Captain Kirk: "it began with the killing of saint George Floyd, then the riots spread throughout the rest of the world"

>Captain Kirk: "it began with the killing of saint George Floyd, then the riots spread throughout the rest of the world"

>"we called it the 2nd American civil war , then the Racism Wars, and finally World War 3"

these are actual lines from nu-Star Trek

Attached: star trek jan 6.png (669x535, 240.34K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: nu trek floyd.png (1570x652, 1.15M)

No they aren't shit skin

Attached: nu trek.png (1570x653, 1.7M)

Yes they are you kike shill
Even if they aren't, they would have done it anyway if (((they))) could get away with it

kirk would NEVER

>Strange New Worlds saved trek!
those words are the irrefutable evidence of someone paid to post

>Yes they are you kike shill
>Even if they aren't

Giving up that quick. Hilarious.

Attached: 12asdf.png (229x220, 7.98K)

who the fuck is responsible for making dumb asshole slaves think like this?

No one. Dumb people are a dime a dozen.

video clip of kirk's woke speech incase you don't believe me

Attached: george floyd.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

There's no sound moron. Those are obviously wrong subtitles.

Directed and written entirely by Jews, btw.

only good when people I like destroy property and beat cops

Shut the fuck up oven-dodger
We all know you wanted to say this

holy shit there is no way this is real

post nose

If there is actual audio of them saying this. I'm going to start a political career.

George Floyd showed me the error of integration

I'm always surprised how Americans can find new ways of worshipping niggers without fail lmao

There isn't.

thats PIKE you retard

I mean, he's not wrong. Racism and nationalism did cause or was at least a major factor in both World Wars

Shut up Euro, you know it's going to happen to your country soon, if it hasn't already. Keep coping.

The ol double jew tactic. Prove it by posting one with audio.

Literal propaganda
I fucking hate globohomo so much, bros
Please let us win

Attached: crying.png (656x755, 38.84K)

You are probably a literal shit skin nigger. I don't care what you think. Those are the wrong subtitles. You didn't even know that was pike and not kirk moron.

they ended up being talking points but no where near the reason why there was a world war

Yeah jewish hatred of Whites

So tired of this shit

Attached: 1652022985929.webm (368x368, 1.29M)


t. Schlomo Kikenstein

So heroic, how he held a prenant woman at gunpoint.

CORONAVIRUS was his reckoning. now we all 'can't breath'

go find a new way to worship niggers, silly american.

>didn't even deny it

lmao I win

please be fake please be fake please be fake please be fake

>please be fake please be fake please be fake please be fake

Attached: saddf.jpg (387x437, 41.08K)

Fake and gay.

Yall are absolutely fucking retarded, literally no better than 40 year old boomers sharing memes and pretending it's hard facts.

why are jews like this.
fucking insanity

>all woman must die
so the teachings of our saint

thats not Kirk thats Cpt. Pike you fucking inbred retard. go watch more tranny porn to fuel your next projection cope

Star Trek ended with "All Good Things" and I won't pretend otherwise, baby.

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Imagine how many votes drumpf would have gotten if the right wouldnt have done its best to alienate as many non trailer park trash demographics as possible

/End thread

dumb wojak poster

There's no fucking way. This has to be an edit

Sadly, its real.


>trumptards talk about fake news
>blatantly make up fake shit to spread like this all the time
i've been seeing this star trek george floyd shit for the past few days on this board. what is your end game?

>it's real

How do you figure that? That's a weird and retarded premise

You never see jews or any other religion doing this in churches big think huh

>go to youtube
>look up captain pike woke speech
>never mentioned george floyd once

Yeah I think OP is a fag, why do you ask?

Attached: 1650537165297.png (610x613, 148.4K)

lmao chuds will believe anything. y'all are so fucking dumb

Post it.

