AiFure, Prichan, Cocotama, Shining Star, etc

Why did they have to go the >boys angle when having the current Diamond Friends duo in your ad would have made infinitely more sense?

Attached: 1546785975299.png (1280x960, 458K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Mio wants to keep Aine all to herself.


I liked it, an Aine and Mio valentine episode would probably just be more of the same (even if their episodes are still great), and this episode with the >boys was actually pretty fun and handled well.

Attached: [email protected] (1473x1539, 207K)

Agreed, Kagami had a tiny little arc going on from a previous episode which this one tied up and Kazune and Maito were also used in ways consistent with what we saw previously. Aine/Mio is almost every other episode including the previous two and the next one.

God damn these dorks are cute.

Attached: [샤이닝스타 본편]6화 - 가위바위보☆누가 리더할래 - Episode 6 – Rock, Paper, Sc (1280x738, 320K)

Remember to watch her show.

Attached: shining_star_03.mp4_snapshot_06.33_[2017.11.14_02.04.04].jpg (1280x720, 127K)

I half-expected Nara and Yena to start chanting ai-katsu! ai-katsu! in this scene.

What happened to the discord server?
I didn't get kicked did I?

These shows are remarkably similar!
If only there was some kind of guide for them....

Attached: 1441333236723.jpg (790x653, 98K)

Ask someone you knew from there.

Why are we considered /pc/'s imouto?

I didn't add anyone from there.

Precure is the bigger and incredibly long running little girls show and threads.

Our resident loli-hating gyaru reported the lolicon to Discord mods and it got deleted.

Historically happened.
There's a big overlap in toy commercial communities overall.

Attached: 1447656310891.jpg (1024x576, 53K)

The steam group is extremely dead, how is the IRC? I'm not using discord.

Also ded but useful if one needs to contact Akatsukin for something actually important.



@ ___ @

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Kiratto Pri-chan - 45 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_21.39_[2019.02.17_01.14.34].jp (1280x720, 79K)

I think I saw Kash on Yea Forums server, invite to which was posted in those threads. Also you can try your luck on SMC-Subs server maybe.

My favorite thing is how many people didn't believe Ann and were convinced she was just bluffing.

I'm gonna make a new 100% pure /ai/ Discord.

Attached: DEqTFGgVoAELLil.jpg orig.jpg (856x720, 69K)

White knights and thirsty betas are truly pathetic.

Attached: 1458292478835.png (533x1000, 280K)

It wasn't even that, it was people actively posting against her. I don't get why people even let her stay in the discord for that long.

Joke's on you I'll hang out in both.

Crossover movie when?

Attached: 1070303550822002688_@Uni_Y_inU - 1.jpg (2508x3541, 1.51M)

Ran is the most beautiful

Attached: 3fa4de876358961e63c6d159136be722.jpg (1080x1510, 266K)

Not really, most were rooting for Akatsukin's being banned because it would be hilarious. And it was.
Fuck off.

pedos foreva mad!

Attached: DywGGk0VsAIah-2.jpg (896x1200, 121K)

Akari requested this.

Attached: 1499943314458.png (960x960, 697K)

Hopefully soon. Aikatsu hasn't had a movie in a while.

Attached: アイカツ!シリーズ バトンタッチPV.mp4_snapshot_00.20_[2018.07.15_22.25.19].jpg (1280x720, 172K)

Has there been any new info on S2 yet?

Attached: [email protected] (1778x1400, 409K)

>I don't get why people even let her stay in the discord for that long.
Again, white knights, thirsty betas and general cucks.

I wanna have gay crossplaying sex with me dressed as Akari and another /ai/non dressed as Sumire.

Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu! ‒ 114 [1B98D2D0].mkv_snapshot_14.13_[2017.09.30_17.59.20].jpg (1280x720, 133K)

I want to die

Attached: 1522450105717.jpg (1280x720, 87K)

>Hye In is no longer the only popular korean idle

There'll be a stream on March 7th IIRC.

Holy shit Melody's performance was good.

Attached: Shining Star 03.mp4_ 0005.jpg (1280x738, 178K)

Not as good as the edel rose girls

Attached: 1432452851740.png (1024x841, 784K)

Will Aikatsu ever get its own Korean idles?

Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu! - 22v3 [720p][4CA16366].mkv_snapshot_21.33_[2017.05.06_16.54.01].jpg (1280x720, 131K)

Ask Wakana

Attached: 1456935284654.jpg (3148x3672, 1.81M)

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 1.92M)


Attached: 61E03B21-F79A-440A-8ECA-CDCB8A79BB69.jpg (1370x2047, 344K)

The body is a blade.

Attached: 1514849293862.jpg (1280x720, 136K)


I want Ichigo to behead me

It would be very swift

Attached: 43899438_p2.jpg (600x390, 23K)

An antagonist that steals the talents of the losers when?

I want her to make it slow.

c-can you feel..?

I want Ichigo to give me head

I want to run up to her from behind and yank her ribbon as hard as I can

almost like bad things happen when people dont trust girls when they speak the truth!!!

Attached: 63708AFC-7113-43DC-B195-81B8F20C2D90.jpg (1324x1029, 296K)

It would be extremely painful.

>Bell is a wolf

That could explain her "spiky" haircut.

For Yuu

Everything in Yuu's life is painful.

/ai/ ever mention this but there has been increase in Friends gyaru fanart.

Attached: 1097116194291601408 f_tomator.png (595x842, 328K)

Probably because Mirai has pop type stage outfits but gyaru casual attire

Attached: 1020684026741342208_@HijonoP - 1.jpg (2048x1364, 250K)

>gyaru art picks up the same time Ann starts posting more

i’d consider mirai a gyaru anyway, but it’s just because one popular artist started it and others picked up

Attached: 09486B84-2FFC-4447-AAB7-750F88D92626.jpg (1280x1717, 343K)

Can Tsubomi be an idol too?

Attached: 1430534689734.jpg (600x800, 43K)

I heard she loves boys.

