Mabel from Gravity Falls is the worst example of a writer's pet mary sue I have EVER seen

Mabel from Gravity Falls is the worst example of a writer's pet mary sue I have EVER seen.

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So true. I loathe her and her dumb loser friends.

That's every cloud-cuckoo-lander character ever.

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kino show

it's a children's show faggot

This is a cartoon for small children. My 11 year old nephew watches this shit and I already think he's too old and also a faggot for enjoying silly cartoons made for children. You think it's wrong for me to think my own nephew is a faggot? If i think my own 11 year old nephew is a fucking faggot for watching this shit, how do you think i feel about grown adults watching a kid's cartoon? Maybe do adult things and go out and have sex, huh? Stop watching your Nickelodeons and Cartoons Networks and go out and have sex for once in your pathetic lives.

You will never be a woman

I would say that's Mandy from Billy and Mandy.

We get it, you want to groom and buttrape your 11 year old nephew because your mental illness from being molested has you convinced he's gay for some neurotic reasoning. Please, for the Christ, and Jesus get some help before you hurt others that are too weak to defend themselves, or before you troon out.

this idiotic, conceited and knowing show was a mistake


holy based

Stop replying to yourself troon.

sycophanting needs to be a bannable offense... ur literally upvoting

Yea Forumstrannies seething

I am a tranny schizo: the posts

>Noutroon replies "b-based" to himself because he got BTFO
stay mad lmao

>watches kids cartoons
>"y-y-y-you're the gay one not me you want to be a woman"

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why do transfolk love childrens cartoons so much?

You have lost track of what Mary Sue means, just like the rest of this board. It doesn’t mean "A character I don’t like."

>Took the troon almost 15 minutes figure out inspect element

You're atleast in your 20s and you're still posting on a website targeted towards edgy teenagers, you have no right to tell other people what they're allowed to do for their age

how can you be attracted to a cartoon this hideous?

Who cares? This show was Papa Kino's.

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I have mabel pines tattooed on my foot

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newfag with strong tranny vibes

This lol

>t. 2020 election tourist

what does mary sue mean? I thought it meant overpowered and unnuanced. I do agree she has no arc and is objectively a shitty selfish person

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I watched 4 eps of this and was shocked at how shitty it was and how ugly the animation was. Kids shows used to good and look good.

Did I ever tell you how the FtMs came into being? They were tomboys and lezzies once, taken by Tumblr, tortured and mutilated. A ruined and broken form of life. Now... perfected. My cuckold cartoonist. Whom do you serve?


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90s chads with their objectively artistic toons like Ren and Stimpy didn’t have to cope like this

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highly cringe

This guy is all the way right, watching cartoons after 12 years old is just pathetic lmao

I have posted this in every gravity falls thread for two years newfag

Kill all pedos

bot broke


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i found the writing style in this to be kinda dislikeable (coarse jokes, full of itself attitude, self-awareness)

I want to ejaculate on her braces

oh, and stereotypes. Lots of unfunny stereotypes

>if you don't autistically memorize MY posts in gay cartoon threads you are a newfag
lmao what

I think it's literally every thread that has been posted about gravity's falls for two years. Are you implying you would forget lmao

i used to watch this show with a girl in hopes she would let me sniff her pussy. it only worked halfway. i hated the two kids in this show so fucking much

1. no one cares about your gay posts
2. this is the only gay cartoon thread I have looked at in that time
3. you are gay

okay newfag

You're not that important, faggot

Neither are you


this is the kind of mind that watches this show, I guess

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nigga I announced my intentions on Yea Forums, hosted a vote which resulted in the location it should go being foot over ass, have posted a picture of it on Yea Forums and the former /qa/ at least a dozen times and bring it up in every gravity's falls thread. You are a coping newfag shitskin and no amount of detached irony will hide this.

I don't even care anymore. Fuck you autistic virgin loser

okay newfag

? She literally caused Armageddon.

Just because you feel like an important part of le Yea Forums history doesn't mean you are.

okay newfag

you know this website is anonymous right? no one knows or cares who you are. that's the entire point retard. if anyone's the newfag here it's you NIGGER

stop samefagging

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Whoa you own a phone dude?!?!

I don't even really care, bro. I'm a different user. I'm just saying that nobody actually cares as much as you think they do about your tattoo, it's not le epic moment worthy for r/Yea Forums, etc.

You sound a little projecty bro. Got something you want to tell us?