Itt: media desperately in need of a good film adaptation
Itt: media desperately in need of a good film adaptation
They tried and it was mediocre
Honestly the more Orson Scott Card I read the less I respect him
Enders game and Enders Shadow were good, the rest where pretty meh
Then you read his Empire shit and realize he may have been retarded the whole time
The Dark Tower needs a high budget, 5+ season series. The movie probably destroyed that ever happening tho
I'm thinking an animated adaptation in the style of the sketches in the book
Adapt every story in the order it was written
Get a nervous but quiet person to play Tichy
The Cyberiad and the Tales of Pirx the Pilot too
Solaris has been done before twice so save that for last
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Hidden themes of alcoholism. Dexter meets Split.
Did you miss the Asa Butterfield/Harrison Ford adaptation? It was well done.
Do remakes count?
Film of this would be amazing, you could cgi the fuck out of it and I wouldn't care
Animated film tho
I would love to see one that was genuine and well done but we all know anything made right now will be a bunch of woke-signaling, lazy CGI, and not much else.
Haha this thread is pretending Ender's Game movie doesn't exist. Upvoted!
>pretending Ender's Game movie doesn't exist
acknowledging that a very shitty Ender's Game movie does exist and hoping for better
I feel like I've already seen the part where he connects the dots while watching the russian movie and it was kino
OP said "good" film adaptation
I would mortgage my house to get a Red Storm miniseries with Team Yankee added in as one of the storylines
suck my fart, OP!
>wanting any realist book adapted into a GOOD movie
You are a fool, though one with remarkable taste.
I posted it as a gaff, but honestly it or The Idiot would be my choice if there had to be an adaptation.
Coming soon to a cnn near you
>mormon author
no thanks
Seeing the AutoM8s and the Razorbacks in live action would be fucking kino
Shocking it hasnt been made yet
Human and robot detective duo
Damn Kurt Vonnegut liked this? I'll have to give it a try.
based, but do not forget the futurological congress
Very based user. I would also love to see chronicles of amber.
cmon guys
Too much is going on in the head of Ender, no justice will be given to this book by any movie
You and I are the only ones who read past the pleb filter, user. And I stopped reading it around page 800, it's sitting on my shelf waiting for me to quit being lazy and gay.
Look at this fucking board. What a shit heap. A gorillion shit threads. Thanks, troll. Thanks a lot. Fucking ruined it for everyone you fucking pathetic loser.
They should make Dune 2.
>Name of author larger than book title
Mega cringe. As if I care who the author is.
Based opinon-brother. Fuck those Ego driven faggots.
the dark tower is absolute aids outside of the first three books
its meh, the reveal that the mc is black isnt going to work and its part of that 'free love' period of scifi that just comes off as creepy.
moon is a harsh mistress would be great but in current year you couldn't have libertarians larping as communists to recreate the american revolution on the moon
The whole Book of the New Sun really but you have to start somewhere.
Christ. Thank you. Finally someone who doesn't dicksuck wizard and glass. King broke after that shitty cliffhanger.
Didn't the book have a lot of gay stuff in it?
No. You might be thinking of the Shadow books but i haven't read those to be sure.
I gave up half way through - boring as fuck
This was one of my favorite books growing up
like clockwork lmao
Good concept weighed down by Heinlein's increasing indulgence in his own fetishes. Affected a lot of his later work.
> One of main good guys is a raping, pillaging warlord
> Good guys own slaves
> Slave species are the bad guys
> Women need to cover up one of their hands or they will get called a whore
It will never get made, and hollywood could never do it justice.
The studios are probably going to make something of his soon though. Maybe Elantris or Mistborn. They are lot more consumer friendly.
He just raised $40m on kickstarter to make some in-world Stormlight archive books. Studio's can't really ignore that sort of money for nothing more than a book. You could make a mid-budget show with that much.
They already fucked Asimov over this decade. I don't want to see them do it again.
>the dark tower is absolute aids outside of the first three books
That's because King was using the Mystery Box before the term was coined. He had no actual plan. When things like this fall apart, mystery box writing is usually the reason.
This was such a good book and I wish the old TV miniseries was available for streaming somewhere. They'd ruin today though.
This was adapted into a TV series, all the Asian saga was adapted to film or TV except Whirlwind and Gai-jin, though the Pierce Brosnan Noble House adaption really fucking sucked and didn't even mention the coins.
dude torrent, stop wasting your money
I couldn't find it there either though. It was a year ago so I might try again. Anyone rightly owed money from it is long dead anyway so even more morally fine.
no one cares about your autistic incest book
I have an audiobook version of Ender's Game with an afterword by OSC where he exclusively talks about why it would never work as a movie and that nobody should ever try to adapt it.