/bcs/ Better Call Sanjay general


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just here for mommy

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Better Call Saul? More like Better Call a better series.

Other thread was live with discussion you shitposting piece of shit, now you're gonna split it

Not my call.

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Why was the boxing scene so shit? Female director?

kim is saul
saul is jimmy
jimmy is james
kim will become lesbian

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Better Call Saul Dubsman

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Do you expect Rocky vs Apollo? It’s two middle aged man with no fighting experience play fighting

It just occurred to me that with Nacho's plan with the sugar pills, the entire thing directly hinged on him being there to switch the bottles back so nobody could tell they were switched in the first place. What were the chances he'd actually fucking be there when Hector had chest problems? He probably spent an hour or two a week with the guy. Am I forgetting something or did he really go through all that autistic imitation-pill swapping trouble just to leave a gaping hole in his plan?

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Say............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... it.

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>Why was the boxing scene so shit?
that was literally the best part of the whole episode. explain how it was shit

> sugar pills,


I expected Creed vs Drago's son kind of fighting and cinematography with Keanu Reeves attention to detail

You're done, YOU ARE DONE!

Fuck I just love her

they really fucked up by not having a gene flashforward at the start. it still feels like im watching season 5

I didn't do it...

better call saul...

Erin a cute

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Erin should die in a hole


erin is for loving babymaking!

three PLEASE

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why does no one post the longer version

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Fuck off

I ate 4000 calories today how about you?

Isn’t that obese tier calorie intake?

gimme jimmy


I drank a class of 30g protein shake in the last 24 hours

I'm bulking

he had no intention of switching the pills back originally. while he respected mike's advice, he would've probably gone forward with the plan regardless if he thought he was able to put the advice to use.

I know they're supposed to be awkward as shit, the actual scene is just terribly done. They take turns punching each other once and overreacting like cartoon characters. It was like 2 children play acting. And the editing was fucking terrible too. It was probably the sloppiest scene in the entire series.

Easy on those sugar pills, Hector


good morning i hate women

good morning sir

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You're Heisenberg...

> overreacting like cartoon characters. It was like 2 children play acting.

Well Jimmy wasnt taking it seriously and was just fooling around wasn’t that the point?

gimmie kimmy

At least 3000 but I also ran 9k so I didn't gain a single pound

how does it feel being a brainlet /bcs/?

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El rollo

Hmm lets see

Rolling… hoping I get a 1


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also roll

>noooo not my heckin 6923789th better call saul thread!!!! you cant ruin this!!!

Lalo status: dead;
Howard status: dead;
Kim status: moved to the east coast.


At first yeah, then it gets real. I think it's a pretty good scene for the characters, but their reactions to getting hit are pretty exaggerated. Especially when Jimmy flies backwards from getting uppercut. That was kinda goofy for this show

Easy dubs.

Kim status: fucked Chuck

Team Kettle please.



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>called my 9
>get 2 9's
Can I have two Kettlemoms instead?

why was gus scrubbing his bathroom wall with a toothbrush

>It’s two middle aged man with no fighting experience
I was expecting Howard to secretly have boxed in college or something and to just immediately kill Jimmy. I was surprised that he had no idea what he was doing either

anyone plump please

i already got trips on this last thread. posting it again is just teasing everyone else

who 8?

>4 kettleboobs

>that was literally the best part of the whole episode
Kind of a low bar though isn't it

If you haven't noticed when Gus has something worrying him he gets super duper OCD about random shit

He knows Lalo is alive and it worries him

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that lawyer who hates jimmy (the one in the "we love huel" case)

The things I would do to fall asleep cuddling with her, using her yammers as a pillow.

>my heckin 6923789th rolling post
>maybe this time i'll get grandma X instead of grandma YZ

where the fuck is viola
check this 2

dubs get

Better call janny

huell, you happy?

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congrats on the trip. doesn't count as a dub.

nah bro he was brushing the wall because its all apart of vince's elaborate plan for when lalo disguises himself as gus and breaks into his house. mike walks in on him in the bathroom and lalo(in his gus disguise) starts brushing his teeth with that toothbrush to try and convince mike its actually gus. but turns out gus knew exactly that lalo was going to do this and had his wall covered in ricin which is why he was rubbing it on the tooth brush

The real question is: "Where is Mrs. Ziegler?"

Literally unplayable

I got trips, who the fuck do I get

The whole thing is stupid as soon as Saul accepts because seriously, who actually expected him to say yes after turning his back on Howard? Then the music goes for a lighter tone and in general the whole thing feels like a joke in-between scenes of Gus being a fucking schizo. I thought it was ok for what it was and I appreciate they didn't try to make it serious, it's two lawyers boxing to let some steam out, no way you can make it dramatic

But even then, it seems like next episode will follow up on that uppercut Howard gave to Jimmy

get off your phone when watching the show

So why are they setting up Lalo's jumping powers?

who ate deez nuts
gottem bros

It literally says in the picture you dumb fuck.

You get the entire drama crew.

this user gets 4 kettleboobs. What a sick joke.



Yeah I rolled for a waifu, not a squad

are German women really such whores bros?


Mrs Ziegler is a loyal classy lady. I can understand why Mr Ziegler died just to try and see her.

Shit thread

Werner was definitely thinking with his penis when he escaped the worksite, lmao

Works for me

>no Viola
Are you fucking kidding me? Cease your existence pronto.

only most of them

>watched a bit of breaking bad
>don’t know much about bcs, tried the first few episodes a couple times but didn’t care
>hear it’s more slow paced, character driven, and thoughtful than BB
>watch your one of the season finales on YouTube
>Its Saul running through the desert with two suitcases full of money
>music swells and mike has to snipe a car coming to kill Saul

Literally felt like a parody. Vince paints by numbers so fucking hard.

Stop spamming these threads.

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boo hoo

Are you on drugs right now?
