Force Awakens comes out

>Force Awakens comes out
>generally well liked,many seeing it as almost as good as the OG trilogy

>Last Jedi and Rise of Skywalker come out and are shit movies
>suddenly TFA gets lumped in with them and is also considered terrible.

I've legitimately never seen a movie get so much retroactive hate as The Force Awakens got.

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's total shit. "People" just like it because it moved quickly and flashed colors and familiar shapes in front of their faces. kys

There were people shitting on TFA from the get go. Not everybody, of course, but there was plenty of dismissal.

Even Plinkett admits it's a competent movie, in the sense that it is a good star wars movie for people who have never seen star wars before

it served as a baseline and they fucked it alllll up

I really don’t understand what people saw in it. It was a shameless new hope clone with various further flaws.

The movie was awful. Most people knew it but wouldn't admit it. They came up with a whole array of excuses and told themselves the sequels were going to fix the problems. They failed to fix the problems.

It's fine, but a lot of it really only served as a launching point for further plot development. The sequels retroactively make it shittier because of that.

/ourguy/ E;R saw it for what it was.

>it is a good star wars movie for people who have never seen star wars before
But that's what you'd want to do with a standalone reboot
you don't plug in a reboot into the last third of the main saga
it's bad enough that George Lucas made the prequels "rhyme" in various ways with the OT but at least they were different enough and a not a complete glib facsimile like TFA was.

Kill yourself newfag. It was getting torn apart here on opening night.

>I've legitimately never seen a movie get so much retroactive hate as The Force Awakens got.
Were you even born when Phantom Menace came out?

Anyway, I always hated TFA, I think it erratically had good moments in the first third, but it just completely fell apart after Rey meets Han. To me, personally, the line that made me realize the movie is aggressively trying to be not good is when Rey said this fucking gem.

It was only well liked because it reminded people of a new hope.

>Even Plinkett admits

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It never made any sense and didn't fit in with the establishment continuity or lore established in the previous movies. Faggot.

>It's fine
Kill yourself

TFA is probably their most embarrassing string of videos they ever produced. They ate the product, didn't ask any questions and got excited for next product. Both Half in the Bag and Plinkett non-review were embarrassing. Majority of Plinkett video is not even about the movie, I don't even know what the fuck it was about, some fandom shit. I will never have any amount of respect of them because they never admitted to being complete brainlets with TFA, they say JJ Abrams mystery box, they knew about mystery box writing, and they ate it up entirely.

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RedLetterMedia has been thoroughly discredited.

I saud "retroactive". People hated Phantom Menace from the get-go.

It was only liked because the media told them to like it.

TFA is a nothingburger. It is an extremely derivative movie solely designed to be inoffensive and use nostalgia for ANH. All this movie does is rehashes ther past while doing nothing of its own, and asking the audience to expect the next movies to actually do something of substance.

By who? They still easily get millions of views.

But you've already shown you're a cock sucking retard.

I remember when this came out and I said I liked it because I felt like it was going to be a movie you just *had* to like.
I also remember being intrigued by the mystery boxes left in the film.
However, even I told people I liked it, even myself, deep inside I hated it. Its just a shit movie.
I just want shit like the revenge of the sith, cool as fuck lightsaber fights and imaginative start wars shit

TFA is a safe as fuck generic reboot. People accepted it because everybody understood why they started super safe after controversial buyout. But they also expected future movies to be good.

>RLM isn't discredited, they get millions of views!

>Majority of Plinkett video is not even about the movie, I don't even know what the fuck it was about, some fandom shit.
Yes, the majority of the video is more crying about the prequels, or rather, about a fan theory and pretending that the fan theory being wrong makes the prequels worse. I agree with you. It's one of the embarrassing strings of videos they have ever made, and I would go so far as to say one of the embarrassing strings of videos ANYONE has ever made.
By themselves. See the other comment I'm responding to.

RLM didn't cause Disneywars, no matter how much you people try to say it.

Sorry I left out a > in this post:

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You were too young then.

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I honestly think they had a role. Their whining about muh boring politics definitely was heard by someone, leading to the empty soft reboot, and at any rate, their videos are embarrassingly bad and inspire much of the ill-reasoned criticism of the prequels.

And he's right, Abrams is a good director but a mediocre writer. Prequel-era Lucas is a bad director but a decent writer.

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Go back

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At the time of its release, the consensus here (and sorta agreed by normies) was that TFA's quality would always be retroactively determined by its sequels because it set up so many plot threads and left them for the sequels to expand upon.
Having said that, there's a consistent shill force sine the release of TLJ (that I think comes from Rian's retarded twitter following) that claims that TFA is the worst of the trilogy and made it impossible for the franchise to have any hope of success. These shitposters are fundamentally retarded and can't express themselves without having an aneurysm. This becomes clear if you try and engage with them

It's popular to say Lucas is a bad director, but fucking hell, people really don't realize how much he changed film making. Jar Jar predates Gorlum by 4 years, almost half a decade.

