Which has produced more kino?
Which has produced more kino?
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i don't even know what those yellow stars are. why did they fuck up the shape of north america?
USA, and I say this as someone who likes Euro shit.
Holy shit is Muttmerica really that big?
US no question. They produced proportionally more shit too. impressive.
wait until you see alaska. i don't know why it hasn't been classified as its own continent.
>UK, Belarus and The Ukraine
>but not Greece
Yes. You can start driving in Texas for more than 10 hours in a single direction and you can still be in Texas. The US is really, really fucking big. Ignorant Yuros constatly plan trips like "We're staying in New York on Monday and visiting Miami by car on Tuesday" and shit like that, not realizing they won't make it half way through Virginia by the time their trip is over. They don't realize it can take days by car to get from large city to large city in the USA.
I had a euro friend that was bitching about taking a two hour 'trip' for work.
Lmao, I know that feel. Did you tell him some Americans commute to work that far every single day?
This is inaccurate by the way.
If you consider the average mutt is like twice the size of the average white european, it pretty much evens out.
>t. Yuro
I've driven it, my friend. San Diego to Texas, then Texas to Tennessee, then down to Mobile for work. It takes days. The west especially is fuck off huge.
Holy shit it's actually real. Texas is bigger than France considerably. Why is Europe so small? Doesn't seem fair. Look how much land the fucking Africans get.
>Europe area (minus Russia) - 2.8 million square miles
>continental US area - 3.1 million square miles
We are not so different.
My Manchesterstani English relatives thought a 30 minute car ride was a 'long trip' when we went out to eat. They didn't believe them when I told them I've driven an hour and 10 minutes to work and back every single day at the last job I had.
To be fair that is a long trip just to go to a restaurant. And that is an awful commute (I've done one slightly longer before).
A car ride from London to Moscow is only about 1,800 miles- San Francisco to NYC is a little more than 3,000 miles. The US is fucking vast.
>To be fair that is a long trip just to go to a restaurant.
Nothing stops an American on a quest for a burger.
Europe is bigger than the continental US if you count any of Russia.
aww size doesn't matter, user :)
Eurochads win again.
That's cheating though as it's technically in Asia, so I'm gonna cheat by using Alaska also
Behold, a single US state:
Not so fast my friend.
If it's cheating why did you just bring up Moscow?
use thetruesize.com
I fucking hate the sun. Colorado was a mistake.
We can use London to Kharkiv then, it's still about 1,800 miles.
Huh, I thought southern Europe would be far sunnier.
>Look how much land the fucking Africans get.
and yet the ones in america still won't go back
Accurate, but more for pizza these days than burgers. Even the prissy liberals eat disgusting variations on pizza to justify it. And places that do fried chicken, like Raising Cane’s, are becoming more prominent than fast food burgers.
>Ignorant Yuros constatly plan trips like "We're staying in New York on Monday and visiting Miami by car on Tuesday" and shit like that, not realizing they won't make it half way through Virginia by the time their trip is over. They don't realize it can take days by car to get from large city to large city in the USA
literally never happens
Colorado really gets more sun than the Southern US? That seems strange.
Why does it seem to much larger superimposed on Europe if the continental US and Europe are about the same size?
it rains more in the deep south
They were never there in the first place. And it's also shit. And just because they're the same color doesn't mean they can just slight into some society they've never been apart of there.
Way way more in the front range. Its like living in a fucking microwave except for our 15 or so days of snow. Ten years ago we would get mild monsoons in spring for 2-3 weeks, now every time it seems to be about to rain the wind picks up and blows everything away. Its miserable.
Brazil is fucking gigantic. I mean, half of it is forest, but still.
The absolute state of this square mileage mogging
Now add Hawaii and Alaska
You think it’s strange a desert gets more sun than a temperate region?
I think a shitload of Europe's area is tied up in the barren parts of Scandinavia, the same way a shitload of the US is tied up in barren Alaska.
Alaska is fucking out of control, it barely fits
colorado isn't a desert you retard
Why did we never invade Canada? Imagine what could have been.
We did in the revolutionary war and the war of 1812 but didn't succeed probably because of poor planning or the low population in the US at the time etc other reasons
>hurr semi-arid isnt a desert
Fuck off faggot
Canada and Greenland are rightful USA clay
No one would live in Canada if it was actually the US. The only appeal of Canada is that it's not the US. That's why everyone in it lives 10 miles from the US border.
no, it isn't
Colorado seems nice but the sex ratio is fucked. I have a hard enough time getting a gf as it is.
I can play this game too
Baja Mexico and the entire Yucatan Penensula as well as Cuba rightfully belong to the US also. The only problem is that it would be really expensive to push out all the Mexicans and Cubans so that white people can inhabit the areas. It will be worth it though as we will have more nice vacation spots.
that's Utah. stupid phonefag
>cant even tell the difference between one desert from another
>confused about why they get so much sun
Yeah, everything checls out here
Imagine a yucatan without fucking cartels.
Imagine driving Baja from top to bottom or the Yucatan and seeing nothing but peaceful white communities and nature lining the coasts. Instead it's all bean eaters in shacks stabbing eachother. Allowing Mexico to exist was a mistake
Literally happens daily
10 miles without Americans is pretty nice, I have to admit it.
Canadians are just slightly more passive agressive and snobby versions of Americans, other than that there isn't much difference.
They have those retarded nasal accents but then again so do the midwest.