Andy Dick Arrested While On YouTuber’s Livestream, Faces Felony Sexual Assault Charges

>Gets molested by Andy Dick.

Why are millennials and zoomers like this? What do you think will happen if you're alone with Andy Dick.

I'm having serious doubts for Road Trip 2.

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Other urls found in this thread:

If you file charges because a small man touched your peepee, you are a giant pussy faggot and deserve to be treated accordingly. Just grope back, I guess?

he's also responsible for phil hartman's death so fuck this faggot

gays should all be in prison where they belong


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That is reasonable. With Andy's reprobation, if you're by yourself with him, consent is implied. He'll probably have to do community service and take a diversity class



I'm just glad they've saved him from that guy who was keeping him drunk and imprisoned in his house. He's safer in jail!


he got roofied and buttraped

it worked as "reprobation" to be honest


Dick denied the groping claims to the Hollywood Reporter but admitted the possibility that he licked people and confirmed that he did make advances toward others on the Raising Buchanan set. He also said that he “overtook my medication and took too many Xanax and I was a bit loopy” — the actor has been in and out of rehab north of a dozen times — but “that didn’t make me rape people.”

Just another day for Andy.

Do you think Ben Stiller, Andy Dick, Janeane Garofalo and Bob Odenkirk will have a reunion show?

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Hes a faggot who cant stop assaulting other people. 4 years ago he reached over and fondled his Lyft drivers dick.

It's a self fulfilling prophecy. His last name is Dick.

Don't blame him. Those are nice thighs

>Andy Dick
>Anthony Rapp
>lifelong friends
>Rapp accused Kevin Spacey of trying to initiate sex while he was at some Hollywood party
And they keep saying there is no Hollywood pedo ring when these fuckers keep doing this shit

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There’s only two reasons a guy would be in a bathroom with Andy Dick, and neither are good.

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Molested both the Corey's.

There's definitely some shenanigans.

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Where's the stream of the incident?




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The video is incredibly lame. It's just a guy outside talking about the incident after the fact with the camera pointed at the sky. At one point you can hear the cop in the background,but it's not very interesting.

I have that same axe

IP2 is cringe overload

rip Speedy, King of Whales

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Wasn’t he with ONLYuseMEBLADE?


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IP2 always wins

kiwi faggot, don't you have some mentally ill losers to dox and stalk?

>If you file charges because a small man touched your peepee, you are a giant pussy faggot and deserve to be treated accordingly
i think i saw that the dude was passed out and later found lotion on his butt hole

>implying IP2 posters don't stalk and keep up to date with everything their trashy sub 100 viewer streamers do
OUMB is carrying that trash community.


>Have friend
>Works at cannabis shop making 25 an hour
>One day one of the floor manager slaps him in the butt (like non faggot sports ball players would)
>Throws a hissy fit
>Quits job
>Goes back into poverty and says it's ok because he's used to be being poor
>Is also supporting his zoomer gf who isn't used to being poor

kek what a fucking retard
Bet he's active on Twitter and Tik Took. Has severe brain rot

Duh, it’s called grabass.

holy shit user thats funny implied consent beause of andy dick lol im gonna use this

Here’s your freedom bro.

Post the video, you fucking shill faggot.

Andy drugged them and tried to fug them while they were passed out

I clocked the RV guy as a mossy gnoll immediately when the stream was leaked the other day, why didn't Andy?

Supposedly his daughter had come to pick him up from there. Then somewhere along the lines another ip2 fag kidnapped him and took him to the RV

>dude muh lulcows
I hate what this board has become

That Goocheese whore is the dumbest cunt I've ever seen

>OUMB is carrying that trash community
Back to kiwi farms tranny

not television or film

Kiwi farms and IP2 are two peas in a pod, which is why the two communities are obsessed with each other.
Also fuck trannies and fuck you

He doesn't use TikTok and thinks twitter is leftist hell hole. Doesn't believe in Covid and voted for Trump.

Their fault for picking up a known pussy grabber and relaxing around him.

And quit a job because he got tapped on the butt?

>Dude just be a faggot back


try not to believe everything written on this board. most stories are made up and written by brown teens trying to sound cool/funny

>like non faggot sports ball players would

Do Americans really?

remember, Yea Forums
You can't discuss that johnny depp shit, but a bunch of shitskin teens from twitter/farms and Yea Forums trannies can discuss this off-topic tourist shit

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Getting awful mouthy, aren't you PRAG?

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Friend is max puss. Pay me 30/hr and I'd let him slob muh knob.