Emma bros...we won

Emma bros...we won

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hold shit, I kneel… I love Harry Potter now.

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Wish it became synonymous with her apologizing for her car

This bitch was my classmate in a renaissance literature class

But what about her damned car?!

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Tooth test

how did you feel about that

user what are you talking about

lol is that a real subtitle?


About fucking time.

Was this when she was still virgin? She's radiating as if/or she was still with the first guy and didn't get her pair-bonding ability destroyed yet.

was she good

>I'm not like the other white guys, I'm an ally
Insufferable faggots.

user wtf are you on about

it might as well be, much more honest that way

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>turns 30
>finally bites the bullets and settles with a beta provider
>walks back her views
many such cases

she’s realised ther err of her ways and now will give us all sex

What terminal grass deficiency does to a MF

Please take your meds user your family is terrified

>hits wall
>men don't give a fuck anymore
>no ersatz-harvey on the horizon
suddenly feminism sucks
too little, too late

She was rarely ever seen on campus while at Brown. Most professors said the same thing: she was a conscientious student but otherwise unremarkable.

Maybe, I don't keep that close eye on such things.

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I can't believe how disgusting the next to last looks. It's as if she tried to appeal to flamboyant lesbians.

The first is like a child that just pooped.

Take ur meds incel and have sex

literally nothing Yea Forums has said about that scene has been real

the female professors were jealous roasties, and the male professors were hating that their dick barely gets up anymore.

>drives into wall in spectacular fashion while still single
>immediately throws car in reverse and tries to take back her own manhating

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thats not saying what you esl retards think its saying

Last row is when she lost her virginity and got dumped, in the top row she isn't trying to hide the pain.

I somehow read it in her voice, should I cut my cock off bros?

Emma said that? I will now fap to her pictures and fake porns

>pixie cut Emma
still would tbqh

Then to explain it? She has and will to for be avail for us. I only wish for you to see the light and well.

Fuck you!
That’s not a real line right? RIGHT??


She's auditioning tech billionaires, I'd imagine.
>look, I can be cool! no need for a prenup here, hehe

every time

no, she still hasn't apologized.

it is synonymous with man-hating, regardless of what she thinks

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Yeah nobody understood racism untill Floyd got killed... Fucking retarded

Nah, that's normal.

Does the man-hating need to stop, or the association?

please teach me to read magic sex energy, oh great wizard

science is real, chuds

Why didn’t you smash her?

Did her feetsies hit wall too?

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good question

Who gives a fuck?

Harvey was a lucky man

Peak Emma. All downhill from here.
Guessing 14 in this pic?

fuck, it's just re-posted, sorry
but she really means that feminism is not man hating
she still believes feminism to be good

she's just trying to increase her dating pool now that she's a 30 yo post-wall roastie. In another 10 years it'll be "Emma Watson thinks women belong in the kitchen and Hitler did nothing wrong".

Good, more opportunity for me.

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It's good to hear that she's seen some reason. Maybe she can finally apologize for her car now.

Based chudcel

it's a very old quote. it's from when she was doing the activism thing, but trying to recruit men into feminism too

Is this how feminists get a job?

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mmmmmmmhm walled woman walking

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...i don't want to believe the actual scene is this stupid but its just too plausible.