Post foods that should be added to cinemas alongside popcorn and nachos

Post foods that should be added to cinemas alongside popcorn and nachos

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one of these in the kinoplex

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My cinema has pizza, hot dogs, and burgers and has had them for ages

My theatre in my shitty little hometown sold nachos..

everyone I know agrees with me

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i bring a backpack with me and buy some crunchwraps, gordita crunch and nacho taco then sneak them in, works everytime.

Must be cold as hell at that point

A lot of theaters already have it, but I went to one the other day in the shitty part of town and he said they only have it for special occasions and big premieres. Gotta get it in all the time, for everyone.

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I want all greasy fingered smelly cretins that bring hot food into the kinoplex to leave. Absolute animals, the lot of you.

I pity the anons that don't have these near them.

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sometimes, unless im speedy and its right next to kinoplex. regardless better then no taco bell at all.


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You own nothing. You just pay them.

>his cinema doesn't have pizza

What shithole do you live in OP?

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>american pizza
Looks fucking nasty

there should be a sushi conveyor belt that visits all the chairs in the theater. pic rel

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What about an empanada?

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Extra-Crispy Fried Chicken. I would also suggest corn on the cob, butterfly shrimp and cajun-style Louisiana ribs

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eating ribs in the theater sounds kino

Bacon wrapped brats

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fuck no too messy

there's a dine in theater near me that has pizza and other stuff brought to you mid movie

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They should sell loose baked potatoes

Turkey legs

>lettuce in a sloppy joe
you can tell this was made by some f*male food blogger

What the fuck is that.

those are onions you retard

All I see is yet more shit to be spilled all over the floor and left behind and wiped on the seats. Better to go see a movie, then get a real meal after

God american food looks disgusting.

Can you guys really not go two hours without eating?

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uncultured niggers

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Milkshakes made from Patricia Arquette's breastmilk.

Simple as

just wipe your hands on the seats lmao

I only go to those full restaurant/bar theatres nowadays. No one brings kids and for now niggers feel too out of place to go as well.

>collect all the small pieces of food that get lost in the fryer
>serve it as a meal
do Americans really?

fresh sturgeon should be available at every cinema

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if they don't let me order a meximelt im not interested. and no i will not make a convulted bs order to force them to make me one. it WILL be fucked up

I was expecting her to do something like Moe here.

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looks like bong takeaway and I know that here we also hand out rewards for not throwing away off cuts because it's green and whatnot. even if using those offcuts is as simple as throwing them all into a single dish and frying them.


Yeah, cuz that's what we need - even more opportunities for Americans to overeat and become blubber golems.

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I was expecting her to do something like Chuck.

fucky sucky is 5 dorrar!

I’ve never been to a theater that didn’t offer pepperoni pizza and I’ve been to at least a dozen different theaters in my life.


im an american and genuinely malnourished. granted this is because i drink all my calories not due to lack funds or availability of food. gin should be fortified with additional vitamins and nutrients

There are insulated backpacks made out of the same material they use to keep delivery food warm.

in fact there is a fairly reasonably priced co-op near me that sells high quality food, but the liquor store is closer

>gin should be fortified with additional vitamins and nutrients

I remember seeing footage of black guys sneaking into showings of Black Panther with foods carts from which they served ribs, chicken, malt liquor, and other black staples.
If I ever deign to see capeshit in a theater I the room is full of drunk black people eating greasy food.

Are you allowed to bring a backpack into a cinema in 2022? I thought most places beefed up their security

>go to kinoplex near me
>it's 5 fucking britbong bux for some popcorn
>movie was shit
>starving the whole time
>as i'm leaving the shop right to it was closed at FOUR fucking PM.

ruined my weekend

what's up ameribro, cheers to you. I'm on my last bottle of wine so I probably won't @ you again. I cook myself a nice meal every other day so I get at least one day of empty stomach drinking and one day eating like a normal person. give it a whirl if you're struggling to eat but still want to get shitfaced. chin chin.

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Serves ya right, limey cunt. How about you move to a REAL country?

Why does he wear the apron underwater?

not at my local kinoplex, i get high as fuck and bring a stuffed bag of snacks and food in but its all highschool wagecucks so they couldnt care less

I agree 100%, Its not like they have any special arrangements for it.
If you built as part of a theater, a room with chairs and tables and maybe a balcony with more.
Then with the right flooring and considerate customers you could, in theory, build a dining experience into a movie theater.

Fried pickles are underrated. Slmaybe an artichoke dip of some sort, or some deviled eggs.

It would be sick if they sold like twizzlers or m and ms at the movies

Real chip-shop chips.

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I'm kinda surprised that neither nachos or hot-dogs aren't standard snacks in Clapistan, literally all cinemas in my country offer them.

For a half a second, I thought this was one of those American midwestern spaghetti abominations that even the rest of the country side eyes.