Reminder to report ban evaders and spammers who deliberately derail our threads.

Who doesn't?

Don't call my wife a gyaru.

Karen told me that Mirai is very skilled with her tongue.

Mirai is for ________

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Aikatsu Friends! - 41 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_04.44_[2019.01.26_17.33.47].jp (1280x720, 125K)

Does Mirai love boxes as much as Mirai?

Attached: 1550577163891.jpg (1920x1080, 204K)

she literally dresses in gyaru fashion and has the attitude of one, just like mikuru, nono, and risa
there’s nothing wrong with the fashion

Attached: B2683436-D836-459E-80FA-C26D088FB301.jpg (1700x1250, 303K)

Which idle is the best kisser?

Peaceful conversation like this is nice.

I like boxes

Karen, pls.

Attached: cutter in ai.jpg (1126x1600, 935K)

Who has canonically kissed before?

Yes, does Mirai love fencing as much as Mirai?

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Aikatsu Friends! - 31 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_09.08_[2018.11.10_20.18.41].jp (1280x720, 85K)

FACT: Mirai's song is currently the most popular AiFure song.

Me bottom left

Do gyaru know how to do taxes?

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Aikatsu Friends! - 13 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_12.08_[2018.06.30_23.11.07].jp (1280x720, 189K)

Isn't Mirai rich?

taxes are for absolute losers and a smart gyaru always has someone to help her
tax return shit hurt my head mega and i only has a job for like 2 months

Attached: F7784282-8696-4E31-B801-926A75645FF6.jpg (990x1500, 222K)

Me inside you.

Because the people who cared about the Discord and were buttblasted when it was deleted don't browse the threads.

I didn't know prostitutes had to pay income tax.

Attached: ED399645-AE63-43CB-8431-82C238675B19.jpg (1325x2048, 305K)

Attached: 1435182103797.png (600x664, 300K)

God bless you Nico poster

Attached: 1026476144965513216_@iek__ihcie - 2.jpg (626x718, 71K)

Fuck this, I'm going back to /pc/.

Save us nicoposter.

Attached: She tries to see your dick.png (1280x720, 937K)


Who even are you talking about?


Attached: megathonk.png (300x300, 47K)

Onee-sama will save all of us!

Attached: [FFF] Love Live! S2 - 04 [64982C91].mkv_snapshot_10.17_[2016.05.21_23.33.33].jpg (1280x720, 108K)

I want to fuck a cat.

Attached: 1497563242122.png (598x409, 401K)

gross, kill yourself

tfw trying to teach Lala how to itemize her receipts to maximize her business expense returns so it hedges her liabilities on her capital gains and ensures her write offs get capitalization.

Attached: [snowfag] PriPara - 010 [BD][720p].mkv_snapshot_08.54_[2017.12.25_00.34.50].jpg (1280x720, 171K)

me too dude

Attached: 50014561_p11.jpg (484x640, 222K)

I like country idols.

Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu! ‒ 157 [FF9458F0].mkv_snapshot_19.44_[2017.10.31_18.50.53].jpg (1280x720, 187K)

Mashed or baked?

Potato with chicken

Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu! ‒ 174 [AD5BA802].mkv_snapshot_06.53_[2017.11.07_18.59.32].jpg (1280x720, 134K)


Attached: 1550623181722.jpg (400x524, 32K)

I thought Hera and her team would be like this show's edel roses but they're more like team rocket.

Attached: untitled.jpg (1280x720, 183K)

Why is an abusive streak in an overall loving lesbian relationship so good?

it's not, you're just disgusting

I miss Elza

Attached: 15020535340611.png (1279x720, 639K)

Where are people watching Shining Star with english subs?

>huge bitch that's very talented
>shits on Rola by saying the truth
>has loyal followers that love her even though she treats them like trash
>mom is never home
strangely realistic

I miss the fucking loser known as Hot Wheels.

Hi user, this is what we call a "low quality" or "bad" post. Try not to make them in future.

Attached: 1523583721813.jpg (640x360, 48K)

Remember, Yume belongs to Elza.

Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu Stars! - 079 [DBF9E725].mkv_snapshot_07.45_[2017.11.11_01.07.19].jpg (1280x720, 109K)


Sakuraba "Fastest Gun in the West" Rola!

Attached: ss+(2014-11-23+at+10.54.54).jpg (166x164, 10K)


Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu Stars! - 016 [4664A94A].mkv_snapshot_02.44_[2017.05.31_15.52.57].jpg (1280x720, 135K)

Your event has been cancelled and we don't want to sign you on for any more.

We've decided to give your role in the upcoming drama to Elza Forte instead.

>that one time Roly poly died

Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu Stars! - 016 [4664A94A].mkv_snapshot_12.59_[2017.05.02_19.48.18].jpg (1280x720, 65K)

>Please, look at this Moray eel!
>Don't you think very nice?

Attached: DziKC7kUcAICT-B.jpg (1199x611, 282K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hina Logi - From Luck & Logic - 09 [720p].mkv_snapshot_08.18_[2017.08.26_14.24.47 (1280x720, 101K)

Strawberries are refreshing in the summer

Attached: 1019243892967784448_@ayrn_u.jpg (1000x1000, 142K)

I'm literally Rola.

Remember non-idol Yume?

Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu Stars! - 001v2 [005CA6C8].mkv_snapshot_00.50_[2017.05.18_23.41.09].jpg (1280x720, 107K)

Aistars was garbage.

Goodnight all.


Akatsukin and Ann aren't real persons. They're paid actors. We're a gateway, the entrance of an ARG about insane lonely people living on the border of reality. A puzzle is hidden among us, a puzzle that is hiding the key to move forward to the next stage. I bet the clues are in the mermaid Prichan story.

puzzle, puzzle, puzzle
we're all in one big house~
let's go through doors, let's see what's new~
open me, open y ou~
enter my heart and leave me stained~
an idol life, an idle life, never leave, come and leave, for me, for you~
here we go!

