotton smoke
Oh well oh well, that one is actually made by Plamoo.

Based and lolipilled

It's been a trend for a while now. We're just hitting new peaks.

Ever hear the phrase "the straw that broke the camel's back?" Sometimes things build to a point where a seemingly small infraction causes the most outrage. Also that figure is 1/7, has more going on than Velvet (huge flag sculpt), and is Fate franchise so more fanboys. Not a perfect 1:1 comparison.

Attached: BadWolfVindici1550651452.jpg (800x533, 127K)

I just preorderd from amiami since I'm looking for a better Guts! Akame figure since Koto is kinda meh it's decent but I'm looking for better figure from her. I'm finally happy that Alter made best oneesan and oh by the way Proper anime adaption when UFOtable? not that fujoshit.

Attached: Guts Akame.jpg (2448x3264, 1.16M)

Magilou scale when
That I'd get for 19k as long as it doesn't look terrible

>looks at more preview pictures
Holy crap what's that around her hip? I'm not seeing things am I?

Attached: holy.jpg (558x834, 119K)

You'd think for professional photos they'd make sure all the parts are pushed together at least.

What am I supposed to see?

Damn, that completely spoils a nice looking figure

Cute lolis. At least that's what I'm seeing.

Attached: 1e108ec64db219409e20148356fc1661847bdf92616946f6a8da33a6459596ae.jpg (1500x2108, 678K)

Is this what I think it is? Really?

Anyone have any experience buying merch like this?
I kinda want this because I loved Gridman and Akane. But something tells me this won't exactly preform like a top of the line phone.

Attached: Dz7Vb9kVsAAei0p.jpg (1536x2048, 692K)

what ?

Its not a phone you absolute retard

>he doesn't know

This is just a protective glass cover, dude

Oh, I see. I didn't realize they made cases like that. For some reason I just assumed it was a phone without really looking at it.

Are you stupid, fren?

That assumption is right. Pretty sure most decorative protective cases don't perform like phones either, seeing as how they're cases and not phones.

A pedo, just like I said.

Trying too hard, buddy ;)

Fuck, I almost bought it too.

ok, this is epic

That's a whole lot of good ta-
Normalfag begone.

Fucking normalfags and their couches full of loli porn. Will they ever learn?

I know, right? Every time I'm out in public, it's always the loli porn they're chatting about. Makes me sick.

No, you're the one who should fuck off. The only things that should never be accepted here are funkoshit, western and bootlegs.

Why are you trying to police a thread on Yea Forums?

It's clearly a joke, user. There's a whole couch full of loli, and I'm singling out the tiny bit that isn't as if that's the most important part, and using a term that nowhere near applies to someone with a couch full of loli.

Most companies also dont expect you to pay for your shit 2 years in advance.


Has fromjapan amazon proxying been broken for long? I can't buy shit.

Is sexy cat here yet?

Attached: 1538686953537.jpg (850x571, 90K)

Why do you have a curved couch?

Attached: 1393207691983.jpg (426x544, 57K)

I'll have to ask the hotel.

Sexy? More like fatty!

user delete your post this is embarrassing me

Takes one to know one.

no you

How about you queers go kiss somewhere else

>great artwork choices
If only they weren't nendos. Patrician taste all around though.

That’s Kadokawa for you.

What's wrong with nendoroids now?

Attached: 1474384046031.png (591x716, 322K)

Nothing, just memeing. Unless less than 80% of your collection is scales.

Which is better etween nippon yasan and big in japan? These two places are the only ones that have a figure I want to pre order but have never used either before.

Both have advantages and disadvantages. BiJ generally has better customer service and packaging, where NY allows you to pay later more often, especially for limited items.

I see, thanks. I'll go with BiJ since I don't mind paying now.

im just fucking sick of them, some characters are stuck with only getting nendo and nothing else

Attached: 5c1b235cb4447_2018-12-20-55682.jpg (515x593, 139K)

If they didn't get a nendoroid they probably would have nothing user. I think you're looking at it wrong. Would you rather have something or nothing?

Too popular we have to hate them now.

spotted the redditor

I was really thinking of buying this one, until I saw the feet. I just really don't like leg coverings with visible feet/toes.

Eh, not so much of a deal breaker for me, but I admit it does seem weird. Hopefully it looks better on release.

Thats literally the best part about that outfit though.

Attached: 1520373515158.webm (1280x720, 779K)

Pure Kino

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Childish. Just buy PoPs, same category, but those are cheaper.

epic bait

The Irish nightmare.

Attached: 278364823.jpg (1800x1200, 161K)

That's a lot of ass

I can't show mine. Blue board and bweebs. Too many sticky note censorship.

Whose ass?

