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is chudjack the most /pol/cel triggering meme there is?

I think 56% face hits closer to home

Attached: qyrE_xVPK9nbdcsPCAacx68gSjJchENOCJw3JYrPSao.jpg (1057x947, 192.51K)

the rapacity with which they declare themselves unbothered is compelling proof to the contrary

Damn... Doreen really hut the wall.

How's he gonna walk dogs if he's trapped behind that wall?

No the mutt meme is, American /pol/acks cannot deal with their lack of Abstammung and it destroys their fantasies for a white ethnostate since every single one of them violates the "not one drop rule" in some way or another. They cope by not looking too deeply into their family histories and thinking that 23 and me results are falsified by the Jews.

Is that slut roastie Brittany Venti?

Could be

Is there a particular reason why 23 and me couldn't be falsified?

What's Doreen Ford doing there?


Attached: doreen ford.jpg (630x443, 52.78K)

You're a sad person.

Yeah because it's not and you'll get the same results from whatever genealogy service you use, mutt, and not because they're colluding with each other.

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pretty much all of /pol/ is mexicans who think they are white

I think the chud face is really the face of anyone who spends more than five hours a day on the internet

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The meme that destroyed leftypol

I thought we didn't look like this?

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Chud here. I don't get it

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The meme that killed the chuds

based and autismpilled

Yeah. She's a big attention seeker. Notice how she knows exactly where the camera is.

Did the left ever have a good counter to this?

>The meme that killed the chuds

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They pretend it doesn't exist, just like they pretend their penis never existed.


No, they were trying to transition to that retarded goblin kid after doreen btfo them but I guess they gave up on it and went limping back to chudjak.

But the kike owner of 23andme literally stated that he adds a bit of sub saharan to all white dna JUST to fuck with white nationalists

it's just incels calling incels incels all the way down

>the meme that ki-

Attached: 1650616175251.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

>No, they were trying to transition to that retarded goblin kid after doreen btfo them but I guess they gave up on it and went limping back to chudjak.

shut the fuck up Doren.

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sauce? Sounds true but I want proof.

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actually no an american talk show used identical triplets to test all the dna services and they all gave the triplets different results. its total bullshit

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>No you see this picture is actually showing my ENEMIES, not me
HAHAHAHA every time

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True every time as well.

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Hey guys, Thomas here

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le antiwork face

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>Called Doreen Ford
>Doesn't even have a driver's license
what a waste

i look like this and i am wearing a bernie sanders jumper lol. this is literally me

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I look like Doreen.


how many bunkerchuds do you think you can take on in a fight?

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>I write blogs and feature length essays about work as well as other philosophical topics.

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All of them except the one that's Ben Franklin fused with Frieza's third form. He mogs all the others' power levels.

that's a canadian

Attached: oh canada.png (850x494, 537.8K)

Why do you guys even hate chuds? Just leave them alone, they're not bothering anyone.

>If I reach this goal I'll start working on a new Abolish Work book!
Don't quit your day "job," Doreen. Those dogs aren't gonna walk themselves.

Because that's what they look like and they hate themselves. Really, that's all there is to all this. Wish they'd just off themselves, they're never gonna breed (or pass) anyway.

>taking satire seriously
What you just said is exactly how every board on Yea Forums feels about you, Cosmo. Ywnbaw

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that's a polish

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>Because that's what they look like

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