/bcs/ Better Call Saul

Abu Gado edition


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Will Punished Slippin Howard ever recover?

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*party ding*

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i think he's well on his way

the last episode was boring

>it's a kimmy silently broods at 4 in the morning while smoking a cigarette episode

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He's just getting warmed up.

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>le Gus kills Lalo
So what was the point of all this?

Ziiiiegler GILF

Why did they put Gus in a nursing home though? Couldn't the cartel afford a nurse to take care of him in his house?

Fuck, I meant Hector.

Howard is going to kill Lalo.


Howard is going to kiss Lalo.

Just delete it, Hank! Just delete the tweet, and we act like it never happened, Hank! PLEASE!

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Good ending.

sex gifs

I can't believe Lalo didn't initiate. You know she would've reciprocated and gave in.

Coulda banged some gilf pussy and than had free roam over his house.
heck, shes probably only got 20 years left, he could of staked his position in her life as a lover who visits every now and then, and shed leave werners house to him.

Waltuh... free me from this dream...

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Jesse is showing up with Gene.

>You're the smartest man I ever knew Walt, and yet you're too stupid to see I've cummed in my pants ten minutes ago.


But in what context?

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wex sex


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I still think episodes will bleed into Breaking Bad showing what Saul is up to when he's off screen.

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How will Gene inevitably redeem himself for Kim/Howard before he turns himself in to the cops?

I thought dying a strip of hair in the front grey was a girl thing?

Dean Norris is peak boomer.

So Jimmy wants to destroy him because he’s the last living reminder of who he was, right?

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He's gonna divorce his cunt wife and open a small practice in Ruidoso NM where he'll retire content

I think I figured some of Kim and Jimmy's plan. Remember when Kettlemommy went to Cliff and said "Drug deals will all come up in discovery". I think he's planning to have some drug dealers come forward and talk about how they sold Howard drugs before. Jimmy tricked the Kettlemens into telling Cliff so the idea gets planted in his head and it doesn't get traced back to him. Jimmy is a master manipulator and Howard is gonna lose trying to match him in underhanded schemes, just like Chuck did.

/bcs/bros? how will we recover...?

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>turns himself in

The cops haven't caught anyone in these shows. The worst anyone has it was Tuco with like what 6 months in prison?

Nigga you aint never lied

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Men can do whatever the fuck they want. Anyway it's a stylish and distinctive design that can happen naturally.

Underwhelming scene desu, clumsy as shit editing

He can do anything he wants. Making reality bend to his will.

BCS had the worst marketing when it was first announced. Prequel show about Saul just made it seem like it was going to be a boring comedy. I didn't pick it up until season 4.

the less US viewers the better tv, This is a sign of quality rising.

Even I couldn't watch this show on a weekly-to-weekly basis. Had to watch until S5 finished to rewatch it all. Only reason im watching now is because it's the last season.

He is everything Jim will never be

foreigners dont even make tv shows that the whole world watches. They only bitch about being inferior to america and start senseless wars with no end. Eurangatangs are cucks

Yup. He even dealt with his grief in a healthy way.

There's already been one BB flashback from Saul's perspective so there will probably be a few more

but le epic squid game


I'm stealing this

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I'd like to see her South Wall.

>torrent client stuck at 0%

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>Chuck accepted him as a lawyer
>He's senior partner of Chuck's firm
>Able to move on from the guilt of Chuck's death after Jimmy put the death on him
>Able to pick up the pieces and build himself up and even offering Jimmy a job
Jimmy wishes he was him.

only braindead zoomer incels watch squid shit

the whole premise of the boxing match doesnt fit Howard's personality or the reality of the situation.
He's a high level lawyer running a large firm, he would understand the very serious implications of being framed for drug use and would be going straight to the authorities to help prepare a legal case, not muddying the legal waters with a shady boxing match.

might as well, I stole it from /int/

Casa de papel?

Sorry, I dont speak poverty. Actually, Im not sorry

Jimmy just fears that he's grown too powerful

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stopped at the last season when they went "we beat up fascists" bullshit
the cringe was palpable

So why are Sneed and Chuck so mad at Homer?

Anyone have that pic of Hector time travelling'

why did sigma jimmy turn into beta saul in breaking bad?

I don't expect him to get caught by cops, but the Saul character from BB is looking more and more like some big psychological cope to deal with guilt and regret. Gene scenes make it pretty clear his time as Gene is coming to an end, but I don't expect him to die like Walt. So redemption + prison seems like a good bet

What about Dark

Ultra convenience for the sake of plot is how this entire thing works. Even their schemes have been done in the nick of time, complete with Howard looking down to the ground and fishing for his keys right as Jimmy is leaving behind the building.

Drank his own piss

This one?

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What the fuck is this real? lel

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it is real
doesn't even take half an hour to happen

Yes, ty user

Combo was too good for this series

what is it with him and piss?

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a man taxed to his limits facing a relentless, pitiless foe who hates him for no discernale reason WOULD in fact resort to this type of maneuver as a last ditch effort to squash the beef, whatever the cause.

They should have killed off Skinny Pete instead of Combo imo.

Miss my wigga skinny

How does he fit into such tiny holes?

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wouldn't have had the same impact
pete always came off as a tryhard hanger on whereas combo was real one

Naw man, Skinny Pete was a real one, did you even see El Camino?

Pretty sure he got killed by the same gun Vito used to kill Jackie Jr

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>You're a pufferfish, Jesse, so sell on other drug dealer's turf. What can go wrong?
Walt was a dumb smart guy

Ask your mom little sister


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he got redeemed somewhat
but still, a black mark is hard to erase

This entirely depends on if it counts streaming or not.

Black mark, you say?

some people require a 24hour onsite health care that the family can't provide.

Vito just walking put of nowhere without Jackie Jr. seeing him, shooting him in the back of the head, then waddling away to the getaway vehicle still cracks me up to this day.

>Boxing scene was le bad

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He seemed fine with Tuco and Tuco isn't a great person to take care of others

He took care of his bizznatch abuelita

being a punk ass bitch and not jumping inw hen tuco was kicking jesse's ass

>with family
>innawoods (re: desert)
>mijo makes good food
>all the mamitas on tv
sounds pretty good to me

Are Mexicans real or just something Hollywood made up

Naw man, when it comes to dealing with cartel niggas all shits off the table

He chipped Jesse out sick, GAVE him his car and lied to the fuckin po po for Jesse. SP was a real ass nigga, you best recognize

they're real and vince gilligan displays them perfectly