The Mothman Prophecies


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My parents took me to see this in the theater when I was 11 Nd it scared the shit out of me

>got an early boner when he tries to fugg his wife in that closet though

Good movie. Book even better, pure schizo kino

Decent movie with amazing atmosphere. I re-watch it every year.

ive been thinking about watching it for years because i love the Mothman/cryptid stuff but im too scared. its pathetic, i know, but i really used to only watch scary movies with friends and they dont really come around anymore. maybe if i get drunk first?

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>Hello john klein.
>Pick any card from a deck of 52.
>You picked the 7 of clubs, didn't you, john?

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You can watch it during the day or with the lights on

comfy movie

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Nah man you are correct, it's hella scary, u might go bonkers

i dont mind scary movies i just hate getting jumpscare'd. i watched Midsommar recently with no problems, for example. but when i tried to watch Mulholland Drive by myself i shut it off after the hobo lady. fuck that.

what happens if you get too scared watching a movie? does it last in some way after you stop watching? asking as someone immune to scary movies.

Good scares but I don't get the point

It's got a couple of jumpscares, but nothing that'll make your soul leave your body.

Last movie to scare me as a kid

>but I don't get the point

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I was enormously disappointed with this film. All I got was a mystery over what a symbol meant. Spoilers, it's a waterfall on a map.

The Dover Demon

For me it's this dude

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comfy scary

Ufos and aliens are just demons. It's as simple as that. That's why a ufo will disolve when you make a sign of the cross at it with your hand, and aliens will scream when seeing a rosary or holy water. They wouldn't be acting like this if they were actually from another planet

>what happens if you get too scared watching a movie?
nothing really, i just hate the initial jolt of a really good jumpscare. it stays with me for maybe like 10 minutes after. its not like i get scarred from an especially good psychological horror bit. and even ghost stuff like the Ring or the Grudge doesnt bother me. Monster kino scares me. like that sculpture of the American Werewolf in London in Joe Rogan's studio scares the fuck out of me. Deep sea monsters, bigfoot, mothman stuff. basically anything with a realistic looking monster is fucked.

does it show the mothman? ive always had trouble picturing it which is what i think makes it so scary. i love that story of it appearing in front of someones headlights driving on a dark road at night

>does it show the mothman?
Yes but no. It's not a physical flesh and blood monster.

based braxton bro

it fucking sucks and i dont understand why its so memed over. its not just Yea Forums too its widely considered a horror classic

>It's not a physical flesh and blood monster
thats what i remember reading about it. that kind of sucks, because in my headcanon mothman was a physical thing. i mean, i know its not real, but if it were, it would definitely be some kind of large aviator predator. that to me is scary

the jumpscare at the beginning almost gave me a heart attack as a kid because I never expected it

The real life story didn't have any actual resolution either, sometimes weird shit just happens for no reason

i always felt that that picture of the Flatwoods Monster doesnt do the story justice. it was way scarier looking in my head when i first read the wikipedia article.

It's inaccurate. I read about it recently and it supposedly didn't have any arms/hands

because it was an owl with the moon behind its head

if i remember correctly, it had what looked like two thin arms that flailed rapidly as it loudly screeched and transported toward them. i always imagined a jet black ayy with humanoid head and legs and without the stupid hood/dress. i mean, it DOES sound a lot like an owl in the dark but my version is creepier

Here's the original sketch

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t. Trey the Fag

yeah thats an owl

Do they get into the curse of Chief Cornstalk? Some people think the bridge collapse ties into that.

ive always found owls to be super creepy. when i was a little kid, like 4 or 5, i was deathly afraid of them. whenever we went to the zoo, i didnt even wanna look at them.

I rented this as a kid and I remember thinking it was boring shit but tempted to rewatch

Why do they call it Mothman when every depiction makes it look more like an Owl? It even has feathered wings rather than insectoid.

Moths can be quite fuzzy

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We have a superstition if an owl is heard calling near a house where it was never heard before, it's an omen of death for somebody living there. I heard of it coming true several times too

As someone looking for comfy cryptid kino this movie was so disappointing. Anyone looking for schizo kino was in for a good time though.

The film was so underrated that you wouldn't believe it

*invades your mind*
heh, nothing personnel kid

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thats what makes it scary. its not actually a giant moth, its just so fucked up looking that the closest thing it reminded of to those whove been unlucky enough to see it was a moth. its hard to picture and that to me is what makes it great

It was originally called Bird-Man, but local newspapers started calling it Mothman as a reference to Killer Moth

Cool stuff

theres also already an Owl man legend in Ireland, i think. and there was a short-lived "Big Bird" cryptid from Texas

Now THIS is a based Mothmonster design

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>a birdcall is an omen of death

i'll never understand why people devil themselves with this type of shit?


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well, owls are natural predators. they swoop in from the sky, at night no less, and pick up on tiny mammals such as mice, carrying them away before they maim and eat them. they have flat, ayy-looking almost humanoid faces, with big bulging eyes, and they make strange noises. its really not so farfetched to believe that they could be harbringers of bad news. after all, its only a superstition, like he said.

Owls are almost universally feared and associated with death and witchcraft. Most night animals are

>Anyone looking for schizo kino was in for a good time
That's my jam

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>its really not so farfetched to believe that they could be harbringers of bad news

yes... yes it is. how do you see a bird with certain characteristics and suddenly conclude the animal is actually a message that death is impending? this is brainsick.

youre being a midwit right now, dude. you probably have tons of superstitions you dont even know about. its like seeing a black cat. you dont literally think that its going to give you bad luck, but it makes you a little uneasy. i already said that theres a difference between having a superstition and actually believing in something to be definitive

You're thinking from a 21st century perspective, the world wasn't understood at all back then in comparison

>reflection not in sync

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subtetly is a lost art in horror movies

sneed if he real

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same. especially after all the stuff I've heard about the incidents

>that subtle reflection lag
Shit was creepier than the face, 2bh