There are more women gamers and men because women play mobile games

>there are more women gamers and men because women play mobile games

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I'm glad this faggot lost his show

Sick of this shit. Sick of women infiltrating our culture, our hobbies, our interests. They will bastardize everything we cherish just to push their woke agendas like feminism, LGBTQ+ pozzed crap and abortion. It's sick. Women don't play games, they don't understand games. They can only play mobile games that are made for toddlers. Real games require investment, real games require critical thinking.

Why don't we just change golf to be more like miniature golf because the majority of gold players are actually children?

This but unironically

yeah as a kid and as a teen all those girls were wanting to hang out with me because I had the latest games console

This but unironically

This guy is an incel of the highest order
>Alpha males don’t exist
>Women only date assholes
>…Please have sex with me

Mobile game audiences are inflated by an unknown factor becase every time a differen tower picks up the phone it counts as a new use instance.

Could be 3x could be 10x. Mobile gaming is not a thing, companies just have bad data.

Why hasn't this shit ended yet?

imagine getting BTFO by joe rogan the brainlet, of all fucking people

"gamers" was never used to describe people who play mobile games. This is such a fucking stupid argument, I'm glad this faggot got embarrassed on Rogan

Videogames are inherently infantile and so women deserve them. Most speedrunners are trannies, most gamers are trannies. That tells you the real story behind gaming.

Girls who play games and actually care about them don’t have to constantly highlight that they’re girls playing games.

>I feel like games aren’t for me because hot chicks exist in advertising
What is this lolgic?

I don’t care about any of this bullshit and I never have. Empty pandering makes video games garbage too. I just want to play Sanic in peace.

Did goober gate happen in 2015? I don't remember people going batshit upset over politics and women in gaming before it happened.

>getting furious and upset because you're afraid someone might think that a woman plays more videogames than you

Ah, yes... The strong, traditional man's man.

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Critical thinking yes, invesment? Stop playing gacha games and all those MMO user

mobile games aren't video games
next thread

I hope trannies continue to ruin women's sports as payback for all this shit.

Why would you even want anything to do with 'gamer culture' to begin with. Just play the damn games.

investment in time and effort you stupid tranny


Started in mid 2014.


Kill yourself

Women can't create so they steal.


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what's Whoopie Goldberg doing there?

>we think of video games as being for boys because of TV advertising
I'm a zoomer and I've seen none of those ads. At school all my friends were playing smash bros and call of duty, the girls were reading books or magazines and baking, if girls were playing games it was wii sports or mario kart, social stuff.
It's just biology, Adam is a con artist.

He's gay user.

every gammer is a fat soiboy or a tranny

It's leftist blank slate cope. Anyone who has ever been around small children knows that boys like things(spatial intelligence) and girls like people (socialization). Even make and female monkeys exhibit this gendered behavior.

They are getting a taste of their medicine with all the trannies in their female sports. I wonder how long it will take before they break

>>we think of video games as being for boys because of TV advertising

They believe everything is a social construction and people are born as blank slates. They don't believe that males and females even biologically really exist, and any differences are social constructions that must be therefore torn down to achieve equality.

The idea that males and females will tend to like different things and media because they are wired slightly different is an alien concept to them.

Girls can like games just fine they tend to be puzzle games, Animal crossing, or something like that.

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Handheld slot machines aren't games, they're algorithmic revenue collectors.

What is there to be proud of if women are the reason all these nickel and dime microtransaction skinner boxes that give you a gambling addiction are so successful? Is it really that important to recognize this just to own the incels?

Americans are so fucking mentally ill. There are so many women devs in games in Japan dating all the way back to the 80s yet you never see them make a big shit out of it. To artists or composers

women also don't understand TV or movies. 90%+ of all women I've ever watched anything with at some point were on their phone and missed an important piece of dialogue and then complained about it being confusing afterwards

>nintendo kept marketing to boys cause they are sexist
>show a legend of zelda ad
>every fucking girl in grade school had an n64 and loved Zelda
>they all had a crush on link too
Not only that but every boy and girl in school also had a gameboy and a copy of Pokemon

>a gamer is defined as someone who plays candy crush on their phone.
I hate this timeline

You didn't need to tell me video games were popular with autists.

Do white people who make these vids not see how offensive it is to imply girls only play mobile games cause they suck? When in reality they play all the call of Duty, Mario, or street fighter just like guys do?

I lived through that era and I never saw any girl being forbidden to play games, most didn't just show interest.

honestly, I'm sure every guy even casually into video games would love to have a nice split of women and men in the majority of games

Fucking Based. I always laugh at fags who speedrun and eventually turn into a tranny

This. I make a drinking game out of it, myself. Every time you hear the phrase, "What's going on?" or, "Why is he doing that?" or, "I don't get it," take a drink.

This is like calling someone a chef because they heat pizza pops in the microwave.

>every fucking girl in grade school had an n64 and loved Zelda

No they didn't, unless you are a legit zoomer

Are you saying there are hierarchies of gamers? It's a fucking children's toy dude, not a skill.

It's actually more like doing that and then forcing companies to hire the pizza-heaters as chefs and allowing them to dictate the menu at your favourite restaurant. If you take issue with that you're being unreasonable.

Quick rundown on what happened?

Kys faggot

It doesn't get any shorter or quicker than that. He got BTFO by Rogan. If you feel like a LONG rundown search it on YouTube - it's worth the watch.

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Adam was trying to push the whole "lets kid 8 year olds hrt! I fucking love science!" bs and Joe wasn't having it.

who cares video games are for retards, if anything it makes sense most of them are women.

Cry more manchild


Adam claimed that transgender women have no advantage over natal women in sports, even in combat sports, and he looked like a fool trying to argue that position

your actual future

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Agreed, now let me explain how MCU is not cinema.

I can't believe this fag is still around after being utterly btfo by rogan

>It's Misandry! It's a literal war on men!

What did they do? Take away your rights? Pass laws against you governing your own body?!

>It's far, far worse than that...
>They claimed that they played more video games than us!!

>governing your own body

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It was common in my school. Alot of the girls in my 8th grade class would constantly draw pictures of link and stuff