Attached: tumblr_p8pffvWkr81qgs93co1_r1_1280_meitu_1_meitu_1.jpg (1280x775, 999K)

Think Puella Magi will survive longer than us?

Attached: IMG_7837.jpg (3264x2448, 2.17M)


Attached: Dz0t0HrXcAAD4Ws.jpg (1123x1200, 363K)

Aikatsu will never die.

What's the best pairing?

Attached: DzmaDqNUwAEvre3@F_C_O_H12.jpg (2048x1384, 389K)

Next episode: Aikatsu dies in magma!

MioxPenne is the only one of those that can be accepted.

Ema and some chad with a big dick and no intelligence or emotional sensitivity.
Maika and her hand. Also tears and dark thoughts.

Attached: Emo rifle.jpg (640x360, 195K)


Attached: 1514810231584.jpg (149x296, 18K)

Attached: videoplayback.mp4_snapshot_17.02_[2019.02.13_23.08.39].jpg (1280x720, 138K)

why aren't you a kyoot gyaru?

Attached: Dz0uGOeUYAAVgLo.jpg (807x1200, 163K)

Nara is a good girl.

Dreams aren't meant to be dreamed

Dreams is meant to be bound and gagged and left in a toilet with "for public use" written in marker on her stomach along with an arrow pointing downward.

Attached: file.png (911x1200, 911K)

Maika x Me

go to bed Ema, aidorus should be zzzz by 10pm at most

Have people finally warmed up to Ema and Maika?

People don't hate them, we just hate that their episodes are mostly arse. This is unfortunately still true.

>"Check out that ainon's dick."
>"Wow, it's so small!"

Attached: d34a2f37.jpg (1280x720, 132K)

Attached: yanderinka_3.jpg (640x360, 162K)

Smol dicks are cute

Attached: 1533163383494.jpg (1448x2048, 372K)

Attached: 1cf13dfb.jpg (1280x720, 94K)

Attached: d47fcc25.jpg (1280x720, 87K)

>blue angel
>blue girl
>Blue Maiden
Next time Aoi get an upgrade, she will be Mizuki.

Attached: Vrains_090_Preview.png (800x445, 129K)

I always loved Maika


Attached: 1460655128107.jpg (1280x720, 98K)

I loved Ema since the beginning, Maika took some time but I really love them both now.

Attached: DtpHaWwVsAABbM2@nomu_ra_nomu.jpg (1000x1261, 286K)

Maika is winner unlike you rolers

Attached: 1549155846892.jpg (1280x720, 191K)


But Ema seems excited about it


Ema is nice to all >boys.

Attached: Screenshot-00394.jpg (1280x720, 201K)

She is smirking because she is amused by how small it is.

I saw this friggin sentence since grade school. What does it mean?

Attached: @MotsuniP 1095670824240013313.jpg (1200x837, 184K)

its exciting to talk shit about boys, like super exciting

Attached: 59823432_p0.png (1000x837, 480K)

to me, it means that love is not at face value, spending all your time just consumed in each other, but living your life, moving forward with each other

>ten trillion cocks

Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu Friends! - 001 [6CCA74FA].mkv_snapshot_14.18_[2018.04.09_02.09.42].jpg (1280x720, 88K)

vodka and cough syrup isn't fun fun fun...

Attached: 56997162_p0.jpg (580x800, 362K)

>official animator art
Ah, I see how it is.

Attached: takaospr DreNe_7V4AAkEU-.jpg (965x1200, 150K)

>aine gave back the phone strap


But seriously, I like that they didn't just ignore them and they're still drawn on their bags in current episodes.

is she seriously eating popcorn with chopsticks

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Kiratto Pri-chan - 36 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_08.46_[2019.02.20_02.02.19].jp (1280x720, 90K)

We haven't seen the pedants or their bags in a couple of episodes though.

I hope they'll be in the third OP just like they are in the second OP.
Also in the first episode of s2 would be nice.

Not sure if I remember this correctly I reckon Ichigogen run on morning while Akarigen do it in afternoon. I wonder if running time also take consideration of how many hours after eating. If you run at dawn you are burning the leftover energy from dinner before breakfastt. If you run at afternoon, you are burning what you don't use after lunch (which is usually when you at the most active). Any thought on this?

Attached: Their head proportion looks like Cocotama contractors.jpg (1280x720, 149K)

Its weird I haven't filter this

I think last time was two episodes ago.

Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu Friends! - 042 [3667D534].mkv_snapshot_10.57.709.jpg (1280x720, 358K)


I love that they keep them on their bags.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Aikatsu Friends! - 42 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_12.34_[2019.01.31_13.01.29].jp (1280x720, 156K)

Just filter everything that doesn't include "so gay XD" already.

Filters are like your sex crimes. They're bad and you should be ashamed of them if you engage in them, but especially don't bring them up in conversation with people.

I love this scene so much

Based Mio, it takes a lot of courage to bare all your feelings like that. She was willing to admit she would've been lost had she not met Aine which is surprising considering how closed-off she used to be otherwise.

Was all a facade to get the pity of everybody for easy votes, and it worked. What a manipulative bitch.

Now I want an edit of the traitor Captain America pic where Mio tells Aine "Friends are a burden."

>watch PR, user

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_02.27_[2019.02.20_03.37.28].jpg (1280x720, 129K)

Attached: DzoLfSrWwAMSXLb_meitu_1.jpg (1200x675, 836K)

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Aikatsu Friends! - 41 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_12.58_[2019.01.24_15.51.25].jp (1280x720, 84K)

Bad analogy. Although I don't expect much from someone who wants too trigger other.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hinomaru Sumo - 17 [720p].mkv_snapshot_01.02_[2019.02.09_03.49.25].jpg (1280x720, 121K)

I still do not understand these

Who’s sex crimes?

Attached: 1544825202519.jpg (768x1024, 122K)

He sounds like a bad user.

Bad sex user?

