>”I’m from Rhodesia”
Isn’t it Zimbabwe?
>”I’m from Rhodesia”
Isn’t it Zimbabwe?
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The black there wish it still was.
Why did it matter what he called it?
Because Rhodesia is the white colonial name. Once Mugabe liberated it, they could revert to a proud African name.
This movie was turbo based, wish we got more africa kino
So did he just not know about the name change or somat?
“TIA, This Is Aspergers”
He's from Rhodesia. What part confuses you?
>Mugabe liberated it
Lol. Lmao. Lmfao.
Botswana BTFO Rhodesia's gdp per capita back when Smith was in power but whiteoids are still deluded about their shitty "paradise"
A social studies teacher I had in junior high (US) was a white immigrant from Rhodesia, he came across super liberal aligned until it came to talking about his home country wherein he became a hyper nationalist colonialist. Had really cool stories though, said the best thing about living there was the total and complete darkness at night.
God I'm so proud of all the Africans that kicked out those ytoids. Greetings from Romania!
Your women would rather fuck dogs than touch your crusty chode.
Did you go to school in Spokane, Washington? I had a social studies teacher from Rhodesia too. Guy was a manlet and gave off a smug liberal aura but ended up being the most grounded and un-PC person you could imagine when you started to get him to talk.
>projecting again
Do you fantasize about women and dogs a lot? Kinda like how blacks are too poor to afford good cuts of meat. Which is why they put hot sauce on everything.
LMAO the feedlot crap you get is worse than any bushmeat you can catch in africa, at least it won't make you grow titties.
Mugabe liberated it the same way Kim liberated North Korea.
>liberated it
Rhodesia was quite literally one of the most kino projects in history, so of course niggers had to ruin it and destroy the country. One day it will be truly liberated - but from nigger hands.
North Korea = not in control of the jew
Your country = Controlled by the jew
No, Rhodesia was a shitty country that got btfo by countries with melanin enriched citizens.
>jaime, pull up the casualty numbers from the conflict
We would be lucky to liberate somewhere like michigan in our lifetimes
Mugabe was based.
This is indisputable.
I saw a video that explain how thirdies can use Botswana as an example to make their country great
south korea is an american colony, Kim liberated north korea just like ho chi minh liberated vietnam and castro did cuba. America is under the control of capitalists who keep you subdued by the dollar
>Kim liberated north korea
>he came across super liberal aligned until it came to talking about his home country wherein he became a hyper nationalist colonialist
quads. but also that means that your teacher was a white nationalist not a liberal or whatever you want to call him
Name one sub-Saharan African country that isn't complete and utter shit.
Seriously yes. you have fallen victim to CIA propaganda.
This, north korea is basically a utopia, am I right fellow /leftypol/ users?
Oh yeah? You vote in any of the recent North Korean elections? Oh wait…
South Africa was pretty good until they got rid of apartheid.
never said it was a utopia, what i am saying is that its under extreme sanctions by the US so its relegated to third-world status simply by opposing capitalism and the US empire
ironically voting in the US or europe is just as ineffective because both parties serve the same billionaires
Botswana's economy is actually dominated by South Africa. They're developed becos dimonds but they're not nearly as well off as people say
he was born in a place that, at the time, was called rhodesia
as I understand it, whites living in Zimbabwe today call themselves "Rhodesian" as an ethnicity
North Korea is communism done right
>howzit bro
>arm from Rhodesia
South Africa is a hell on earth, if Botswana was dependent on South Africa they would be even worse off. maybe you mean to say that Botswana is exploiting South Africa?
But there are elections in NK user, they vote for their assembly.
>Can't trade with capitalist countries
>Stay a shithole
They even have china on their side, so resources aren't a problem at all, it's almost like the capitalist free markets brings benefits no other system can...
>South Africa is a hell on earth
Then why are black South Africans not trying to leave for Europe like other Africans? Other Africans are actually illegally flooding into South Africa.
>if Botswana was dependent on South Africa they would be even worse off.
Then why are Amazon building their African HQ in South Africa instead of Botswana?
> Botswana maybe you mean to say that Botswana is exploiting South Africa?
How?Botswana's mines are mostly owned by the Chinese and their government are paranoid about South Africa backing a coup there.
>has to fails every 10 or so years, leaving millions destitute.
>the US has a greater income inequality than France before the revolution
>the majority of people work harder and receive less than serfs/peasants during the middle ages.
>richest country in the world still has malnourished people, they're called "food insecure"
>capitalist countries quite literally had to reshape the world in their image in order to uphold their economic system
Cuba literally has a higher life expectancy than the US, exports doctors and has a higher literacy rate than the US. Keep drinking that koolaid, maybe your boss will give you weekends off if he doesn't call you.
He's back. Black South African Internet Defense Force
>a proud African name
That name came from a slave fort that the Muslims used to keep African slaves in LMAO
>He's from Rhodesia. What part confuses you
Leo seems confused since believed he owned a farm in Rhodesia when he was toddler and was apparently a member of an elite South African Army special forces unit fighting the border wars when could have been no more than 12 years old.
>when could have been no more than 12 years old.
Isn't that what he implied? That he was very young when he "enlisted"?
Refute anything I pointed out.Or are you too busy fantasizing how Botswana is this mystical great superpower?
I'm not the guy you're arguing with. I don't give a shit about any of the countries involved
hahahahahahahahahahahaha it went from a crown jewel of the British Empire to an absolute shithole where people starve to death every day
>has to fails every 10 or so years, leaving millions destitute.
Compared to being in a state of constant failure?
>the US has a greater income inequality than France before the revolution
Meaningless statement, the poor today are much richer than the poors then, it's just that the rich have gotten insanely rich
>the majority of people work harder and receive less than serfs/peasants during the middle ages
Literal fiction
>Cuba literally has a higher life expectancy than the US
So does sardinia, located in a capitalist country, for reasons totally unrelated to the economic system.
And what about Japan? They are turbo capitalists and have the highest life expectancy in the world.
It's almost like life expentancy is a mix of various factors including diet (USA diet sucks), genetics (some ethinicities just live longer) etc.
Commies use always the same 3 or 4 arguments and they are all shit.
Cuba is not a great place to live, when my grandfather went there to work (they needed foreign engineers since their education system was in shambles, no matter what literacy rates say), people were trying to break into his hotel to rob him of his stuff, and he gave a hostess a medicine that isn't even available in cuba (so much for great healthcare).
You know nothing about cuba, except the propaganda the cuban government publishes to fool morons like you.
>Isn't that what he implied? That he was very young when he "enlisted"?
Conscription age was 18.And that was just regular army units.But I get it was just a movie aimed at a mostly western audience.
Zimbabwe is a paradise I'm glad it was liberated from white people.
isn't zim bab way just what black panther says before he charges into battle
The Virgin Invader Zim-Bob-Way Vs The Chad Rhodesians Never Die
I will never not read these in their entirety when posted. Afrikino
It sounded more like a militia, like he was a young orphan and that colonel or something took him in his group and taugh him how to war etc. Don't know if historicaly accurate but that's how the character was written.
Was this peak Leo?