
Imp Edition

Attached: accomplices.jpg (550x450, 50.17K)

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Most definitely this one.

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Fell into watching videos of people making star trek kits and I kind of want to try it

You should!

Like Eaglemoss?

Eaglemoss aren't kits, they're prepainted shelf toys.

What will happen to the Enterprise now?

Attached: 1652236120803.webm (720x1280, 371.21K)

I tried Prodigy and it was a pleasant surprise. Way too childish though.

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This was really satisfying for some reason. Can’t figure out why.

Gonna show these kits? I’m curious.

It’s alright.



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I couldn't paint faces and clothes on characters like VF but painting ships seems fun and easy enough.

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Care to explain what that means?

is this from the dr. strange movie?

Skill Level 2 is fucking insane. You have to learn to slow your heart rate like a buddhist monk or one wrong brush stroke can ruin the entire ship.

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>lwxanna tng episode
>lwxanna ds9 episode


Oh no, it’s real. I’m afraid Sir Patrick is no longer with us.

Attached: Sir Patrick Stewart.jpg (800x1000, 387.24K)

Care to explain what that means? I’m afraid my board slang is a bit rusty, if you what I’m saying ;)

Attached: Star Trek DS9 Dukat laugh.jpg (692x530, 83.63K)

Is this a bot?

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It means “never leaving (my house)”

In the Pale Moonlight is contrived and makes no sense

Sisko chimps out when Garak kills the Romulan senator. But Sisko already decided to bring the Romulans into the war under false pretenses like 2 minutes into the episode. As if somehow there'd be no moral issue had the senator not died

/trek/ is ground zero for many new fascinating technologies. I hear Mark Zuckerberg is personally interested in us.

>/trek/ in the metaverse
We are a Second Life general.

I hear Facebook’s Metaverse will have a /trek/ zone.

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I can’t wait to meet you in the Metaverse.

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rip '84 dune actor

I wish I could hug my /trek/ frens but I’m afraid of social contact.

I can’t believe Elizabeth Olsen murdered the beloved character actor, Patrick Stewart.

Star Trek is now more relevant than ever.

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Redpill me on Second Life.

Are the stories about Majel true?

What stories?

It’s not nice to speak bad of the dead.

I heard she didn’t like Picard.

Gee, I wonder why.

Attached: Star Trek Picard in a nutshell.png (1000x625, 336.55K)

I often dream of /trek/, and then I wake up and post in /trek/.

A game for bedridden nerds who pretend they’re women for other bedridden nerds for virtual sex.

Well, Sisko believes he's doing the Rommies a favor if he gets them into the war because he believes (rightly) that the Dominion will turn on them after finishing off the Fageration and the Klingorcs.

Is she getting ready to cast a spell there? What powers does Guinan have?

>refers to a character wearing a simple M A S (a) K (a)

>"The Grizellas"
>refers to a species who enter a routine hibernation cycle, like bears in general and grizzlies in particular

Any other examples of lazy writing?

I'm watching in the background and keep checking in to see where he's at. It's comfy like having a VF friend simulator.

Many /trek/ posters can’t physically leave their homes.

Yes, her pussy almost rotted off when Gene fucked diseased fecal matter into it while they were in Japan. He put his dick in her ass and collected part of a shit log on his dick, then stuck the shit-dick into her pussy.

She caught some kind of horrid pussy rot disease and half of it rotted off before she beat it. Her pussy was halfway destroyed for the rest of her life.

Gene bragged about it around the office for the rest of his life. The whole tale is found in the book "The Fifty Year Mission."

Many are forbidden by law.

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I can physically leave my house but the ankle monitor would go off.

>half of it rotted off
How exactly does that work?..

Is this true?

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He bragged about it? Sick fuck.
This is why I always preferred Star Wars.

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I'm going to trust you on this.

I don't disagree with the decision it's the idea that the whole senator plot is the moral faultline that doesn't make sense. I mean the whole ep is framed like a descent into madness but Sisko already committed when he chose to bring the Rommies in at the start. Like even if Vreenak didn't know it was teh fakez0rz heesa people issa still gonna die

I know the holodeck will never exist, at least in my time. But my hope is that I live long enough for commercially available AI to be able to create new content based on old content, at perfect quality, such that I can create literally whole seasons of Troi and Crusher getting it on. Dax and Kira too.

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My understanding is that some of her labia and the meat in her cunt tunnel lost pieces to the shit-rot, just like what happens when you get bitten by a brown recluse.

You can already do that with SFM and a pair of VR goggles.

God I want to fuck Marina Sirtis so fucking bad. I don't know what it is about her


>now more relevant
you mean someone throwing out monies to shill here to ad for SNW.
>subscribe goy!

Not remotely the same. I want the ultimate deep fake, a full length episode of Crusher lecturing Troi on the medical risks of rimming, only to rim Troi anyways, in such perfect visual quality that it is indistinguishable from a true TNG episode, and with the machine taking care of all meticulous details, only requiring a simple input from me. And after that? Another episode, where Troi discovers she enjoys the smell of Crusher's armpits and feet after a solid work out. And another. And another. And another.