It’s what the inside of Ann’s head looks like

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 90 [720p].mkv_snapshot_17.19_[2019.02.20_06.40.36].jpg (1280x720, 103K)

How horrifying.

blue smirker.

No, just a bad user in general.

I genuinely feel bad for her. She’s clearly really messed up

There's no such thing as a 'bad user'

Yes there is. Can't have good users without bad users. Just like idols.

Fuck off already


I laugh

Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu Stars! - 033 [69D01A21].mkv_snapshot_03.29_[2019.02.20_22.46.13].jpg (1280x720, 89K)

Someone post the edit.

>Aifure episode 46:
>"The Princesses That Came from the Moon"
>Reflect Moon are idols that came from the moon, but this isn't the idea the world has of them. Kaguya wants them to regain their image, so she tells their fans she wants to take them to the moon!

>Hirake Cocotama episode 26:
>"Nurchu Becomes a Mom"
>Even though Nurchu loves Tsuu, Mii and Kii, it bothers her that she's unable to have them bond with her. But just then, two baby Cocotama (?) calling themselves "Daa" and "Syy" show up.
>"Drive On! The Cocotama Bus"
>Haruka is helping out as her family is moving to a new neighborhood. One of her new neighbors is a sad little girl, and Haruka tries using Ribbon and the others' magic to make her smile again, but...?!

Ready for a great episode of Aifure.

Hasselback are great.

Aine's hair color is REALLY off but otherwise it's kinda good.

>tfw your life is in tatter because you can't stop your Idling Activity
I can relate to Rola now

Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu Stars! - 033 [69D01A21].mkv_snapshot_07.15_[2019.02.20_22.53.47].jpg (1280x1440, 353K)

Mio's hair style looks wrong, too.

>rush forward
>crash head-first
>slow down
>achieve nothing while everyone around you does
Rola just has no escape.

She won my love.

>achieve nothing while everyone around you does
Me rn laughing while being dead inside

Attached: file.png (1005x694, 856K)

I want to breed with a roller.

I want Roller to breast feed me.

I love this samefag so fucking much!
I wonder if tri-Non was a thing because of Minyami talent of using different voices, because I'm not sure if it would work as well with most other seiyuu. Even Reina Ueda characters sound more alike each other than Nons.

Attached: DjSC8qPUwAAxwz9.jpg (800x1026, 146K)

Minami's rising popularity probably has a bit to do with the increased focus on Non.


I want to go to space with the moon siblings.

Who is this not very cute girl, and what has she done with Aoi?


Attached: 1091362973723967489_@bokkun168 - 1.png (1100x1055, 626K)



Me creeping on Aine.

Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu Friends! - 044 [77AB8E55].mkv_snapshot_24.16.000.jpg (1280x720, 473K)

You're cute.

Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu! - 03v2 [720p][0E529435].mkv_snapshot_08.16_[2014.08.30_08.51.19].jpg (1280x720, 112K)

If you're going to reply to episode previews that are spoiler tagged then please use a spoiler tag.

Who is this mysterious cute stalker?

Dreamy Yume

Attached: 1098198028291395585_@tsubomito396 - 1.jpg (1200x850, 172K)

Attached: 1516448379902.gif (852x480, 2.59M)



Mel is TENSAI?

Attached: [email protected] (1200x1650, 359K)

SUGOI desho! SAIKYO desho! TENSAI desho!

She's still jobbing? Really?

feel free to open this

Attached: 1098229488893087745_@amu9_kas11_ - 3.jpg (720x1056, 71K)

That isn't a hot idle.

I want to be honey cat.

Only the protagonist and the sidekick character are assured wins.

She's gonna get trashed by this season's last boss next week.

>not believing that it's a ruse by Lightning

It's probably the fire guy.

Attached: [email protected] (1000x1000, 97K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Comic Girls - 12 [720p].mkv_snapshot_07.56_[2018.06.21_15.40.47].jpg (1280x720, 139K)

literally me

Why is the thread so dead?

Attached: 45798711_2496057383767790_3981744905749657412_n.jpg (480x480, 35K)

>Aine and Maika with each other's brothers

Yurifags still in catatonic state.

Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu Friends! - 044 [77AB8E55].mkv_snapshot_17.41_[2019.02.18_04.46.04].jpg (1280x720, 76K)


Attached: 1548709114616.png (321x308, 133K)

What are idols for then?

It's one guy on damage control.


Attached: file.png (341x450, 340K)

Who needs idols when you have friends.

Attached: [Leopard-Raws] Rilu Rilu Fairilu - Yousei no Door - 48 RAW (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_15.50 (1280x720, 85K)

And what if I don't have either?

In that case, you should buy a rope.

Will the rope be my friend?



Attached: prad3-24-06.jpg (1920x1080, 284K)

live life the right way, be a kyoot gyaru!

Attached: DzTmJpoUcAAW5aM.jpg (800x1092, 115K)

Attached: file.png (900x1200, 1.68M)

Attached: file.png (800x800, 672K)

Post sexy shining stars

Attached: 1549494739209.png (857x1200, 996K)

Post sexy pics of Kii.

Don't ask for the impossible.


Attached: wasabi_kimamani Dzrt1GmUwAE0fhX.jpg (1118x1024, 195K)

Attached: 1513832599373.jpg (497x720, 64K)

>Fanart of the Yokohama Hakkeijima Sea Paradise collaboration

Attached: 157eff2058c66c128ac5b6d185be8314921918c3_s2_n1.jpg (1500x1500, 457K)

42 days left.

Attached: 201902_ikatu_main.jpg (1000x500, 248K)

What would sex with Mio be like?

Depends if you're Aine or not.

Depends if you're Penne or not.

Attached: 1541806874281.jpg (2150x3036, 416K)

I love those outfits, they should make them into actual coords. Or at least let them keep the hats in one of their casual outfits.


Attached: 1514164525395.jpg (1280x720, 73K)

Why would Orihime be angry about them when she hung around best >boy Johnny all the time?