People have been shitting on the prequels since 1999, and rightfully so.

>"pioneering" motion capture = directing

Contrarianism aside; it served its purpose quite well.
>sequel to the last 6 films
>doesn't contradict last 6 films
>introduces new cast of characters without shitting on old cast/story
>is accessible for someone who's never seen any star wars films
>has references for the fans
>2 hours
>has a lightsaber fight
>has explosions and quips
It's a competent soft-reboot. Anyone complaining that it's not a masterpiece is missing the point. It was made to reinvigorate the franchise and it did that. Unfortunately, the subsequent films shat the bed hard

Cope. Also,
>new reddit layout

>doesn't contradict last 6 films
>introduces new cast of characters without shitting on old cast/story
>has references for the fans
These are my main gripes though. It completely invalidated everything Luke, Han, Leia and entire rebellion did. The First Order does not make sense, it doesn't make sense that Rebellion is now Resistance, it doesn't make sense that they can build a third Death Star, and it doesn't make sense that not only they can build it, they even a bigger one.

>>doesn't contradict last 6 films

Are you dense, it does contradict it

>tourist buzzwords
As expected from prequel redditors

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>Abrams is a good director
>the scene in Rise of Skywalker is as cluttered as the scene in Revenge of the Sith, if not more so
>RLM defenders try to claim this is a writing problem and not a directing problem

This is fucking sad

>Jar Jar predates Gorlum by 4 years
It was filmed in 1997, and LotR was film in 1999 - 2000.

As soon as I saw the trailer with the nigger in it I knew I would never watch this movie. Forced "diversity" bullshit = I don't watch.

Yes he helped destroy filmmaking by popularizing cgi

>It completely invalidated everything Luke, Han, Leia and entire rebellion did. The First Order does not make sense
Maybe? The issue that works both for and against the film is that it's incredibly vague about details like that. It's implied (stated?) that the first order is a fringe group - basically terrorists with territories/planets that the new republic didn't want. That doesn't invalidate the actions of the OT.
(Though how did they get the money for starkiller? It's basically capeshit, don't worry about it)
How so?
Pls don't go on a long rant about Leia hugging Ray instead of Chewie or something similar

TFA is creatively bankrupt, its premises make zero sense considering the previous films, the characters stop making sense after the first third (Finn snaps out of his battle mode because of a fallen comrade but then guns those same people down later), the tone of the movie goes to absolute shit after "who talks first, I talk first?", it just rehashes ANH, it fails to explain anything besides "a future film will explain it bro", etc, the "ACTUALLY REY IS THE JEDI AND NOT FINN, DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING HUH?" twist is incredibly obvious. It's not good, it's just J.J. Trek set in a galaxy far far away.

Yes, somehow coincidentally these films had no effect on Force Awakens, never mind how Simon Pegg and Damon Lindloff were sharing and prasing the Plinkett reviews and were known associates of JJ, or that JJ also asked for advice from Pegg when working on the Force Awakens

>It's basically capeshit, don't worry about it

This is the problem with TFA defenders like yourself, you think Star Wars should be like your MCU films

>As soon as I saw the trailer with the nigger in it I knew I would never watch this movie. Forced "diversity" bullshit = I don't watch.

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>TFA is creatively bankrupt,
You say that as if it was supposed to be more than that. Take any marvel film of the last 5 years: none of them have anymore creativity.
There's a reason TFA did so well at the box office and that was by design. You're complaining that the film's a dumb blockbuster as if it's supposed to be some well-written, well-designed avant-garde triumph. The plan was literally "mcu, but star wars".

>The plan was literally "mcu, but star wars".
That's why we hate it. Come back, George.

>It's okay because Force Awakens needs to be like the MCU

That's just fucking sad. Are you a Disney shill or a JJ shill or something?

Way to project.
It's not good because it's capeshit. It served its purpose because it's capeshit. Completely different.
The film isn't good, it's painfully mediocre. But that also means that it isn't terrible. It's serviceable and did what it was supposed to.

Didn't they literally copy Endgame in ROS?

Man, TFA needs no haters with defenders like you.

I mean they treated Star Wars like Marvel hoping to replicant that success. Problem is that wasn't gonna work.

>it was supposed to be shit

Just read the reviews from when it came out. They were all along the lines of
>Sure, the movie is a derivative rehash of a story we've all seen before, but it had to be in order to appease the fanboys, and there's enough material set up here that the sequels will probably be good! 10/10!

It's getting retroactive hate because it got prospective credit for the sequels being good. When they weren't, the positive reception fell away.

See That scene with the ships was supposed to be their Endgame-type thing, but was fucking useless because nobody who only watched the films knew what these were about