ITT: Comfykno

ITT: Comfykno

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Maybe Joy Ride?

I remember when this came out. Xbox 360 was still new and you could get a theme of it for your dashboard

Is living in amerishart suburbs really as comfy as this movie and early 00s music videos made it out to be?
Is there ways a hot qt living next door always swimming in the pool and falling in live with you?

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holy fuck this movie was my childhood. I used to always be jealous of the size of his room

>t. 00' born zoomie

dumb fucking zoomer

ITT: movies with shit endings

my biopic desu

kys faggot I loved this movie

you are still a dumb fucking zoomer

not anymore. time always moves onward jogger

>born in 00
>not anymore

zoomers from that year are 22 now gramps

ands still zoomers you braindead mong

nah jogger kike that cutoff ended years ago. kys mouthbreathing hickbrain

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>braindead zoomer
>can communicate only in meme buzzwords
its like poetry

Whats wrong with its ending?

too predictable

You're gay, grandpa

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>Is there ways a hot qt living next door
>swimming in the pool and falling in live with you?
>Is living in amerishart suburbs really as comfy as this movie and early 00s music videos made it out to be?
Very comfy, especially with no minorities.


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that was dogshit

kek zoomer doesn't understand how time works



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why are zoomers so retarded?

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I remember watching this movie in the background and playing world of warcraft. It was just such a comfy movie, young Shia was a kino actor, the vibe of this movie was great. I wish my room and house was as a cool as his. And the girl next door aspect was a fantasy of mine when I was 13. I wanted some cutie girl next door to come over to my house and kiss me and have sex.

I took to video taping my neighbors as a young teen because of this movie. Went on a family beach trip that summer and there was a group of late teens/early twenties kids staying in the cottage next to ours. I started watching them with my camera out of habit and quickly noticed that the girls were hot and all of them liked to party every day. I recorded them spraying each other with the hose naked and getting fresh with each other by the hot tub and all kinds of shit. Wish I still had that old camcorder.


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varsity blues

The Burbs

filtered, and I don't even like Polanski

Oh man love this one too

My cat is older than you. And don’t say anything mean I know he won’t be around for much longer

can confirm i saw this recently and IT WAS IN FACT COMFY

the girl is so fucking perfect

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Looks like Kate Hudson

I was able to rent it on dvd when it came out. :)


>zoomer education

This got me into collecting antiquarian books. I own a few from the 20th, 19th, and 18th centuries

It wasn't made or marketed for Yea Forums kino watching gentlemen

>rear window rip off
>isn’t kino

Kino, dubs confirm

We didn't know it at the time

Same! I remember renting it and watching this and Gothika and then this again with my friends forever ago. Life was so impossibly simple back then

It’s honestly better than rear window though

Movie is so underrated, it gets way too much shit, one of the best thrillers/summer movies made in the 2000s.

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Terrible bait

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fug, bro. there's no going back.