Are you excited for the Gremlins TV show? The showrunner is a based bully slaying chad
Gremlins on HBO
Justin Bennett
Jace Hall
Zachary Johnson
loser energy
Nicholas Brooks
>I'm kind of a medium deal
I'm all for leaving the past behind, the best revenge is a life well lived, etc..., but I like this guy
Camden Martinez
yeah, but with a kind of style
Isaac Taylor
>im going to do a le epic dunk in the dms then post it for everyone to see, no biggie
Angel Hill
Another franchise that will break Mike & Jay's heart
How much you wanna bet it's all done in CGI?
Christopher Powell
Ayden Hall
So based. No one is going to bully him ever again!
Evan Gomez
Why do Asians passively-aggressively seethe so much?