>love is not forbidden
Way to be retarded user

Attached: 1545664160450.jpg (1277x898, 158K)

I hope they'll wear more casual clothes in s2.
I love the casuals clothes in AiFure.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Aikatsu Friends! - 09 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_08.22_[2018.05.31_15.44.21].jp (1280x720, 140K)


Attached: mint2018 is obviously Mio because she's the Chocolate Mint Macaron girl and this episode aired (616x99, 54K)

Well, she's right.

Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu Friends! - 009 [4D14E99C].mkv_snapshot_11.05.293.jpg (1280x720, 388K)

Attached: 1534932078534.jpg (800x1152, 123K)

Why did Aoi kill strawberry?

She didn't.
Aine killed strawberry.

Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu Friends! - 001 [6CCA74FA].mkv_snapshot_00.30_[2018.04.08_11.04.35].jpg (1280x720, 157K)

Attached: 1546282221534.jpg (1280x720, 383K)

Attached: 1545603879747.jpg (1000x1414, 142K)

Imagine being as beautiful as Ran.

Attached: file.png (1054x1200, 949K)

I miss Lala.

Attached: 97654233425809.jpg (1008x1280, 993K)

Sorry she's been replaced

Attached: 1098225523833036801_@aizen_kagura.jpg (1181x1748, 280K)

Why is Rinka the prettiest?

Attached: [email protected] (666x932, 123K)

I want to fuck the rolls.

Attached: IMG_20180810_212004.jpg (1378x2039, 215K)


Hi Mahiru

Attached: 1079755058898624514_@Uni_Y_inU.jpg (1013x1500, 364K)

Attached: 72471845_p15.png (1500x1500, 256K)

wtf I want to fuck a cat and two hamsters now

Attached: 1548407593080.jpg (1920x1080, 413K)

Is prichan good yet?

Attached: 1098178475045744640_@wasabi_kimamani - 1.jpg (1024x1000, 173K)

Attached: 1531854089827.jpg (1004x1200, 503K)

mermaid boobs

Attached: 1530976727609.jpg (640x480, 34K)


Attached: 1542080472095.jpg (1920x1080, 162K)

cute shark

Attached: 1546833786481.jpg (1280x720, 138K)

Mia has made up her mind to tell Hye In she wants to break up and Hye In has already guessed where the conversation is going.

Attached: images (1).jpg (512x288, 19K)

Mel is monster

Attached: 1548765421244.jpg (1280x720, 86K)

Stop that

Attached: mia hye in DcNg2spU0AAr5Gm.jpg (802x1133, 123K)

She was a special one.

Attached: 51602680_p0.png (582x800, 348K)

But they're both such good girls and they're all the more beautiful when miserable. Like the grace of a gently-wilting flower.
Have you bought and scanned the doujin where Mia and Hye In are locked in a room and have to ○○ in order to get out yet?

>Have you bought and scanned the doujin where Mia and Hye In are locked in a room and have to ○○ in order to get out yet?

I wasn't even aware that existed. Mind directing it towards me so I can buy it?

I dedicade half an hour each day to rewatch PP episodes.

Attached: Dp5cgrtUUAAO9lC.jpg (936x1000, 168K)

I am doing a Pripara rewatch with a friend who is watching it for the first time, we are up to S3.
Not even done yet and I already want to watch the show all over again for a third time.

Attached: DzrR1XnU0AA4w54.jpg (467x1199, 115K)

The early episodes are the best.

I thought this was discussed previously. There's more than one ainon who likes Hye In?

No, good girls should always be happy.

Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu Stars! - 010 [D404619E].mkv_snapshot_20.37_[2016.12.09_19.09.05].jpg (1280x720, 149K)

Oh, no I remember. I think. I'll think about it because I honestly don't own a scanner and I'm trying to save up money.
>There's more than one ainon who likes Hye In?
I hope there is. Hye in is a cute.

Attached: hye in DXNOPgfVoAADeKs.jpg (2048x2048, 364K)

All of it is fantastic and carries on developing the same ideas and characters. For a comedy anime it's amazing how consistent the characterization is.

Attached: [MiG_MuX] PriPara - 118 [BD][1080p][F0821994].mkv_snapshot_02.57.jpg (1920x1080, 236K)

That's why Mia deserves to be free of Hye In in her life.

>There's more than one ainon who likes Hye In?
No, there's less than one.
There's that one ainon who thinks that he likes Hye In though.

>with a friend
Since when ainons got friends?

Is this a karate bugmen reference?

Everyone is friends

Attached: 1457917679648.jpg (3000x2400, 1.12M)

What is wrong with you people?

Attached: [KiteSeekers-Wasurenai] Pretty Rhythm Dear My Future - 04 [H264 1280x720] [D8A07B6E].mkv_snapshot_05 (1280x720, 129K)

She probably would start crying after the first 6cm.

it means I need to sleep badly

>most of these anons are probably dead

Can you borrow one maybe? Or use the one at your office?
Also, I think it's the third in a series, so remember to get the other two "Mia to Hye In ... Hon" books by Vivid Grey.

the fuck i'm watching

Attached: [Doki] PriPara - 72 (1280x720 Hi10P AAC) [8082582A].mkv_snapshot_14.12_[2019.02.20_23.59.10].jpg (1280x1440, 311K)

Is nicoposter above everything else? and where's limbless-akari anons?

Maybe I can buy it and send it to Jymmy, and hopefully he can scan it. Hope you're reading this Jymmy.

Armpit fucker still alive here.

I want Mio to sit on my face.

Attached: DjNKHnQUcAAdOmv.jpg (690x1200, 85K)

Yes, they're so vaunted that they're literally off the chart.

Attached: amended ai chart.jpg (3000x3536, 2.2M)

me too dude

Attached: 1496003245239.jpg (620x720, 233K)

-posters implies they post here.
Going on Discord or not doesn't qualify as a position on the chart.

>PP Wiki stalkers
Why would you want to stalk a wiki?

