Which other shows are insanely overrated?

Which other shows are insanely overrated?

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The Office


extend the arms with LOST on one side, Deadwood on the other, the top with The Office. The bottom with Oz and Boardwalk Empire.

The holy trinity of [6 things]

>True detective
>Twin Peaks
Nice bait. ATLA is incredibly overated, it's a good show sure but there's anime in the same genre that's better.


that's not what trinity means




Here's the vidya version
Avatar: the Last Airbender
Anime is trash, ATLA dabs on all of them for sure

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ffvi is goat, fight me faggots


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so what television do you like user

this unlike the tv one is accurate though. I like symphony of the night but yeah people really overrate that shit.

still says trinity

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but thats not what trinity means for thougheverforenaught

/frasier/bros we made it

that is a trinity. it's comprised of 3 lines retard.

arrested development, the shield. curb, fraiser
the list goes on.

>no Band of Brothers

The West Wing

Also, a trinity consists of three parts, not six. Whoever made that graphic s a fucking retard.

I don't consider miniseries or limited series the same thing, but it could go on there.

Add fallout new vegas

>The West Wing
Kill yourself faggot

I believe you have autism and are in fact the retarded one.

Name shows better than these

I'll wait.

There are no shows better than Twin Peaks and Sopranos. Op is transparently baiting.

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>Anime is trash, ATLA dabs on all of them for sure

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>Kill yourself faggot

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I have this image filtered on /vrpg/ time to filter it here too.

Yea Forums is a fraiser board.

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kek didnt even notice

imagine being this pathetic. filtering childporn and tranny mutilation I can see. a harmless bait post triggering you this badly means you need reddit.

add lil bush

>no 30 rock

Indeed user.
>It's a shonen anime but western therefore it's good
Pure reddit opinion. For a shonen anime it's pretty good, but as an anime, as a show, it's mid as fuck.

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Sotn doesn't belong there. Otherwise agree.

>forms a cross
>the symbol of the trinity
Everyone laugh at him

New Vegas and bloodborne are the most overrated games of all time

Those and Mario 64

Ave True to Caesar

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>no FMA: Brotherhood

The Fugitive (1963 - 1967)
that's it

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For me a trinity is when you do the thing where you unfold a cube

>New Vegas
This and all of From Software's games. Especially Elden Ring.

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>no mindhunter

>Trigger and VI overrated
Ok zoom zoom

>6 shows


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I like True Detective and Twin Peaks
I don't like the rest

What are some Yea Forums approved vidya?

No More Heroes, MGS 3

I only have watched Twin Peaks, never tried the rest because they have been hyped by normies so they must be shit.

Fallout New Vegas
Wolf Among Us
Until Dawn (good if you like slashers, like a true patrician)
Silent Hill
Kingdom Hearts

MGS3 is an amazing game, anyone who hasn't played it should


Watch True detective season 1 ASAP

>Yea Forums is so contrarian it hates the Sopranos

Yea Forums is not one person, dumbass

You are an embarassment op

Everybody with a brain know it's a masterpiece. Most of the shitting on it comes from lazy zoomers who can't be bothered to watch it. The rest is just shitposting.

The one with Mads Mikkelsen in it, Death Stranding. Yea Forums is a Mads board.

>Yea Forums is a Mads board.
100% but death stranding board me to tears, and I like story games but I just couldn't get into it.

All those HBO shows from that era and no Six Feet Under or Dexter?

>Wolf Among Us
Terminally underrated game. I'm so glad we're getting a sequel