What did you think of the season 3 finale of Twin Peaks?
What did you think of the season 3 finale of Twin Peaks?
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Personally I'd say it might be the best episode of season 3, or at the very least top 3.
Better than the season 2 finale desu
Absolute kinoma for true kino enjoyers.
I miss /tpg/.
Kino of the highest order. The Freddy punching out BOV scene makes me laugh so hard. Then time stops and it goes somewhere else entirely. Watching it live and seeing all the reactions really made it
/tpg/ loved it based on a poll I made. Over 1000 posters took part in the voting too
Lynch's masterpiece, unironically
fpbp, that was my favorite episode too
hit me really hard. still think about it all the time, as lynch intended.
So what happened in it?
When Bob dies time is reset, Cooper is back in the black lodge, sitting in the same exact spot he was in Part 2 "Is it future or is it past?" perhaps the most literal use of the quote in the show so far because this time we really don't know, all of the events in season 3 have just unfolded, everything that happened lead Cooper back to square one, this time he gets to leave the lodge "for real" unlike the first where he got ejected "NON-EXISTENT"
In this world, like the main one there are spots that are magical or something, the road him and Diane ride down is one of those, they find themselves going through it and assume the roles of Richard and Linda.
the contrast between part 17 and 18 is hilarious, 17 ending on like a comic book style defeat of bob and then Cooper travels back in time to save Laura from the past and then part 18 happens, which is in terms of tone closest to FWWM out of any episode in season 3
It's a pocket dimension, or a trap, for Judy. Cooper and Diane summoned her there with sex, just like in the first episode. The "whites of the eyes" are now directly observing, and she's basically looming over everything while Cooper is trying to get Laura to awaken or whatever
Definitely top 3 but nothing prepared me for peart 8. Might be the best episode of television ever.
The back half of Season 2 and most of Season 3 is Twin Peaks minus "Who Killed Laura Palmer?" Season 3 Episode 18 is Twin Peaks minus anyone killing Laura Palmer.
Perfection of the highest order and it singlehandedly Lynched countless.
I enjoyed it
the doug stuff was really dumb and funny and the mobsters were endearing
all the girls are really milfy
it was extremely cool to see bobby as a police officer with some of his old personality still intact, but a bit heartbreaking to see him interact with his (ex?) wife and daughter.
I still think I don't completely understand what happened in the last bit but the parts I did understand I enjoyed, I wish the guy who played pete was still alive to play the glove guy.
a lot of the timeline stuff went over my head like that one scene in the diner where everything shifts everyone talks about, I only watched it once.
I liked
>I am the FBI
>we live inside a dream
The cooper overlay was kino
The dougie stuff is a lot more interesting on repeat viewings IMO
A reminder that Twin Peaks Season 3 was ranked as the best "film" of the 2010s by the most prestigious film institution in France
feels like it's just his hubris getting to him, and him failing at everything in the end. He thought he could accomplish something by bringing her back to her home, but he didn't.
The world he as Richard found himself in is less real than the one we know, Laura probably isn't alive as she remembers everything at the end and then everything collapses and they're back in the lodge again.
I love the finale but I wish it was just a little more clear what was supposed to be going down. The very first scene we hear 430, Richard and Linda and Two birds with 1 stone, clearly meant to be significant but why we still don't really know
season 3>original twin peaks, but
original twin peaks ending>season 3 ending
simple as
no I loved it, I meant dumb in a good way I guess
even though in the back of my head I was always wondering
>whens coop coming back
I had a big stupid smile on my face whenever doug was on screen
I love the Judy's Diner scene a lot. I love Cooper in the episode
Dougie is the best thing to grace televisions in the past decade. It's so funny and endearing and comfy to watch on repeats. Never get tired of Dougie
Hated it at first, now it's one of my faves
I was honestly surprised by how short his role felt overall on repeat viewings. Maybe it's just me though
man i fuckin love this show
you mean Richard?
Return season 2 when?
what the fuck
Never, i hope. The point of The Return was that the return is impossible. I'd rather like to see Lynch working on some antelopes unable to run
That's fine, twinpeaks chuds from the official fan forum/site said Wisteria is a dream version of TP.
Dougie Jones is one thicc bih
I liked that midge hit man haha. He should get him own backstory show
I won't be mad if that ends up being the case honestly. I just think Lynch is more than Twin Peaks
>"Is it future or is it past?" perhaps the most literal use of the quote in the show so far because this time we really don't know
Are you sure you know before that point? They're very subtle about it, but time is fucked up all throughout season 3. People in the diner swap places between camera cuts, Ed watches a desynchronized reflection of himself eating, the whole season takes place over a handful of days but the day/night transitions between scenes don't add up correctly.
That mushroom cloud lamp is incredible.
based bobeposter
There he is.
Couldn't get through the first episode. It was the most boring detective/mystery shit and smoking advertising trash. What the fuck?
You retards recommend the dumbest shit
yeah dude
Lynched and filtered.
Like the entirety of the 3rd season; it was absolute shite
>What is this? Kindergarten?
I would let her give me two rides if you catch me drift ssponngebob me boy arg arg arg
>post yfw Dark Space Low starts playing
I still can't tell you what the hell the ending was actually about but it gave me an immense feeling of dread.
Cooper is the Magician. He thinks he understands far more than he actually does. His arrogance gets the better of him.
>the doug stuff was really dumb and funny and the mobsters were endearing
>all the girls are really milfy
This is what I love about Lynch. He can horrify and confuse us and all that, but in the middle of it there's so much goofy fun and usually hot girls he isn't afraid to have us oogle. I don't know any other director that can jump from episode 8 to zany mob shenanigans and it never feels wrong or out of place. Does anyone else create worlds where all these things happen and it not feel intentionally lolsorandom?
it was about Dale being in over his head and failing, brutally. He couldn't do what Laura did at the end of FWWM, he couldn't move on, in his mind he could change things but then he's reminded that he couldn't and that he failed.
>The dougie stuff is a lot more interesting on repeat viewings IMO
Ok so I'll be honest, The Return was about the most enjoyable TV or film experience I've had and I am scared of rewatching any of it because I don't want to fuck with the memories I have of it. I can't be the only one like this.
he is, but TPTR is the best of Lynch
>Wisteria is a dream version of TP
Whatever it is I just hope it got made and we get one last helping of Lynch kino.
This may be the biggest lynching I've read in a long long time. Jesus
>His arrogance gets the better of him.
This. He overestimates his power level and thinks he can control reality. The universe says, "fuck you"
rewatch it, man. I don't think you'll end up regretting it. There's nothing like season 3 of Twin Peaks, it may not be flawless but its still a masterpiece.
whatever the interpretation leave it to fuckin lynch to make me feel such an amazing sense of dread that i come to love it if that makes any sense
the whole sequence when diane gets the :-) text up to the shootout is such a master class of pacing and building tension, fuck i love this show
>that look on his face when he realizes there is no magical answers to be found at the house
11 days until the 5 year anniversary of the premiere of season 3. How will /tpg/ commemorate?
It will enrich your memories, if anything
i really liked this shot
also i got surprisingly emotional at the pilot footage and young laura meeting cooper. the shot of pete fishing hurt more than anything desu
It was a badass way to end the season desu. Total desolation