Be nigger

>be nigger
>go to Europe as tourist
>get your ass beaten

Are Europeans becoming more based? This honestly gives me hope.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Maybe Russia isnt so bad after all

He's getting his ass beat by niggers of a different color.

>This honestly gives me hope.
Then you're an asshole

i can feel my racism slipping, starting to feel bad for them again

you dont know why he is being beaten

>white people

Slavs are just pale nigs

>even women joining in
Makes you wonder what he even did.

Is that a girl at 0:17 ??

i feel like a piece of shit that i immediately starting laughing when i opened this webm. sometimes you get so used to seeing racist shit on Yea Forums that you forget these are real people and this really happened

Attached: classicbrown.jpg (976x850, 279.6K)


OP we need the story

Harrassed one of the girls and got what he deserved

Niggera should stay in AFRICA

you have to go back

>r/Whitemasculinity: The thread

if this is true, watch in 40 years hes going to become a civil rights hero and theyll teach our kids in school that le ebil white man accused him of stealing they women and he actually dindu nuffin all along


And this is why niggers should stay in Africa

implying russians are european, not niggers

They're human beings, just like me, and probably better than you considering you cheer human misery on a television website. You think it was that man's fault you're a kissless virgin without friends or employment? Maybe work on yourself more and hate your fellow man less, maybe a little less bitterness in your heart might do you some good, yeah?

That’s fucked up

Man, Yea Forums is having some weird clairvoyance with me today.

First it was Yu Yu Hakusho, then it was Dawn of War for a Warhammer thread, now it's a nigger getting beat while I'm listening to MY MOTHERFUCKING CHEMICAL ROMANCE'S DEAD:

Wonder how he got himself into that situation?
Nobody would be carrying a russian flag on their back apart from actually being in Russia or somewhere close by, so I suppose he took a trip to eastern europe?

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but what did he actually do

need to huff some statistics pronto

for me its the one where he pours gasoline on then lights up the sleeping homeless guy

Nigga should stayed in whatever shithole he was born in

I live in a town of roughly 30,000 people and have never seen one black person here.

Attached: 1 H8TK1BK5H12X65M8OL0nUQ.png (601x473, 193.83K)

Something soccer related

He's a human being, trying to live his life. What are you?

That's what I want to know, but I can't watch this shit. Anybody who enjoys watching anybody get hurt like this is an honorary quadruple nigger.

Also a human being, also trying to live my life, away from them

Unironically staged by the CIA to get Americans to go to war with Russia to avenge le hecking wholesome black peoplerinos. Take your meds if you disagree.

Attached: 868 - arm art badge buff closed_mouth clothes doctor dr_soystein glasses glowing_glasses gray_hair hair hand holding_object jacket meds pov soyjak stubble sweating text variant_markiplier_soyjak.png (2000x2000, 276.5K)

Probably dindu nuffin

>He's a human being

That should go back to Africa to live with other niggers

It's probably this. People kill themselves over football.

actual subhumans

Remember: If niggers actually had the faculty to take care of themselves, in Africa, they would want to be far away from you too, whiteknight. They are literally using you for a free ride, and if it weren't for gibs they'd outright murder you

I refuse to believe reddit has a sub that based

They aren’t humans

>mass replying
the only subhuman is you

>Yu Yu Hakusho, then it was Dawn of War for a Warhammer thread
i browsed both those threads today too..

The glowies have infested your walls

Why would femoid be on it then?

dont reply to me, filth

>it's da SEE I AE

Attached: thumb_taaka-vodka-let-me-wear-an-ushanka-and-gas-mask-29379412.png (200x269, 36.95K)

You think foids can't be soccer hooligans?

>shitskin spics mad because they know they would have their brown asses beaten as well
lmao go whine on /pol/ you fucking monkeys

seethe, spic

Not to an extent of beating a nigger to a bloody pulp in some alley.

Stay out of europe nogs

Why did they beat him up? I feel sorry for the guy.

say that to my face in minecraft and see what happens

Yes, my skin is brown

Because femoids are in those cliques too.
Alternatively, the guy could've tried pulling something on the femoid. Who knows.
I'm not Russian but east euro and I can tell you that while minorities are rare here, someone doing something like this is also pretty rare.
There's a reason for this beyond him just being black, I'll tell you that much.

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You're hardly human. Hard hearted, embittered scum who ruined his own life with his attitude and behaviors, and now finds joy in the suffering of other people. You're lower than a beast.

He's dead user

i mean, Russia are the niggers of white people. might as well be a video of a dark skin nigga getting rocked by a gang of light skinned niggas.

George Floyd and George Stinney are dead too, idiot. He's going to become a martyr, even if he did something heinous

>blackwashing that one unwary white guy from all those wordstar videos
Hollywood has gone too far!

/pol/ be like "I hate black people because one of them bullied me" then turns around trying to bully every black person they see

Russians are about as white as Americans

he's a nigger

Can you provide a news link? I tried searching "African tourist killed in Europe" and all I got back were stories of European tourists killed in Africa.

george floyd lives

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Why do baboons choose to leave Africa or Chicago? Seems dumb

We don't know the context of the clip desu.
Despite the memes, most people don't go into such quarrels without a specific reason.
If you think normies would do something like this you're mistaken. There's a backstory.

This used to be the natural reaction to seeing one of those things before jews subverted the world

i hope they ended that coons life 2bh, seen too many videos of nigs doing the same shit

Why? You people invaded Africa and refuse to leave even now

Shit, you invaded America, Australia, New Zealand, and everywhere else

That one and there's more. Happened four years ago. I searced black tourist killed in Greece.

If he didn't do anything to deserve a beating, then he didn't deserve but this is the natural consequence of the polygot, incohesive societies Europe and America have devolved into. 2030's is when we see a lot more sectarian violence, not limited to racial lines but that will factor into it. More tit-for-tat than simply whites being the victims of violent non-whites in their ethnic urban enclaves

This is why if you can't get away, you sell yourself dear, take out eyes, punch throats, kick balls. Begging just makes them want to hurt you worse.


"White people never were evil to anyone"

>also /pol/


>Shit, you invaded America
oh, you mean from child-killing savages? the same savages that kill and maim people then place their heads on stakes? yeah, what a tragedy that was

Apparently this is from some Colombian riots