Attached: [naisho] PriPara - 19 [9596C11D].mkv_snapshot_01.15_[2017.06.01_17.31.44].jpg (1280x720, 106K)

Mirei is a cute stalker.

>Mirei is a cute
yes puri
no puri


Attached: 1098424108457459720_@aikatsu_anime.jpg (500x282, 36K)

Soon she will be mine.

Paparachi-chan a cute. I normally hate "student reporter obnoxiously stalks MC" episodes but this looks like it'll be nice.

Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu Friends! - 044 [77AB8E55].mkv_snapshot_24.21_[2019.02.17_12.30.17].jpg (1280x720, 131K)

Aine is for Mio only, Maito.

Aine and Maito are a best match

>was looking for a PriPara discord so I know which Twitter artist to follow
>end up on this one discord from PriPara wiki
>ded as fuck
>Admin posts picture of herself
>Obviously underaged
>"Happy 15th birthday to me!"
>Clicks on "Leave server"

Finally, a Discord server for a gentleman like me.

Mio a slut

Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu Friends! - 033 [9E7F854D].mkv_snapshot_13.12_[2018.11.27_05.19.53].jpg (1280x720, 117K)

God, I wish that were me.

Next Prism Jump on the end of March. Geez this poster feels recycled.

Attached: DxcmEepVYAAVZJC.jpg (600x839, 179K)

>Aira, Yui and Lala have their teammates
>Naru has her teammates and also the new KOP boys
>Mia has Hye In
Prizmmy btfo

>no Mirai

More like
>no prichan

>Geez this poster feels recycled.
Because it was.

Feedback for my character guide, please.

PriPara In-Depth Character Guides

Nao is introduced as Lala's best friend and classmate. The concept of Nao's character is "irrelevant". Nao's irrelevance is often the basis of comedy. As some quick examples (to be elaborated further below), Nao receives a CG character model for a brief scene in season 2, which is usually reserved for important characters and, furthermore, usually only ones who get songs or CG performances (contrast: Jikogu Mimiko). In the other quick example, we note that Nao did get a CG performance in the 4th movie, but this is in service of the same joke, as Nao's appearance in this movie is part of an extended "what-if" scenario: specifically "what if Nao were relevant? (she isn't, though)".

"Ehime" is written with the characters for "love" and "princess"/"beautiful woman". It is a stately name, with the main joke being that it is too noble-sounding for such an irrelevant character.
"Nao" comes from the English word "now"; more specifically, it is a derivation of "naui" (which also comes from the English word "now"), which is a slang term for trendy or hip whose modern usage is always understood to be ironic as "naui" is an extremely dated slang. This references how Nao is an irrelevant character.

Nao is voiced by popular and big-name Yoshino Nanjou. There is comedy inherent in this casting, because Nanjou playing a role would lead you to assume the character is not totally irrelevant. A viewer is thus surprised when a famous voice actor is "wasted" on a character (see also: Yamada Tae in Zombieland Saga).

Don't you love when Zucchan mocks Aussies?

Attached: IMG_20190221_091752.jpg (1500x1200, 275K)

Intriguing, now do Lala's mom.

So Nao is kinda like Hye In, only not as pathetic?
>Yoshino Nanjou
I heard that they gave her Nao's role to compensate for the fact that Kyupikon's role got reduced. In the end, it didn't work, so they had to sell Miyutan to Love Live.

Wait a bit, I'm already doing her and her daughters.
He can do Pshu in the meanwhile.

Attached: IMG_20190221_091415.jpg (1448x2048, 383K)

Friendship ended with Zucchan.
Now Yuuki is my favourite iRis.

Wait... not Himetasu?

Please don't ask about that. I don't want to dredge up painful memories.

Attached: file.png (792x1200, 1.01M)

Attached: file.png (1200x1013, 1.79M)


Attached: Ohys-Raws_Idol_Time_PriPara_-_47_TX_1280x720_x264_AAC.mp4_snapshot_05.03_2018.02.27_09.28.46.jpg (1280x720, 143K)

What does a hug from Aroma and Mikan feel like?

Soft, warm, and smells like milk.

Like a mixture of heaven or hell.

Imagine how warm and soft Aroma would feel

I can picture myself squeezing her plump shougakusei butt as she sits on my lap facing me clear as day. Her eyes are narrowed in disapproval, but there's an uncertainty, a weakness and eventually she closes her eyes, allowing me to kiss her.

What does a hug from Kirara feel like?

Attached: DTs2DM_U0AArz5k.jpg (1200x1200, 167K)

Fluffy and animal hair allergic shock inducing

Is there a list of names for the girls in Shining Stars?

tatta talalatta

cute dorkarazzi

Aine rejected all big friends. :-(

God, Aine is such a good girl.

Mio's "dontokoi" is also cute.

>My Onee-chan is also a monsterrrrrrrrr!

Attached: 1550491299619.jpg (778x436, 344K)

The hell is this? I'm scared.

This is NOT aikatsu.

>that laugh

Attached: mia enthusiastic.png (305x337, 204K)

Are those the seiyuus for unannounced new characters?

Find a flaw.

Attached: 1550743144563.jpg (1920x1080, 578K)

Aine is so precious.

Attached: Dz6_S4JVsAET4L_.jpg (1200x675, 93K)

>solid blue hair as smol children
Is gradient hair a metaphor for puberty?
Or was the colour symbolically divided between them when Kaguya died but didn't pass on?

This but in S2 so that it's almost /ss/+/ll/ when?

Attached: revised for accuracy.jpg (1200x675, 193K)

Sakuya went partially grey from the stress of losing a sister while Kaguya's hair is greying away from the roots because dead.

Attached: 73304120_p0.png (1765x1262, 1.9M)

Something something princess Yue from Avatar.

Pretty sure its not the moons, we've already seen them as lolis.

They look like prostitutes here, I like it.

Mio is such a slut.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Aikatsu Friends! - 45 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_04.09_[2019.02.21_04.34.09].jp (1280x720, 139K)

Did something really, really gay happen?

