You can paint with all the colors of the wind

You can paint with all the colors of the wind.

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This movie was unapologetically racist. Highly based.

>t. never heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon

I find it hard to believe native american women wore hot-red lipstick.

I'd like to paint her with all the colors of my cum if you get what I'm saying

word on the street is that this is just a rip-off of Dances with Wolves, so it's shit

This movie didn't depict Pocahontas as the 10 year old she actually was. Highly pozzed.

Extremely petite dark-skinned native-phenotype brown girls are my weakness

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>native BUCKS getting BROKEN
>ancestors ASHAMED

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How was it racist?

That's her natural lip color from sucking white cock all day


Even with the "Disney-Fication" of American colonial history (the governor in this movie was skinned alive by Indians using sharp seashells), this is still a better movie than "The Lion King".


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>What can you expect from filthy little heathens?
>Their whole disgusting race is like a curse
>Their skin's a hellish red, they're only good when dead
>They're vermin, as I said, and worse!

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More than one race depicted

>they're skin's a hellish red
>they're only good when dead
>they're savages, savages, barely even human
>dirty redskin devils!

They went hardcore with it.

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>wipes out multiple species of ancient megafauna to extinction
>descendents larp as proto-environmentalists

man of culture

The Indians said similar shit to dehumanize the English too user. It's intentionally showing that both sides were in the wrong.

One side had printing presses, early microscopes, the beginnings of modern medicine...the other side had Shamans vomiting on sick people to drive away evil spirits.

>you think you own whatever land you land on

will anglos ever recover?

Racism on both sides only makes it even more based.

Nah. Lion King is by far the best Disney Renaissance movie

I mean, we kinda do.

>implying you're watch

show your hands, Sanjay, no redeeming allowed here

Lion King is just a poor man's Hamlet. Real kino is the Hunchback of Notre Dame


*ahem* The Fox & The Hound.

>wh*Tes destroy native cultures in Americas
>now europe is getting flooded by muslims, interracial porn is all white bitches getting creampied by african men, white population is on decline everywhere
karma is a wonderful thing

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The animation in this film, on a technical level, is so absurdly, unnecessarily complicated yet perfectly executed that most animators with the talent to actually do it have retired. Lion King (better film, blah blah) was animated by the B team, this was the A team.

>Poor man's Hamlet
It also takes inspiration from the story of Moses tho. But so what, for a long time mostly all Disney movies were reimaginings of classic tales. Like The Hunchback.

I’ve noticed that the rating for hunchback of Notre dame has increased on IMDB

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I want to paint her the color of cum with my white cock

You ain’t never rubbed dandelions on ur face? I’m sure the injuns had all kinds of plant make up

a face only a mother could love

I would have liked Hunchback of Notre Dame way more if not for the gargoyles, it felt like they were shoehorned in there by execs because it's a pretty grounded movie without any cartoony antics going on.

No more brother wars!

ok, mr kike

Chel is pure sex

>A face only a Spaniard who has gotten poon in months voyaging the Atlanic would love

It was the 90s, every animated film had this shit.

had a filipina gf who was 5’ 100lb. Absolute slave to my dick.

That picture ought to be painted on a fucking cave then, hypocrite.

>shitskins move to liberal states
>their children receive indoctrination instead of education
>birth rates hit the fucking floor in one generation
>Latina qt’s ride white dick instead dating of obese mexicans
great time to be alive

Now that's a face made for radio

Yeah, true. But it worked in movies better than others, like Aladdin or The Lion King where they obviously wrote the comic relief as characters that would fit into the story.

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yo, this bitch thinks air has colors just cause it's moving around haha she gonna paint with my farts soon haha

What can you expect
From filthy fucking jannies?
Their whole disgusting "job" is like a curse!
Their skin’s a yellow brown
They look like they’ve got Down’s
They’re Reddit as I said, and worse!

They're Janitors, Janitors!
Barely even human!
Janitors, Janitors!
Drive them from our board!
They're not like you and me!
They do their job for free!
We must shitpost even more!

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underrated post


i love her so much bros

she is the finest disney princess

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that looks like a thai woman


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>1st Class lips
>caramel skin
>straight, black hair
Whew lads.


It portrayed the English trying to invade the natives and the natives defending themselves as equally justified halves of the same coin.

The Holy Trifecta of Brown....(and Jasmine and Kids I guess)

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(you) earned it.

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Bitch got me into Asian women

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Based? Based.

Jesus, you have such little taste, she doesn't even have a tail

>the part when the injuns put on their face paint

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my S I D E S

Holy fuck

>gene pool BLEACHED
>america CIVILIZED


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savage pussy my nigga

God I wish that were me