Why does this have such a low resolution?

My meh collection. I need to get a proper display case to add more.

Attached: Screenshot_20190221-092135_Firefox.jpg (1063x453, 271K)

Camera whore.

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The face and fishnets look awful. Swing low, sweet ass.

I know it's been like almost 2 years since the change but why the fuck do we have to deal with such tiny boxes now? Does it really save them that much money? I'm also not really a fan of all the extra joints they're adding on the newer ones, sure I guess it's more posable but it's so fucking ugly that it's the exact reason why I don't care for Figma shit

She looks great. Can't wait to get mine. What's the box look like?

puffy vulva

Dunno, I just stole this image from MFC.

who's going to be looking at your shelf besides you?


Where is this from?

This is well crafted b8.

Attached: 05e44f4ed55a3ae2f89b5636c1a4d8f7011fe235c82b14183d7f670dd2aa286e.png (625x626, 134K)

Delayed. Guess my preorder will be sitting for a while for that delicious booty.

Attached: nanami_aoi.jpg (575x990, 117K)

those leg seams looks dumb

> Idling on ebay
> Someone posts my grail that I've been looking for nearly a decade
> Only 2 flatshots
> Bidding only
> Seller has less than 50 stars and even less items sold.
I want it but bootleg paranoia has gotten to me (I've already bought 3 bootlegs of the same figure thinking they were legit, got money back on 2)

>a decade old figure
it cant look better than a bootleg anyway

Shiny gold bikinis are my weakness.

Attached: 355445c58fa6b532b9344c0af8bcdaaec314dc156490e3f5ec56f8c0bf6488e7.png (573x800, 594K)

yea but I still want it.

Based user. Do you have the artbook as well?

I was thinking of getting Princess Stella on Yahoo! Auctions (10,000 yen), but I'm afraid of it being a knockoff. What's the probability I end up with a chink knockoff?

Attached: 1405713457346.jpg (1280x960, 296K)

He still makes them, I get his new videos onTwitter and youtube.

Look for her on Manda I know I've seen a few and you won't need a proxy. Otherwise check the seller's reputation. It's probably safe though.

The speed seems slow compared to the original.

Cool, thanks, user.


Thanks, I googled it in the meantime, as I should've done in the first place
How is Tokyopop (translation, font, editing, paper, etc.)? I usually don't buy english-translated mangos, but I might import it, since it'll never be translated in my own language. Aria was dropped halfway here (same as you guys, if I remember right).

Attached: 1422994883996.jpg (1717x2638, 1.15M)

Why is she wearing heels in the pool?

While I haven't bought anything from them, I heard nothing but bad things.

God fucking dammit. I swear Aria is cursed or something.

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Now that's an ass I can get behind; too bad Toobie didn't get this type of ass.

Such a good series doesn't deserve this. I browsed through the volumes in Japan and they're so beautiful, so I ordered the first English volume anyways. I'll post some pictures when I get it.

i got mail today

Attached: 20190221_110120.jpg (2048x1536, 707K)

Is that a Zero Two daki?

this is the best birthday present ive ever bought

Attached: 20190221_110857.jpg (1536x2048, 607K)

i hope everyone here has a wonderful day

Attached: 20190221_111620.jpg (1536x2048, 547K)

Shit waifu but enjoy it

The worst. I don't care how many new revisions they've made since 2002, they already had their chance for a first good impression when they took my money. Even Kodansha's bilingual release was better, which sadly stopped publishing midway probably due to Tokyopop's holding the English publishing rights at the time.

Attached: Capture.jpg (608x909, 108K)

I'm actually jelly as fuck.

oh man...

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Someone post the daki success story. It inspires me every time.

Where from? (website/store)

Do you recognize the skirt and legs?

Attached: IMG_2321.jpg (2592x1936, 1.21M)

>Japan managed to implement antigravity tech in their PVC toys

I know who it is, not where it's from

Just as planned

It's a Future Tone PV.

I feel like it'd be a bitch to retrieve one after you take it outside for cute photos and it flies away.

based as always

Based tastes.

Nice, my brother couldn't tell it was a figure.

Didn't like your daki but happy birthday fag.

She's dick fishing and she knows what makes the best bait.

Does it have the original box?

Paper was newspaper rag. Shit was shitty.

How is CDJapan for figures?

Best girl rolling through

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Spray on shoes!

Attached: M9wWuR.gif (320x136, 1.28M)

I only use them for hard-to-find artbooks

meant for

most probably it isn't even him, it's just some fag who is reposting those photos to annoy retards like you.

I've picked up some used figures here that were in perfect condition and way cheaper than their used Japanese alternative.

