He's not wrong; he's just pathetic
He's not wrong; he's just pathetic
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he's a westernized indian male, of course
Apu is cooler than these shit skins will ever be
The only reason I had any sort of respect for poos as a kid was because of Apu. The fuckers are irredeemable without him.
Are many actual Sirs actually upset about Apu? They don't play Speedy Gonzalez cartoons anymore despite most Mexicans liking the character.
You will never own a toilet. You have no social standing, you have no money, you have no bob or vegenes to play with. You are an unhygenic man twisted by curry, feces and urine into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.
All the “good mornings!” you get are two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your street shitting buddies are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “bloody basterds” laugh at you behind their closed doors.
Toilets are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of technology and science have allowed toilets to flush with incredible efficiency. Even Indians who “shit in a toilet” look uncanny and unnatural to a seasoned plumber. Your E.Coli ridden feces are a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to find a toilet in the bathroom, the toilet itself will turn tail and bolt the second it gets a whiff of your diseased, curry shit smelling anus.
You will never be able to shit without anyone watching and judging. You wrench out a few meager “good mornings” at the start of the morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the shit you hold creeping up like a weed, ready to rush out of your anus as your cheeks try to hold the unbearable weight.
Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, scam a crypto fag, and redeem yourself into the cold abyss. Your basterds will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer has to live with the unbearable stench you brought to the designated shitting street. They’ll bury you without toilet paper, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a street shitting pajeet is buried there. Your remaining shit will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your pathetic life is a “good morning” text that was never opened.
I'm gonna make an uproar about the mafia characters and the chef guy
I'm going to make an uproar about the white characters because we are NOT yellow!!!!
How do I cope with this sirs?
He actually does address characters like Groundskeeper Willie and Fat Tony in the movie. The argument is if you were a Scottish kid who moved to America in the 90s, sure, you might get a Groundskeeper Willie impersonation sometimes. But you'd also get Sean Connery, or Billy Connelly, or the Eurythmics, or the Proclaimers. Scots had been the villain, the hero, the love interest, the comic relief. They had been actors, singers, athletes.
If you were an Indian and you moved the the US in the 90s you got Apu. And maybe Indiana Jones 2. That's about it. At least if you went to England or Australia you might get a cricketer impersonation, but Americans don't know what that is. Apu was basically the only representation Indians had on American television.
So his criticism isn't so much Apu in and of itself; it's the fact there was only Apu. He wouldn't have a problem with him if there was lots of other prominent Indian characters and actors
good morning sirs
>they have more material to make fun of other races!!! But I’m the victim!
Fucking faggot
Apu in the loo
i have no doubt there are plenty of indians on tv in india (hint hint)
maybe he should go back
All nonwhites should be exterminated
Fuck you and fuck India. Go tongue a curry sweat flavored foreskin, faggot
>poojeet SJWs seethe over Apu
>seethe when Apu gets removed
They fucked themselves hilariously
The funniest part about this era were the videos that had indians who could speak english watch Apu and they got offended and said stuff like "you actually think we talk like that?" in the exact Apu accent. Very funny stuff. I'll see if I can find it. Damn, can't find it. It was like one of those old FineBros interview type videos.
you got me bro. Clearly I'm Hari Kondabolu hanging out in this thread
So its okay to make fun out of Groundskeeper Willy?
Rich Brahmin who is embarrassed by Indian immigrants being store owners makes documentary to couch his shame and insecurity in social justice.
Nick Mullen from Cumtown had a bit about how he did a "black accent" at an open mike night and didn't get many laughs, and then an African American comedian went on after him and went "man, dat was sum rassest ass sheit" in the exact same voice without meaning to, and everyone burst out laughing because they thought it was part of the act
I was saying he’s a faggot
Proving that laughter was just clapter all along.
Yeah in the video, they were angry and were "mocking" Apu's accent by mimicking it and saying things like "Oh would you like if I talk like this?" in "Apu's accent" but it was literally just the same accent. It was surreal that no one noticed it. I looked around some more and really can't find it. I wonder if it was deleted.
Multiculturalism doesn't work because a few groups (Asian men, black women) will always be seething over their low sexual status. Natural hierarchies exist in nature and they're inescapable.
i always found it interesting how a people who got so incredibly assblasted about the british being in their country don't seem to realize we all feel the same way about them being in ours
Dude shut up. 90% of the convenience stores in the US are owned or manned by fucking Indians, its why the character was made.
good morning sir
I saw it too. You’re not crazy.
In their minds it's revenge. The worst ones are the Asians who come to America and do land acknowledgements of native Americans, going so far to call themselves "non-white gentrifiers". Bitch. Just go back to your country.
>Defending this turbofaggot
Imagine going to Japan or Korea or China and complaining there aren't enough whites in their TV shows.
