Racists Ruin Everything!

“Some of you have apparently felt offended or exasperated when your objections are called out online as racist. ‘But I am not racist,’ you say. ‘It is not racist to want an actor who is accurate to the book’s description of the character,'” Riordan writes. “Let’s examine that statement. You are upset/disappointed/frustrated/angry because a Black actor has been cast to play a character who was described as white in the books…You are judging her appropriateness for this role solely and exclusively on how she looks. She is a Black girl playing someone who was described in the books as white. Friends, that is racism.”


When you will racists learn that even if a character is described as "white" it doesn't matter that the actor cast as the role is black because the author was paid a large sum of money to shit all over his own creation? What do you mean racist bullies not understand about that? Huh?

Attached: ???.png (767x708, 580.44K)

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Why are people getting worked up over this? Isn't this supposed to be for kids?

There's already a thread dumb dumb.

But it's racism if a black person in a book is white washed. It's all so exhausting

Nope. This is the thread. Go be racist somewhere else, chud.

I'm still trying to figure out the sophistic illogic Riordan was spewing. Fucking bizarre attempt at mind fuckery that didn't quite pan out.

Gonna lay out some facts
- you and 99% of people here don't give a shit about Percy Jackson, aside from race drama
- if they said she had brown hair but the actress was white with black hair, people wouldn't give a shit
- if they said she was 5'2" but the actress was 5'1", people wouldn't give a shit
- these types of casting discrepancies happen all the time and people like you think, maybe subconsciously: "oh well who cares about that stuff, all that matters is that they're white"

Enjoy being the mid-20s or older guy sending death threats to a girl on Twitter.

Attached: le reddit.png (310x310, 24.75K)

the real story here: the wannabe saviours of white culture apparently read a lot of derivative YA fiction.

As expected from a you farmer