Stephen Colbert bros, is he gonna be ok?

Stephen Colbert bros, is he gonna be ok?

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man, if he dies we will have lost a national treasure. I will be as distraught as I was when we lost our democracy on 1/6.

should have gotten a fifth shot

Rest in piss

Let’s all pray that he croaks this month

wasnt this the guy with the odd vaxx choreography/musical?


Imagine how bad things would have been if he hadn't gotten 23 boosters! Thank goodness people like him are out there thinking for us!


why doesn't the vaccine work bros? I trusted the let me down :(

If the symptoms are as recurring as they've been and as harsh as they're implying just IMAGINE how he'd be right now if he weren't triple vaxxed. He could quite literally already be dead.

eat shit you little kike shill

Isn't he on the weekly Pfizer booster model?


oh no that sucks

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im very happy for this. i hope he suffers a lot and dies after going demented because of deep confusion and shattered sense of reality.

As dope as it would be for this kike to bite it, we're not lucky enough for that to happen.
He'll get better in a week's time then go on and on about how it "would have been so much worse if I hadn't been vaccinated!"

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>better get some tranny dancers to let everyone know that I also blindly support trans rights!
I bet those people have already necked themselves lmao

This is normal, because he's not in the hospital, so the vaccine is working as intended.

here's to hoping he's one of those lucky fucks who get some sort of life long affliction.

Could they not test to confirm?

He's had most of his blood replaced with booster shots. If they actually confirmed it was COVID the whole woke leftie shitter world would collectively lose their minds (even more).

If only this chud had taken the 7th booster...

>got """"""COVID""""""
this is comms

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Holy shit the chuds are out in full force today. Notice how all the vaccines has allowed us to return to normal whereas China, even fucking China, are locking down because they don't have vaccines.

Oh my science why hast thou abandoned me

Oh, no! Anyway...

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Damn. Guess its not a total loss.

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>Not posting a lame joke about isolating for his symptoms
I think this might actually be serious. Damn.

Did he not get his fifth shot? Pity, I got my 6th shot as soon as it was available. Hope he recovers and get's his 8th shot.

It's probably because he took Paxlovid for 5 days while being ultra vaxxed. Either take it for 10 days or not at all, for 5 days it's like taking part of a course of antibiotics, some small amount of virus survives but your immune system already thought the fight was over.

I hope this traitorous fucking faggot dies drowning in his own mucous while he tries to scream but can only gurgle in fucking agony

based. as a tesla owner, seeing the plebs lament how they can't afford gas anymore makes me laugh

They're locking down to intentionally cripple the already fucked Western supply chains, you enormous retard.

Good thing electricity is free and definitely doesn't come from petrolfuels ever. Based genius user.

A small price to pay for a good conscience

based if true, i hope they have the tech to induce more droughts in cali too

>OH N-

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Fucking wake up, dude. Just get sick, get immunity, and get on with your life. Canada had a pretty high rate and a bunch of us got sick anyways. Your vaccine doesn't do shit unless you're old and already falling apart. It was such a pointless exercise.

Why not get an actual good electric car instead of the meme tesla that has less quality?

I swear to god they're doing this on purpose.

He already had covid 2 weeks ago, now he thinks he has it again. Or long covid.

no shit, you fucking retard.

>Chine is intentionally hurting the supply chain that they themselves supply and make all their money from


Donald Trump's fault

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>got covid early on
>it was basically the flu
>never got vaxxed
>vaxxed now keep repeatedly getting covid
enjoy your AIDS you ((($cience))) trusting fags.

>shortsighted plebeian ironic reply

> Trump curse claimed another one.
Im not a chud but this is too funny seeing everyone who shit over him got absolutely btfo

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>>it was basically the flu

I got it in January and I remember how bothered I was given how I've had worse flus in my life than this virus. It felt like I avoided a scam but I was still denied entry in restaurants and from holding certain jobs if I needed to until I got this fucking vaccine for a virus I was immune to. I'm lucky I work for myself.

>Government Spokesperson: Fuck You All Those Things We "Warn" About Are Us Bragging About What We're About To Do
>Experts Warn: We're Going to Kill You All Soon
>Leading Officials Say: We Fully Intend to End Your Way of Life and Plunge You Into Misery and Poverty and This is Us Literally Telling You What We're About to Do So Don't Say We Didn't Warn You

you have a responsibility to your herd, fren

>when the supply chain tanks your adrenochrome shipments

Please explain how they benefit from slowing their economy and shutting their businesses.

wait, I thought the vaccine worked?

Why did you capitalize the first letter of every word? It's the only thing that stands out from your post now.

Got the Vax plus booster. Recently got covid. I'm fine but it pissed me off the Vax doesn't even work.

>user Responds: 'They're Headlines, Retard'

Literally half the country hates him. You might as well say the male curse claimed another one.

How long did it last? I'm novax and it lasted about a week. Just felt like a mild flu. Maybe vaccine shortens it?

>Recently got covid. I'm fine

I also got covid recently. Thankfully, i'm double boosted. If it wasn't for that, it would probably be much much worse :^)

they want to crash atlantic capitalism and are more than willing to sacrifice civilians for it

Uh, didn't this chud get the vaccine?

According to Wikipedia he's a mick.
Unlike his mentor, Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz.

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All these vaccinated people getting sick with "Covid", really makes you think doesn't it. Really activates the old almonds

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