So did they ever explain why ships always meet orientated the exact same way in Star Trek? Is there some kind of intergalactic standard?
So did they ever explain why ships always meet orientated the exact same way in Star Trek...
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It's Star Trek
Everything gets explained in the lore (that the current writers refuse to read) somewhere
Why is it so hard for /trek/ faggots to keep it in the general?
If you're going to be potentially fired upon, it would make more sense not to give your opponent a broad target.
or, alternatively since its 3d space they can meet nose to nose, as they can PILOT THEIR OWN SHIPS RETARD.
This is why the episode where Feds block the Klingon-Romulan border during the Klingon civil war makes no sense at all, it would work on land but not in 3D space.
I don't make these threads but I refuse to visit that tranny circlejerk thread ever again in my life.
Why single out Star Trek? In empire strikes back you have a scene where the heroes dramatically thing they are trapped because they are being chased by a star destoyer and two more are blocking the way, only for Han in the very last second to remember that they are in 3D space and he can steer the ship in any direction he wants
This thread fucking sucks, but the general sucks even more.
Universally, shields are raised highest to the front of a ship by default as that is the section of the craft presented first in travel. Protocol is to present your front to another when confronting / presenting the craft, this also allows transporter frequency gaps in the frontal shields to be interchanged between vessels whilst shield power can still be maintained.
wouldn't the three romulan ships fly in some sort of formation?
they reorient their ships so all their nose facing windows and shields and shit will be facing the right way you fucking dumb cunt
/trek/ is a containment general for the worst sorts of posters which allows for real Star Trek threads to be made.
I think the justification is that most galaxies are disks so strategic combat likely mostly occurs on a narrow strip of space height-wise.
I noticed this but I always just headcanon'd that ships all remained oriented to the shape of the Milky Way.
The galaxy is a flattened disc shape, so there would be few scenarios where ships might meet at a perpendicular orientation.
This. Space is unbelievably big, you don't meet other ships accidentally, one or both of them will be heading towards the other, and orient themselves appropriately beforehand.
It's "flat" in that it's much wider than it is tall, but it's still over 1,000 light years tall, which is 255 days travel at Warp 9.
Aye, but let's say two ships are travelling to and from Vulcan and Earth respectively. They'll be following as straight a line as space will allow, assuming no hazards in the way. They would meet each other at the same orientation, at worst one might be initially upside down to the other, but as other anons have pointed out, shields and maneuvering thrusters are not equally distributed over a ship, so the first thing you would do upon meeting a ship is bring yours vessel around to face it head on, to have your shields/deflectors at an optimal angle.
To be fair, many times the ships arent even that close to eachother, the view screen just orientates the other ship automatically and your brain just does the rest.
Other times these encounters happen in actual close range because another ship drops out of warp. I just assume the cloaked ship positions themselves accordingly to make their surprise entrance more impactful.
Also its a tv show
they actually took this into account one time i could remeber, and it was awesome imo
Don't they usually say some shit about matching course and heading a lot of the time?
common courtesy
>The first 360-degree figure is a direction in an imaginary plane similar to the galactic plane, but between the ship and the center of the galaxy. What ever the location of the ship in the galaxy is, heading 000-mark-0 is always a direct course to the center of the galaxy. Heading 180-mark-0 is a direct heading away from it. A heading from Earth directly to the Beta Quadrant would be 090-mark-0 and further into the Alpha Quadrant 270-mark-0.
>As explained in "Datalore", the second 360-degree figure is the elevation angle at a right angle to the previous plane. A heading of 360-mark-90 would be a heading directly upwards away from the plane, where as 360-mark-270 a heading directly downwards.
What's funny is there's literally no reason to ever stop in space and it's tremendously wasteful to do so. Ships are either accelerating towards their destination, coasting, or decelerating to meet it. And always traveling in arcs and circles. So if they wanted to intercept another craft to talk, they would accelerate and match the arc trajectory, then pull alongside to tell them to change course.
Space is actually surprisingly small. That’s why we can even get to all these different planets without dying of old age first
>literally no reason to ever stop in space
This might apply to "real" space travel, but not Star Trek. You are either in warp, or not. There's really no "coasting" or even (de)accelerating for that matter.