I would not pre-order anything with them though---i wouldn't pre order with any US company. US based figure sites die off all the time and the customers are always screwed over.

Attached: DzS40QKU0AAg2fc.jpg (554x1199, 115K)

Have it preordered but it just got changed to March for me.

Only place left I can find 2B at a reasonable price.

Never finished the show because it seemed like trash but damn did I like her design.

Brainlet alert

I finished it and can confidently say it IS trash but I'm in the same boat as you, her design is a 10/10 and an instant PO from me

let me guess, you're a sharkfag

Bishoujo shitty figures are 11k now, they used to cost 7 tops not too long ago, what's next? Alter figures for 30k?

Attached: bishoujo.jpg (534x800, 39K)

>her design is a 10/10 and an instant PO from me
It's so good. I'm jealous.

What the hell is up with all this meta thread bullshit? Post figures faggot.

This slut has to have a figure on the way. But I'm worrying because fate figs have slowed down.

Attached: nc2ipY.png (800x1200, 1.14M)

posting fgo/type moon trash is still shitposting

Excuse me, please limit your Nero posting. My body cannot handle too much of her brilliance.

Attached: image.jpg (776x960, 59K)

Wrong pic, sorry.


Or Murrican.

I just preordered a figure from them a couple months ago, so I'll be seeing for myself how they are in a few. Hopefully not too horrible.

Attached: NEOGDS-302793.jpg (500x656, 427K)

Hopefully it wont get delayed when I'm in japan

Holy shit, that GSC metal Demonbane is fucking tiny. Over 16k moondollars for 18cm.I guess I'll stay with my Volks and go back to waiting for a Chogokin instead.

Or spic living in the states

I have no idea why these companies were unable to prepare proper inventory AFTER Xenoblade 2 was a run away success.

"How many Artbooks should we print sir?
"I dunno couple thousand"

"Sir the Mythra figure sales have sky rocketed past our pre-order estimates!"
"Great don't build anymore"

Attached: HunterX1550630336.png (2100x1400, 2.12M)

finish the wall

>Talking about Buying figures in a buyfag thread is shit posting.

Your insane meta thread ranting is the only thing off topic in these threads. I don't even play FGO. But I'll buy all the fate slut figures.

Attached: 022065d12e47cf4a628baa60147c38a3.jpg (2384x2097, 2.48M)

lighting's kinda fucked in that picture, she's supposed to be red not pink

>posting all the characters that make me diamonds

>those panties pulled to the side

My dick is literally diamonds. I need it right fucking now.

Attached: 676052.jpg (575x797, 85K)

Perfect for hotglue

Why is the a lemon peel there?

Enhanced flavoring

Don't buy old wersion. There are plan to english translate masterpiece edition.

That's literally what we were talking about

Attached: 24235346.png (2485x1440, 2.06M)

Yeah, well, that's how it works. Preorder window was quite long, even, it's not their fault if dumb westerners woke up too late. Also, Homura wasn't delayed. She was even the exception, being like the only one releasing on her planned December date, at a time when GSC was pushing back everything. Nintendo Ninjas couldn't pull it off again for Hikari though.

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Attached: Screenshot_20190221-170704_Twitter.jpg (1079x1059, 459K)

Those are some great pictures.

user, you're doing things to me...

In that case I prefer nothing. I like when they get figmas because then they actually look like the character. All nendoroids look the same.

Attached: Agon1534499371.jpg (515x720, 101K)

Where can one purchase this particular daki? Asking for me

Makes it sound like I have to do something on my end to pay for shipping, but I assume they'll just take it from my card like the product, right?

Attached: Screenshot_20190221-160604_Gmail-810x512.jpg (810x512, 60K)

Oh god that Muramasa looks fine as hell , how did i miss that ?

i don't usually buy the same character multiple times but i might do an exception for that one .

she looks fantastic

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Catwoman’s was 9K on Amiami. A bit higher than I would have liked, but I can’t resist that PVC.

>a fellow PVC fan
Good taste user. I wish it were more common.

Attached: 787997.jpg (600x900, 105K)

Some characters just don't look good in nendo form. And this is one of them.

yup that Bunny Hajime is melting my heart as well .

I still need to pre-order her though and this year is packed with so many great figures already ...

later hopefully !

Hifumifag here, wished you the best of luck getting a better figure soon.

I need to watch them then.
I still have some old ones saved before his old account went down or whatever he did with it.

Attached: Plamoo stuff.png (1699x1147, 858K)

But it looks awful user...
Dont disrespect your waifu like that

My playmat is here

Attached: Screenshot.2019-02-21.190321.jpg (2048x1536, 465K)

Gonna top a YCS with that?

How big is this? Can you picture it with something else for comparison?