Movies about pathetic fucking losers?

Movies about pathetic fucking losers?

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Downfall and Platoon.

Please go back to your reddit circle jerk where you updoot for points and everyone agrees with you.

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has anyone here seen come & see? is it worth watching

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Please stay here where you (You) for nothing and nobody agrees with you

Are their tanks made out of recycled beer cans?

Will that ukranian shit turn into a second BLM?

russia will win

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Your life

Two more weeks to flatten the kiev

Yes, exactly. Niggers will rob your stores because of ukraine. It's over

oh, poor little tankie boy living outside his hugbox eh?!

why don't you go put on your little blue beret and give ivan a reach around while you drop into ukrainian gunner sights!

My Life.
>Inb4 you have been muted for 2 seconds

they only had two t-14 tanks at the parade, will it be 0 next year?

no because white countries love ukrainians and their nazi brethrens

I’ve seen it. I don’t know, I guess. The only memorable part is the last act where he goes and sees a town getting torn to shreds by the German allied forces. Russian movies are weird.

Anyway, picrel

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they'll have those on call for the foreseeable future, they'd never send those into combat, they're not capable of fielding the few that exist

Why didn't Ruskies just leave those little niggas alone?

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they stage abandoned russian vehicles for PR

their positioning is nonsensical

I see glowies and cuckhole shills are in full force tonight.

I am always up for dabbing on russian retardation, you're welcome to engage in your conspiracy theories, that's part of the fun.

Ukraine has blow through 7 years worth of javelins in two months.
This time next year, Russian troops will be marching in Kiev.

I'm sure they will move the goalposts enough to make it look like they achieved the goals eventually. Either way, NATO is more united, Kyiv stands strong, and Russia is excommunicated. Wonder what the westaboo oligarchs think now that their yachts are being confiscated. Better yet, what the common people think now that their sons are being sent there to die for basically no reason.

We shouldn't parade the deaths of soldiers for both sides. Most are doing it unwillingly. This is a terrible thing, war is not glorious, and for some reason we keep repeating this.

>Ukraine has blow through 7 years worth of javelins in two months.
Javelins are probably not even the top 3 causes of Russia losing tanks, pajeet.

>muh glowi-ACK!

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>chinks move their bases an inch closer to Australia
>* autisctic screeching *
>Russia finally retaliating to NATO expansion after fucking ages of promising to do so
>* autistic screeching *
How the fuck does it work?

its not so easy winning a modern war huh russia

I'm pretty sure there's more Russian disinformation floating around. They've put significant effort into building up fifth column type movements in the west.

because no one fucking shoots people like putin dead

post Karkhiv and Flagship.

>Most are doing it unwillingly.
Russians are actually fielding volunteers.
Ukrainians want to fight, but sure there are probably a number of them that would rather not have to.

I agree though, posting dead soldiers is dumb and cruel.

>Ukraine is winning
>please send us more money and weapons
When did you realize this conflict isn't real and is just a cover to try and save the dems?

Careful, you'll trigger the /pollsters/ who think brown muslim Russians killing white Ukrainians is heckin based and flippin redpilled

No major nation has won a major modern war yet. The only country that has engaged in one and won is Azerbaijan.

because it’s a nation led by a little man with a big army

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If you stand with Ukraine, you belong on Reddit. This simple fact makes ukies seethe.

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they're all slavs.

the soviet union was sent all the equipment, arms, materials, and ammunition it needed to turn over the assault by its foe in the second world war. now monke boy has decided it's russia's turn to get that treatment

Russians get what they fucking deserve


if you stand with putin then you're either retarded or bought

Too much Krokodil, Ivan?

oh no! not the heckin reddit!!


fuck off ivan

go back to /k/ you fucking faggot

russbros... do we now have to give krym back?

I used to be a Putin simp, but even I can see where this is going...
We got too cocky bros... Why did Ukraine have to be so strong

You are in the land of Sneed my friend, that image will do you no good here

unironically, because of cringe shit like this I can't be against the war
>muh heckin capeshit
>zelensky is like Captain Marvel xd
>Putin is voldemort :O

redditors should be drafted and forced to fight

Are you retarded? Ukraine is the 2nd largest country in Europe.

Of course it will take ages to conquer it

formerly alive

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its not that strong, russia is just that bad

I'm not pro Russia you fucking retard

If Ukraine is winning as effortlessly as western media keeps telling you, why does US keep sending them money in fucking billions? And why did OP need to make this thread to cope?

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I don't recall claiming you were, lol. fucking spacker

Didn't America get btfo in Afghanistan recently?

Putin talked about J K Rowling in one of his speech.
Literally an autistic loser /pol/tard.

Literally the biggest army in Europe, funded by billions of dollars and supplied with the most advanced weaponry NATO has to offer.

lol the copes are getting surreal

not in the sense that their armed forces were destroyed like so much post soviet garbage

You wish poбoт.

Now post pics of dead Ukrainians.

there is one with dustin hoffman but i dont remember the name of the kino.

Any kinographies about supporting the most powerful empire in the history of the world but seeing yourself as a plucky underdog and any challenger as an oppressor?

>NATO expansion
lmao even

Any Russian movie

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Russia is the biggest army in Europe.

Should I start with the massacred civilians?

cope and seethe faggot. they got no air, they only got exsoviet tanks and old eastern bloc artillery. also some turkish drones. russia is suppose to be seond strongest in the world lol

I love questions like these because they reveal the absolute disregard for human life that Vatniks have.
unable to understand that a quicker and more crushing victory will save more lives, especially on your side, especially against people that are prone to warcrime galore, than a dragged on conflict.
If you are being honest here, you are dumb and psychopathic.

lol seetherino

an army with what equipment?

Of course.

Already at this level of cope.
BTW today Russians got BTFO crossing a river and their Karkhiv front is collapsing like the Kyiv and Sumy ones.