George Floyd is right about Black women

>dumb wojak poster

Attached: bfd.png (600x654, 268.96K)


Attached: acsdf.jpg (452x363, 69.64K)

An insane amount of churches and cathedrals have been destroyed in the last decade, a lot of it due to arson. It's actually a wonder that /pol/ isn't onto it

(you)s, same as any other. Paint it with politics and the bait becomes tastier, like soaking a lure in chum. I don't understand the appeal of trolling threads, never did, but I understand the practice and tactics.

You guys are funny

It's well proven that Trumptards will believe whatever nonsense you make up as long as it doesn't challenge their world view. We didn't need another bullshit thread to demonstrate that

Transphobes in the comments be like “you will never be a woman” bro we get it, you wanna wear a dress so badly like just do it like the rest of us lmaooo

No we're not

You Lefties are absolutely seething

The way you guys post just shows how much pent up rage and frustration you have.

Let me offer you some relief ;)

Attached: 1650324096090.webm (354x834, 1.95M)

>That one jew getting BTFO ITT

I am for sure. I guarantee you're referencing shit I've said.

>"ya'll are seething"
>replies to every post in the thread

I was ok up until this user

Satanic Leftwing pedo feminist white genocide corproatist globalist cultural Marxism jewish communism NWO

>inb4 this but unironically


everyone can tell that's a tranny, and the only blonde tranny people post is that hunter fag

didn't even need to click to know your tranny tactics

Attached: euphjak.png (768x719, 83.85K)

Where chud sister? Can you point him out?

this is what leftists actually believe.

I miss when Star Trek was right wing

Attached: is-this-real-life.gif (320x227, 2.45M)

>still no audio
yeah all you chuds fell for bait again. kill yourselves

Give proof and audio or you're a niggerfaggot.

Lol i see this cope everywhere in this channel
>oh shit my schizo opinion is not being universally accepted how is this possible? The twitter poll i screenshotted clearly shows 99% of the internet are nazis!
>oh relax its just one guy haha, just one guy...

They ruin everything. Another franchise dies and no one will do anything about it. They want a war and they'll get one

do your own homework, jewboy

Imagine how mind fucked normies are after enduring two of the biggest psyops (so far) in Western history. With the Democrats, MSM, (((scientists))), (((doctors))) and all the other screeching heads saying we have to shut down your life and small business for le heckin super deadly pandemic

And then they tell you everyone must shop at the Big Box conglomoerate stores because they're safe meanwhile small businesses collapse

And then all those aformentioned above were cheering and defending BLM protesting by the thousands all across the country for months for a career criminal drug addict amateur porn star. And those massive protests achuawy slowed down the covid spread

And then they all defended and even supported the BLM antifa riots, whoops I mean peaceful protests. And looks like its gonna happen all over again because they won't be able to kill Red States where they don't even live

Also troons can dilate


Ok tranny

Ew you mass-replied to unread posts, like some kind of idiot.

absolutely based. this is what trek has always been about. stop being so fucking sensitive about science fiction

it's the current year, so I can't automatically assume this is fake

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Trump lost
The confederacy lost
Hitler lost
Mussolini lost
Hirohito lost
Mosley lost
Apartheid lost
Rhodesia lost
Ron Paul lost
Mcgregor lost
King Kong lost
Avatar lost
Gilets Jaunes lost
Capitol rioters lost
/qa/ lost
Sneed lost
Bane lost
Convoy truckers lost
Putin lost
Lukashenko lost
Le Pen lost (twice)
Chauvin is in jail
Breivik is in jail
Tarrant is in jail
Golden Dawn is in jail
Qshaman is in jail
Roof is in jail awaiting execution
McVeigh was executed
Nicholas II was executed
Herman Cain is dead
The Northman flopped
Q was wrong
Depp will lose
Peterson is on benzos
Alex Jones is banned
Joe Rogan apologized
Masks are safe and effective
Vaccines are safe and effective
Black Lives Matter
Protect Trans Kids
You will never have sex
It’s over

OP's a faggot