Literature has killed my interest for television & film

Literature has killed my interest for television & film

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Alcohol has killed my interest for anything.


i haven't read a book for 15 years. i stopped after i graduated high school. i have the internet. if i want info, i can get it in seconds. there's no need to bother with a book.

These dubs have killed my interest in posting

any book recommendations for someone who hasn’t read since high school?

Ask me how I know you enjoy capeshit.

You sound like one of my spic students.

The Iliad

I stopped "reading" after the fuss bitches made about "Accurate" "adaptations" of their "beloved" "books" it was rather "gay"

>why would I read a book when I can just read the plot summary on wikipedia or listen to pseud youtubers sniff their own farts about them?
Really dude?

Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect

That's a fuckin' terrible recommendation to getting someone reading again you pseudo-intellectual fuckface (muh start with the Greeks).

how do you know?

I don't read because it is too hard. I find myself compulsively browsing the internet before completing 3 paragraphs. it wasnt always this way, it started once i got unrestricted internet access

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The Day of the Triffids

The Road
The Book Of Disquiet

You should get an Adderall script.

Good. You are intelligent.

its literally taught in hs you dumb fuck

Read one piece
It's better than any dreck Yea Forums reads

It doesn't matter. It's not really an enjoyable read. Telling someone they should read The Iliad to get back into reading is just fucking astoundingly retarded.

grow up

Lol got em

I spent a few hours on other boards and coming back to Yea Forums felt like stepping into clown world.

Television and film are only interesting to NPCs with a calcified pineal gland who have aphantasia and are incapable of making movies in their mind.

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The book is always better. Even more true today.

>It's not really an enjoyable read
Double digit iq, stop embarrassing yourself

The Art of the Deal

Anything by Chricton
bonus you can still talk about it on Yea Forums

if i spend hours every day imagining realities where i have magic powers or some shit that i keep up with over the course of months, does that mean i don't have aphantasia

I find chain smoking and black coffee to be a great way of staying focused.

You're the reason people think Yea Forums is full of pretentious losers.

Yea Forumsty bros... this is our decade

Whatcha reading, bro?

Can you recommend me some good books? I want to get into reading, but I dont know what to read

Same. My attention span is completely fried

Being a 30 year old khv killed my interest in living

me too desu, i find myself reading more books than watching movies these days

>but I dont know what to read
more like you don’t know how to read considering you missed all the book recs in this thread

The Idiot by Dostoevsky


Check these out, m8

I'm skipped to the bottom of the thread so you might be right lol

Television/movies/streaming are the lowest form of art. I'd rather sit in a dark room and be left with my thoughts than watch some globohomo satanic programming from Hollywood.

that's because you are pseud newfag

You have to work at it. There was a year of NEETing where I did nothing but read. I went from not being able to read more than a couple pages to reading a book a day.

Good thing you're on the right board then.

Nice. I've only ever read Notes From Underground. I'm making my way through Pynchon's Bleeding Edge. I love ol' Tommy Pinecone, but I'm having trouble getting involved in it

The Hobbit

It's pretty enjoyable actually

I genuinely don't understand why people like you even come to this board.

This book is hilarious and Yea Forums core.

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He's probably a pedo footfag


Television and film are definitely not the lowest form of art. They're quite high in their ability to tell a story actually. Video games are the lowest.


Book of the new sun

Piss off christ cuck, your input on art isn't valuable anyways.

Telling a story has nothing to do with art.
Miming is the lowest form of art, followed by stand up comedy and then knitting.

not an argument, seems like you're just seething because you personally didn't like reading The Illiad.


Cope, you can't appreciate most classic literature without a fluency in the Biblical tradition.

He's right, and you're a fag.

Red rising. It's science fiction with roman mythology influence.

You're very wrong and illiterate

>gets proven wrong
>still doubles down
Suggesting a poem written in Ancient Greek thousands of years ago to someone who is just trying to get into reading books is stupid.

Adderall destroyed my friends brain. He said he's never been able to think as well since. And he's a physics PhD.

This. Great book. Challenging without being unapproachable and fucking hilarious. I'd recommend this and Catch-22. Different books, but both very funny

least anti-intellectual american

this is a boring book to recommend someone who hasn't read since they were a teen

My brother in christ, teenagers are able to read the translated poem, he can easily pick up a beginner level translation and read it.

Not memeing. Read American Psycho.

you have an internet addiction, try pacing yourself to small increments a day and gradually working your way up to more pages. Right now im on 15 pages/day because im a slow reader but eventually I'll be able to read quicker. Reading is definitely a skill you must train, like writing or math. All it takes is practice

>The Book Of Disquiet
This was the first book I picked up when I decided to read more. It's the literature version of "he's literally me." The narrator is a pitiful person but the writing is beautiful, recommended