Obi-Wan Kenobi, they look thrilled to be there

Obi-Wan Kenobi, they look thrilled to be there

Attached: FSdbrbYVkAA87Vy.jpg (1284x1239, 215.92K)

Do you think they'll make a high quality star wars kino this time, at last?


>white t-shirt
>white socks
>creme colored pants
>black shoes
what the fuck was his stylist thinking?

sludge, but it was my childhood, but there is a gross negroid that will take up most of the screentime so i shan't watch

>Being edgy on Yea Forums
Go back to pol

they wanted him to look normal and approachable
t. /fa/shion
i'm sniggering at your niggardly behavior

Nigger Pass.
Old Asian Pass.
Just fuck off already.

I will watch in your place, and you will bitch about negroids on Yea Forums for my entertainment.

is it entertaining? wow. what about /qa/posting?