I don't get it. How are they italian? They're americans

I don't get it. How are they italian? They're americans

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arent the nabolidaboli?

that's kind of the joke. notice how paulie gets mad about espresso machines while pronouncing it as "expresso".

They're goofy cologne drenched sub 80 IQ Guidos acting tough. Sad. They only fight in superior numbers.

if italians are born in japan does that make them japanese?

I think they stay a mouse.


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Do any of these men look white to you? Gandolfini might pass, but the rest? Not a chance.

Americans aren't white

black youths really do stand around the streets looking shifty like that. I never got it.

It looks like 3 wops, a fat american, and a crypto-kike. I'm guessing the crypto-kike is why they're in a graveyard during the day.

Well, yea, no shit. The episode where they go to Italy is to showcase how retarded they are.
Americans are delusional LARPers, what can I tell ya.

yeah they white I guess

hey looks it obsessed euro hours on Yea Forums. go ahead and let it all out, are the americans in the room with us right now?

Is getting rid of a family really as easy as killing 5 people? U thought these organisations were meant to be resilient.

We'll just get this outta the way early.

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They're LARPers really, they still have some bastardized version of Italian culture in parts of their lives from their great great grandparents or whatever, and LCN of course but in they end they're just Americans. They're just foreigners in Italy and Tony calls Furio a "fucking immigrant" when he fights with Carm.

Do YOU look white, retard?

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They are whiter than you

LOL ok

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how is a country of mexicans more powerful than yours

>le whole world united against America
cringe lol

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Inshallah brother

You lot really let a country full of mexicans dominate you and your way of life?

they're looking for marks retard


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They're not. Lile you said, they're americans.

Absolutely none of these disgusting fucks would be considered Italian by someone who is actually from Italy

>How are they italian?
it's a joke

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euromutt's law

Dang you really kicked the hornets nest with that image look at all the seethe you’ve caused lol

>a single american existing has derailed an entire thread
Many such cases during early morning Yea Forums. Europe stays holding america's pocket.

Why is the concept of differentiating nationality and ethnicity hard for you to understand?


why should italians adapt to some kind of anglo saxon culture just cause they live in america, in fact America takes the name from an Italian, they have the right to be still italians.
Souther italians are closer to old romans than the north bastards that got docked by Germans for a millenia btw

It isn't.
It's hard for Americans though.

>being proud of your heritage is an alien concept for the average non-american
No wonder Europe is flooded by immigrants

Uhh, because Italians barely did shit except explore, they fell off hard when colonization began in earnest and it all shifted to Britain/France/Portugal/Spain. Hell, even the Netherlands and fucking Sweden did more than the Italians.

Dont you have a supreme court judge to terrorise for upholding your Constitution?

Europe stopped mattering on the world stage hundreds of years ago, its fine if they see themselves as just americans now. They've been running reality for long enough.

>Ahmed judging whiteness
oh I am laffin

From Dartmouth lad, mainlanders are just insane and I'm done with it. I don't even think theres any americans in here.

allahu akbar I'm Dutch you fucking mutt golem Allah curse you and your kin

>all this amerimutt seethe
It's funny to think that this thread caused at least one heart attack.

What heritage? Mutts don't even emulate their heritage properly. One prime example is Paulie demanding spaghetti tomato sauce when they're out in Italy dining with the mob family.
You are an embarrassment to your "heritage" because you shit all over it.

so? they didn't have a unified country and no ports in the Atlantic, why does that correlate to having to abandon ones culture once they are in America?
they are italians just like whites in America are still European, and blacks are African.

Keep thinking about interracial sex and projecting it, euro freak.

You can be ethnically Irish and live in England with English citizenship. Not hard to understand.

Post hand

>Europe stopped mattering on the world stage hundreds of years ago,
the 60s wasn't hundreds of years ago you fucking douchebag

But it was random out of the blue seething towards Americans that derailed the thread, as always.
Not that it wasn't likely a bait thread to begin with.

>even the Netherlands
LOL the VOC was the largest corporate enterprise the world has ever seen.

yes this one minute scene from a show is enough to create a fact out of 30 milion people

>bro americans can't honor their heritage this tv show proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt
you're grasping at straws now

All races and cultures are expected to blend into White American English-speaking culture, as that's the bedrock the nation was founded upon. Not hard to comprehend.

Every single person sees the jersey shore guys as a clown show, dipshit eurotrash.

why is that every single thread is filled with retards with inferiority complex about their place of origins? no one givea a fuck about where you are from, you arw shit, your city is shit, your county is shit, your country is shit, your continent is shit.

this has nothing to do with tv.

>wants to see another guys hand
homosexuality is haram your imam is gonna be mad

>you can't possibly be proud of your cultural heritage if you are currently living in a country other that where said cultural heritage originates
This is your brain on anti-american obsession

When you abandon one nation for another there used to be implicit things you were doing and going to do because of that.
Assimilating into your new culture was a norm and expected. Only kikes think otherwise.
If you go to japan or france they expect you to act japanese or french. If you don't you failed them not the other way around.