What an entitled piece of shit. It'd be one thing if poojeets like him were anything but a miniscule percentage of the U.S. population.
I watched this in college recently, we were originally supposed to write an essay regarding how Apu's character was very harmful to his Indian backround and how it affects his family's portrayal to non-pajeets, it wasn't until the teacher realized that nobody in class watches The Simpsons or any form of television anymore, so we skipped it and instead wrote about how will our town be affected with people of different backgrounds beginning to migrate
>t.taco who lives in Southern Texas
>It'd be one thing if poojeets like him were anything but a miniscule percentage of the U.S. population.
irrelevant flyover state dweller detected
Eh, most Asians are pretty chill. "Multiculturalism" would be fine if, unlike the modern West, all the groups had a reasonably-developed prefrontal cortex.
Indians are hideous and no one likes looking at you shit water colored monkeys.
>In their minds it's revenge.
Sometimes they let the truth slip out:
Sirs, please redeem the calm, sirs.
Nah Asians (yellow and brown) are the worst because the guys are so beta. They all become resentful incels. The women simultaneously hate whites but almost exclusively fuck white guys. Very schizophrenic people.
Indian store owners are exactly like Apu. I don't understand what the controversy is.
>Manager of his own store
>Earned his American citizenship
>Has a wife and kids
It must suck being the least desirable race of male. Even ricecels are less repulsive to foids.
Just be white, bro.
Bug men are less desirable to bug foids, but roasties of other races prefer them to poojeets.
Ricecels can looksmax by going for the "cute" pretty boy, K-pop look. Trying to get buff makes them look embarrassing.
Apu is barely even a negative stereotype, especially compared to most other Simpsons characters.
Fuck this whining poojeet faggot.
oops I said that out loud!
He is wrong, but not just that.
More like, The Problem with Apoojeet!
I figure the current stereotype of Indians being smelly, street shitting, call center scammers that simp hard for white women is way worst than "guy who works hard at his job and provides for his family"
t. never had to work with them
Right or wrong doesn't matter. We have the first amendment, if pooinloos don't like it they can all go back to their shitstain country and fucking stay there.
Hence why the whinging poo-in-the-loo who made the documentary should be grateful that Apu wasn't 100 times worse (and, if he was, would have perfectly reflected reality).
Not mutually exclusive, since observable reality can and often is also a stereotype.
Almost every prominent Italian thing in the US is mafia related
Apu was a business owner and a family man. It looks good on Indians
Mobsters are horrible people and represent an outrageously small amount of people but nobody gives any heed to the people who ranted about the Sopranos back in the day
I mean, they could've had a case in the early or late 90s but pulling this shit off in 2017 just feels pointless as the simpsons are barely in the minds of the younger generation and to make fun of Indians is "send feet and vagine pic, please"
Was there really anything to make fun of with Apu beyond his "Thank you, come again" line?
>We have the first amendment
Not for long, goy.
They had zero case in the '90s, either. Apu was mildly stereotypical, boo fucking hoo. Poojeets can watch Bollywood movies if they don't like American ones.
this gonna sound like a turbocope but i do think a lot of people here have skewed views of it from being terminally online and running into incels 24/7. I knew a decent amount of Indian-Americans at the tech high I went to, they were basically just brown white people. The most I could say was that a comical amount of that had buried neuroses from their parents being assholes, but sexual stuff never came up.
Every fucking am pm in Southern California had an apu. The character was fine and realistic.
The wedding epicode is pretty crass but the character is fine.
What’s your favorite apu line chads?
>he’s right businesses connections are more important than love!
You are so fucking culturally blind to the 90s. It was the least racist time in the last 100 years of America
Rodney King riots caused more damage than all BLM riots combined
>India full of rape, poverty and other social ills
>let’s make a documentary about…this animated character that supposedly makes us look bad
You fags talk shit about Indians but you useless fucks still managed to fail in life even though you had all the advantages of being non Indian and living in a first world country
I met an old man at a Christmas party, thought he was Mexican cause he had an American accent, nope, turns out he was an Indian guy who moved here when he was like 5 in the 60s. Apu thing came up in convo through TV ad, he basically admitted that he hated the character because he was a Cold War vet and was always into sports n shit but the character made all Indians look like fat retards with accents.
I didn't wanna say "you are literally one in a million" but he was alive during the time it had an effect so he probably has a better perspective of it than me. Either way it's a moot point in 2017
Now we got, Call center jockies, and uhhh, what else
Redeem yourself, SIR!
I. Are decent money and don’t run around molesting women. So I’m miles ahead of your average shitskin
>tfw pajeet who was terrible at math and hated Baljeet jokes cause it made people assume I was a math wiz just cause I was a pajeet