This has never been refuted. It can't be refuted

This has never been refuted. It can't be refuted.

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Was this from a deleted scene? I don’t remember him saying this.

It was never said, Cameron is too much of a hack to write this

Bro if i could be 10 feet tall and fuck blue alien bitches in a giant tree that can make me talk to dead people, do you think I give a fuck about being a part of humanity?

6/10 Not bad

Humans aren't that impressive though we really are just tribal monkeys on the verge of thermonuclear disaster any second, and we destroy everything we encounter

If we peaked artistically, it was hundreds of years ago, we are in the decline stage of our species

At least the Na'VI have a cool tree

>hey man so i got that extremely expensive hard to get surgery that would give you some dignity and help get your life back on track, i cant sit by while another vet is suffering. you've been working really hard and i appreciate you, be careful out there.
>hey what are you doing
mc was a thirsty retard

>indigenous: w-we were about to do something... just give us another thousand years...

I used to be like you, about fifteen years ago in high school.
shut the fuuuuck uuuuup

>be 24 year old virgin at the time
>just quit part-time job, NEET now
>female friend decides to help me lose my virginity
>makes a MeetMe account for me and logs into it
>after a few hours she finds a chubby girl who says she's good at sucking dick
>gives her my snapchat (only have one because of my last pathetic attempt to get laid)
>borrow my mom's van and tell her I'm going to play magic the gathering with my friends
>drive 45 minutes to this girls place
>buy condoms at gas station along the way
>go to her attic apartment, it smells like weed
>she is fatter than I expected
>she puts on avatar
>keep thinking all I need to do is say the movie is boring and grab her leg
>I'm an awkward sperg but it would be literally that easy
>she is so fat though and I don't want to lose my virginity like this
>finally when sigourney weaver is an alien in a sports bra she shuts it off, says it's kinda boring
>offers to make food, I say no
>we chat for a bit then I say I gotta get up early for work
>drive 45 minutes home, friend isn't mad at me, says she understands
>some other guy in voice chat makes fun of me and says DUDE YOURE 24 and I threaten to rape him irl
>use condoms to jerk off, they get stuck on my stubby chode and I have to use blunt tip scissors to cut them off
>still a virgin at 28

>"only white man dumb enough think he could improve system like that"

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It’s from some war hammer shit

he said it in his head

and then he got murdered and cannibalized by a neighboring tribe

LmaO. How did their excuse for being a stone age people work out for them? They'd already be extinct if anyone but White people had landed in America first.

Lol why are you such a loser, user?

didn't the humans in that setting basically fuck themselves up?

meanwhile native americans in Central America and the Andes were building up civilizations that would have devoured their tribes and give them their own version of taxes

This is the cringiest shit and I fucking love avatar so god damn much

>post a funny anecdote from a simpler time
>people get butthurt over it

this site has poisoned too many brains

Only Children care about being cringe.

ESL begone

Caring about grammar outside of school is reddit tier cringe.

Only Children care about being cringe.

Stop explaining the joke autist

I don't know. I was so ready to fuck her she just was too fat and smelled weird and I couldn't bring myself to do it. I thought about envisioning her as a hotter girl but it didnt work. I felt up a girl on a date before but she didn't want to fuck so she just shrugged me off. I know I can make the move I just didn't want to.

Based and tedpilled.

There's no guarantee that modern human civilization is anything but a speedbump in Earth's evolution There's maybe a 50/50 chance our species makes it to the year 2100.

t. getting forcibly poisoned by his government

Human civilization will change but it won't disappear barring a catastrophic extinction even like a giant asteroid or a gamma burst hitting earth. Even in the case of a full nuclear war the worst estimates are that 20% of the human population will survive until conditions are once again liveable. We are simply too many and too persistant.

how's that uranium enriched water tasting?

based but fake, also medicine men werent doctors.

problem being, the wrong ones will survive, sadly

The humans just needed the minerals underneath the planet, so there's no reason why they couldn't just bomb the Navi from orbit and collect the remains.

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wtf did I just read

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hows that flouride water tasting

>Time was your Avatar Alien. Now this tomb shall be your grave. The Colonel has returned.

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you are forced to kneel before homo antecessor monkeys lol

i don't drink tap water
as a rule
i already have a hard enough time trusting bottled "source water"
i don't kneel for anyone, come try and force me, see what that gets you

>I fucking love avatar so god damn much

Diagnosis: low functioning autism. Uncurable.

it is curable
either rope or 9mm

go back troon

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swing and miss

>we destroy everything we encounter
God damn fucking right we do

>says DUDE YOURE 24 and I threaten to rape him irl
Wouldn't be a virgin if you didn't leave it at a threat

thing is
you'll never be human, moshe

The 'wrong ones' are the ones whose lives have always been about survival. They live every day having to work to survive and are very proficient at it. Technology has made us comfortable and domesticated and all but perhaps a billion people are here on Earth only because of the benefits of the Industrial Revolution. Once the system collapses, those people will die by the billions. They weren't supposed to exist anyway.

Sometime in the future, people will tell stories of men that could fly through the air like birds, that lived in houses made of metal and glass. They had tools that had all the answers in the world on them. Their children will ask, 'so what happened to them?' The wise men will respond, 'they could do anything but save themselves.'

So you've regressed as you bought back into the delusion of self again?

If they weren't supposed it exist then why are they here then? This is the Endgame, humans won.

Survival of the fittest types are always there to keep us from dying out. When we cooperate and take care of each other, is how we thrived and got to where we are.


the refutation is youre just lying about your motives or justifications. if a more advanced civilization comes and take all our shit on Earth do you just bend over, show your asshole to be probed and say "oh well theyre pretty awesome, guess they deserved it more than us :)" . no youll whine and moan and call them evil.

>said Netero to Meruem

It’s some autist faggot who "fucking loves science" projecting himself onto an alpha male character.

sadly we'll never see the stars because of the 3rd world trash dumped into our country, as they replace us.

the smurfs will go like it's just another monday

If he actually said this this movie wouldn’t have been such shit.

not if they offered me alien pus pus

You do realise pagan Germans use to worship trees like the Navi until Christians chopped their tree and civilised them? You should sympathise with the Navi.

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because guns and tanks are cooler. I HATE THE GORGONITES

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It was heavily implied

Yeah but I'm not a fag. Sex with other men doesn't count.

This is becoming the 3rd world because of thinking like this. They're enslaving us and making us hate one another.

deleted scene from the director's cut that never came out

>just turn a blind eye and let your people and culture get replaced with nig worship

How fat?

We've all been there

Why can random internet retards come up with better monologues than a $1B movie

Look at where such industriousness leads. This is our society after seeking progress above all else.

They have to dumb down dialogues for audiences. Niche dialogue means less box office earnings because you come across as being pretenious. I.e. see Matrix Reloaded.