You know your show sucks when nobody cares about the Main character

You know your show sucks when nobody cares about the Main character

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Boardwalk Empire too

he was only interesting to follow in the first season

It started out great and would have been a good show but they couldn't resist regressing to breaking bad tier schlock to reel in the normie viewers.

It's a great show. The problem is the slow pacing doesn't go well with weekly episodes and commercial breaks every 10mins.
Once you can watch the entire series back to back it will no doubt be considered on of the greats.

This, he was only entertaining working out of his nail salon/law office while driving his shitty beat up yellow car and struggling and failing, they basically turned him into some Mary Sue conman and the viewer needs to take increasingly huge suspensions of disbelief in order to believe his shitty plans and ruses and plots somehow continually seem to pan out the way he wants every single time.
The Hywel shit was just laughably stupid but by that point, given everything that had come before, I simply didn't even care anymore.

the gene scenes are kino
all i wanted was season 6 to take place after el camino
fyck you peter (((gould)))

what do you mean? lalo is great

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I basically watched the first 5 seasons back-to-back in several days on Netflix and yeah since then (watching them in dripfeed weekly format at present for Season 6) I can genuinely say it's considerably less enjoyable.
But I also think the quality and writing has taken a dive since Chuck died and I think a lot of characters have been ruined irreparably and a lot of the plots just became so ridiculous and jarring.

The problem with this show, apart from the Drug Cartel, it's basically Lawyers fucking over other Lawyers. Like most people, I hate Lawyers, so which ever Lawyer ends up in gaol or dying doesn't bother me. Basically I don't give a fuck about any of the characters..