No, that's because they have warp drive which lets you go above the speed of light. Warp 1 is the speed of light, and after that its logarithmic: warp 2 is 10xSoL, warp 3 is 39xSoL, warp 4 is 102xSoL, etc, etc, and warp 9 is 1516xSoL
Because the ship is a character and how it's facing informs the audience of the situation. The other day I saw the episode "Genesis" where Picard and Data are in a shuttlecraft, approaching the enterprise. The ship was slowly turning and Data states is seems to be adrift, even though realistically it's likely to turn slowly because there's no friction in space. It's just staging.
It's just funny that they want to apply realism to it like orientation, without considering how they also always move. Then there's no reason to get within "look out the window" visual range either. They'd be able to talk to each other from hundreds of thousands of miles away where they are little dots in the sky
I honestly don't even think it looks bad if they were to be shown oriented in all sorts of ways.
They have subspace communication which is FTL (though not instantaneous nor unlimited - Voyager was out of comms range for the entire show, and there was several days/weeks travel time for comms between Earth and DS9)
I mean if they really wanted a reason to "meet" by getting near each other, they don't need to park the fronts 100 ft away so people can wave out the windows. They can be 100,000mi away and still very close to each other and not near anything else and with warp they could be within weapons range quickly
they've probably got computers in them that aim to be facing in that direction where possible
>narrow strip of space height-wise
The galactic plane is literally thousands of lightyears thick from top to bottom
even better question, why are ships shaped aerodynamically like that? they should all look like borg cubes
Cylinders actually. They're the best shape for space travel
It probably happens more but several times when ships need to "talk" with each other i assume they just put the ship in the same direction to be polite. But in combat situations you see them often in different positions.
Only because you can spin a cylinder to create artificial gravity
They often want to beam unto each other's ship and i assume they want to be as close as possible for that.
Voyager can land.
ships are generally pancake shape and so is the milky way. it doesn't bother me that theres a standard orientation to make navigating more managable for the crew. it just bothers me it isn't used in combat more. it should always be an advantage to attack an enemy ship from above or below thats where they show the most surface area..and you show show the least
The "horizon" is the alignment between the stars and the planets. There is no reason for ships to be on all sorts of random directions. Same for when orbiting a body, the "horizon" when would be just similar to the planet's.
Do they explain how they beat relativity in Star Trek?
Not really in the star trek universe, their computers can lock on the enemy ship or not, doesn't matter which part is visible and their weapons can shoot in any direction.
now riddle me this: three ships approach from three completely different angles. Which one is the ship that the others have to align themselves to?
Also it doesn't answer why ships couldn't present themselves facing each other but upside down.
ever since TNG technical manual, its explained its all about warp field mechanics .. which is a totally made up thing so they can do whatever they want
Every comic maker is a faggot, every comic talks like a fag, Trek is babyshit for retards.
Battlestar Galactica didn't have any problems with this.
I don't want to hear any TREK shit ever again.
See You can also expand this to the galactic plane.
even with a lock on its better the ships gonna absorb more of that fire from an exposed orientation. also the torpedo launchers tend to only have limited forward and sometimes aft arcs.
>see this cluster of inanity
>The "horizon" is the alignment between the stars and the planets.
Stars and planets are aligned different ways, and ships could be meeting light years deep in the void between star systems
>Same for when orbiting a body, the "horizon" when would be just similar to the planet's.
If you're orbiting a planet it makes more sense to put your ship parallel to the surface because you wouldn't want to use your thrusters sideways just for the dubious advantage of aligning yourself with the star's or the galaxy's plane.
>You can also expand this to the galactic plane.
Planes have two (2) sides.
Also I don't know if you're aware of this, but galaxies are extremely thick, so by your logic a ship that is trying to go from the top to the bottom should travel at 90° just for the sake of staying aligned to the galactic plane.
>TNG technical manual
does it also explain why the same rules don't apply to the borg?
rule of cool
Haven't read it, but the Borg use their own transwarp technology.
Only the theory: the warp drive contracts space in front of you so the distance you're travelling is smaller and you can therefore appear to go faster than light by reducing the distance it travels, and expands it behind you both to balance the effect and in order to create a wave the propels you forward through the contracted space
Why would three ships approach at three different angles if they're in the same group?
They regularly beam down to planets from orbit which is pretty far
Not really, it's mainly because you want all the mass as close to in front of the engine as possible. On a cube, you have tons of material really far away from point of thrust which is horrible engineering design. Fun sci-fi shape though.
Galaxies are ring shaped obviously the outward spin means their is a optimal angle to be travelling in space.
This. This argument is retarded,i always assumed that outside of combat they indeed put themselves nose to nose because they have competent pilot