>worries her first date with penne would be a scandal
I think we can all agree Mio is 100% straight and an honorary canadian.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Aikatsu Friends! - 45 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_05.15_[2019.02.21_04.35.59].jp (1280x720, 131K)

We shameless SoraYori ripoff now?

Attached: [MTBB] Sora yori mo Tooi Basho - 13 [ED0C2EF2].mkv_snapshot_05.10.001.jpg (1920x1080, 999K)

Does Mio rape Penne?

Can't believe Aine could go as far as rape an innocent woman just to befriend her.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Aikatsu Friends! - 45 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_10.21_[2019.02.21_04.42.02].jp (1280x720, 102K)

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Aikatsu Friends! - 45 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_09.37_[2019.02.21_05.48.31].pn (1280x720, 1.01M)

Looks like Aine was merciless.

>OG paparazzi dude
>enka lady told him to fuck off or he was going to get the concrete shoes
>muh minna tomodachi
Pretty meh episode. I guess they tried to do a kids related episode, like Ako's, but it was pretty lame. Paparazzi girl was a pretty pointless plot point, too, might as well would've been Tamaki the one saying "yeah there was no children in your last live because big friends always ruin everything"

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Aikatsu Friends! - 45 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_22.27_[2019.02.21_04.49.03].jp (1280x720, 198K)


Also buy our expensive figures.

Attached: 1549762050561.jpg (1108x1478, 155K)

Also burg next episode. Finally, someone eating a real sandwich.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Aikatsu Friends! - 45 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_24.20_[2019.02.21_04.56.22].jp (1280x720, 114K)

I wonder if she'll use a knife and fork.

So, why are yurifags in a catatonic state? No one answered the question.

The question made no sense in the first place.

But user, Stars did it first, Stars did everything first.

Attached: [Gelatin] Aikatsu Stars! - 042.mkv_snapshot_05.48_[2018.05.19_03.47.33].jpg (1920x1080, 226K)

What's a retarded dolphin doing among all those penguins?

>why is the thread so slow?
>because yurifags are still in a catatonic state
Then I asked why. Seems to make sense to me.

It wants to hang out with the cool guys.

Attached: 1550703987125.jpg (1018x1200, 233K)

The thread's speed does not entirely hinge on the activity of yurifags. Sometimes it's just slow, be it cause there's not much to discuss, people don't feel like it, some ainons might have other things to do in life and so on.

Imagine fucking Mizuki in the missionary position, plugging away for a few minutes and then looking down at an expression of utter dispassionate confusion.

This is why you should fuck her from behind.

That really gets me going.

Attached: only hurts a little bit.jpg (1280x720, 104K)


chan chan pu chan chan pu pri chan!
chan chan pu chan chan pu hajimaru!

That song is so catchy that i bought the 24bit/48khz version

What is she doing here?

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Aikatsu Friends! - 45 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_16.04_[2019.02.21_05.51.46].pn (1280x720, 931K)

I want to be caught by Mio

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Aikatsu Friends! - 45 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_14.40_[2019.02.21_13.16.50].jp (1280x720, 197K)

>Where is ainon? I don't see him...

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Aikatsu Friends! - 45 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_01.01.251.jpg (1280x720, 477K)

Friends, what's he saying here? New artbook?

Emo said, "Rinka's fin is sharp like a knife…"

Attached: 1548616905303.jpg (781x440, 317K)

Prichan ultra mega mix when?

>DBZ reference

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Aikatsu Friends! - 45 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_05.47.000.jpg (1280x720, 579K)


It was a joke becuase last week's episode was about boys, and yurifags had nothing to talk about.

>aifure wasn't muh gay last week
>prichan will be forever under pripara's shadow
>eggs being overjew'd
There's pretty nothing to discuss in general, I mean, other than gook shit shilling.

Attached: [Gelatin] Pretty Rhythm Rainbow Live - 01-00_06_00.110.jpg (1920x1080, 261K)

>episode set around Aine's house and the park about Aine and Mio playing with the kids, calling back to episode 1
Ah, this is the comfiest shit. Also Aine identified the issue and solved it on her own without relying on Mio, which is what I was hoping they'd start doing.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Aikatsu Friends! - 45 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_14.04.667.jpg (1280x720, 457K)


I want to give up a software engineer and attend Star Harmony Gakuen to do aikatsu with Aine.

What has that poor software engineer done to you?

Coco Cup

Attached: IMG_-a464er.jpg (1024x768, 118K)

Mio seems to be a dangerous onee-san.

I like dangerous onee-sans.

Can we claim this show?

It's about sci-fi pop stars.

Depends on it's focus on >boys.

Is Gakuen Alice /ai/?

Attached: illust_73310984_20190221_185611.jpg (526x500, 81K)

Definitely. If it's a show for little girls, it's /ai/.

Why wouldn't this be /ai/?

Attached: [Wasurenai] Kamisama Minarai Himitsu no Cocotama - 45 [H264 1280x720] [917D4261].mkv_snapshot_20.39_ (1280x720, 601K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita! - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_00.43_[2019.02.21_05.42.18].j (1280x720, 82K)

How much were these sold before? If they aren't too expensive I might buy one

*yumeme noises*

Where is the suki sensor located?

You know where.

The Ex-Aid one were sold 31320 yen (~$300).
It's too expensive for me and i didn't find a job/internship yet.

Attached: DUDE FRIENDS LMAO.jpg (1200x675, 91K)

I want to go to that Aikatsu doujin event.

Attached: 73310340_p0.jpg (840x1192, 228K)

Damn, that expensive? A shame.

What went wrong?

Attached: 1234.jpg (1047x752, 71K)


>Aine and Mio talking about what they can and should do now that they're DF
>paparazzi girl voiced by Rola's seiyuu
>her name is Habara Mamiko
>she wants to be called Habaracchi
>Aine calls her Paparazzi-san instead
>fun Habaracchi hijinks
>comfy times at Penguin Cafe and Aine's house
>Aine apologizing to Yoshitsune
>Aine, Mio and Habaracchi play with the kids, having a great time
>Aine telling Mio she doesn't want to change and Mio agrees that being the same old Aine and Mio is the best decision
>Mio thankign Habaracchi for telling them the truth, thus making Habaracchi realize that the real truth is the best scoop
>Aine holding a solo live for kids only, going so far as to go into the audience and hang out with the kids
>Mio dontokoi'ing
Fun and comfy episode.

Loved that they went all the way with the callbacks to the first episode and had Aine perform Arigato Daijoubu.

Attached: [Idi] Oniisama e - 28 (BD 966x720 x264 AAC).mkv_snapshot_16.25_[2019.02.21_09.41.03].jpg (966x720, 444K)

I didn't expect them to bring back those two little kids from the first episode. It's so nice whenever they focus on the town and the townsfolk.

Please, don't post unrelated shit anime in this thread.

The staff of Stars said that Oniisama e was a big inspiration in the conception of S4.

They were necessary to use the stock footage.

Who is this man?

The mastermind behind Aikatsu project

Where would we be without stock footage?

Is the title of the pic a sales number or something?

Same staff said that they like Rola.

honestly, I wouldn't like her so much if she didn't constantly fail through the series and ended up being an equal to Yume in the epilogue.

I want to die

Attached: CHxT0RRUEAA6exO.jpg (600x338, 34K)

>ended up being an equal to Yume in the epilogue

We didn't see her lose in the aikatsu world cup.

>gone against Yume in the first round of World Cup in a jobber dress
>w-we didn't see her lose

I only like Rola because she's a massive loser.

Habaracchi > Rola

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Asobi Asobase - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_13.05_[2018.07.31_13.21.25].jpg (1280x720, 99K)

Coco is the best aifure idle

This episode was adorable.

Attached: 1505864626109.jpg (1280x720, 158K)

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Aikatsu Friends! - 45 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_10.17.084.jpg (1280x720, 432K)

It sure was.

It's probably one of my favs. I have many favs.

Attached: f6e8c65699.png (577x720, 466K)
Godly Aikatsu songs that weren't in anime

When you die you get to go to Starlight Academy

Valentine episode>Momone hijack>Maika becoming DM muse>everything else.


Without counting the big plot episodes, which are harder to judge, my favorite standalone episode is probably 36, the one with Mio's fashion show and Momone. Just a great episode about the core of idol activities.

BT37.5 is underrated.

It would be more popular if a girl sung it.

Who underrates it? It's very popular. Although I think nth color is the best song and episode.

>It would be more popular if a girl sung it.
It's other way around. I don't know why they had women seiyuu for Love Mix and Ito, but that sucked.
>It's very popular.
I never heard anyone talking about it. Of course, Rinne, June and >boys songs are the most popular, but even among the others solo songs it gets mentioned the least.

Ann's sweets song was the most forgettable.

Rinne's songs are awful so I don't know why they're the most popular. BT37.5 is one of the best solo songs and fit amazingly in Ito's climax episode.


Obviously Happy Naru is the best song

I want to stuff Naru in a duffel bag and make her my personal idol.

I agree. Worst Serizawa's song.
>Rinne's songs are awful
What the fuck?
Objectivly the worst insert song in RL not counting Prizmmy version of BOY MEETS GIRL SOREZORE NO AFURERU OMOI NO KIRAMEKI TO

Freedom was the best song

RL had so many good songs

>aifure has no songs

Cherry Picking Days was always my favorite.


Attached: 1518557619381.jpg (850x1200, 232K)

What beverage is that?

RL song tiers
>Top tier
Pride, FREEDOM, Reboot, BOY MEETS GIRL -Prism >Boys ver.-, nth color, Section Rainbow
>High tier
BT37.5, Get music!, Rosette Nebula, Little Wing & Beautiful Pride, athletic core, EZ DO DANCE, EZ DO DANCE -Dj Coo ver.-, Hato Ito Toridori~mu, Doshaburi HAPPY!
>Mid tier
Blowin' in the Mind, cherry-picking days, CRAZY GONNA CRAZY, Vanity Colon
>Bottom tier
Sweet time Cooking magic, I wannabe myself!!, Butterfly Effect, Happy Star Restaurant
>Why the fuck tier
ALIVE, Boy Meets Girl, RainBow x RainBow

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This episode had really nice art and animation.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Aikatsu Friends! - 45 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_18.44.793.jpg (1280x720, 377K)

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She's too cute.

Attached: 1541945498517.webm (290x504, 48K)

Sasuga Takahashi Akira.

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Attached: 9753efe37f.png (448x624, 436K)

I love that we're getting a few episodes of PP starting to settle into their role as Diamond Friends before the big timeskip. If the cup took place at the end of the season, we would've missed out on this aspect entirely.

I was worried about what they would do with so much time left in the season after the DFC, but this is a good way to use it. I love getting to see how their lives change after reaching the top, and it'll make the time skip feel much smoother.


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Dive!! - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_04.55_[2017.08.24_12.42.37].jpg (1280x720, 117K)

Next thread will have depressed ainons.

>RL had a 9 minute performance culminating with June and Rinne talking philosophy with a weird moon background
what the fuck.

I remember an interview where the writer said the animation and sound teams were exasperated by the requests he made for that episode, it was pretty funny.


Shouldn't the animation team be glad they get to work less for a week?

Don't forget the guitar ejaculation.

Attached: [샤이닝스타 본편]4화 - 서프라이즈☆나에게도 팬이! - Episode 4 – Surprise, I Ha (1280x738, 177K)

South Park reference?

I'd trust Chae Nara with my life.

Attached: 1098578927126175744_@gaki_rabbit.jpg (1748x2480, 374K)

Mel really is monster.

Attached: 1550759029353.jpg (305x591, 51K)

Attached: [email protected] (1420x1600, 277K)

Attached: yumememememe.png (737x868, 418K)
