
comfy edition

Attached: happy trekpu.jpg (754x1158, 79.35K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Get comfy, /trek/

Attached: Trekpu at the Mall.jpg (692x530, 258.92K)

thanks for teh cozy new apu fren

This one.

Posting in the ‘pu thread

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so according to you not liking certain foods is racist

posting in apu thread

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tfw postin hapi neex =^_^=

warning #5 lmao

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I got a warning earlier for neexing. Why does the janny hate neex?

Is /twek/ replacing /trek/?


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sorry user
until alex kurtzmans days are over because of franchise fatigue and there is a long period without any new trek.. when everyone forgets the new trash and goes back to the good ones.. there will NEVER be such a thing as a comfy trek thread...


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i don't watch star trek, but you guys are posting frogs

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Post your rarest ‘pus.

i had dino nuggies for lunch today and got some toys at dollar tree

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Not in the slightest. It'd be racist if you went on a rant about how whatever country can't cook.

Don’t be racist in a Trekpu thread

ok well me not liking how most stereotypical blacks act isn't racist then
i'm not, just don't like em


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That's incorrect. False equivalences will get you nowhere.

I see your eyes when they're looking at me
I can't deny that you're a sight to see
The look that you gave made me fall to my knees
So you see, so you see
Your eyes are the kind that make me feel gay
That gaze that you lay knock me into a daze
A look sent my way makes me shout hip hooray
Hip hooray, hip hooray
Aye aye eye
Your eyes hypnotize
But why-y-y
Do you stay by my side?
Why don't you go
I'd be alone?

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ses no raceizm in /twek/ fren plz leave thx

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>don’t like em
That sounds kinda racist.

I can't remember the last time this one was posted.

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that’s not a trekpu but I understand the confusion

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i am sorry for your loss

please have some original content

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Live long and prosper

I wonder if we'll see Pike's side piece again.

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This is outdated. I require the newest data.

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having a hard time figuring out this racist thing
so basically if i don't consider black people, regardless of individuality, are the best people by every metric, i am racist?

tell alex kurtzman....he suuuucks.


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All Trek themed 'pus are Trekpus. Trekpu does wear normal clothes occasionally.

my friend, episode 1 already fell apart at 25 minutes when they got to sickbay when it turned all JJ trek humor.. right up til about 50 mins when it turned all super serious anti trump

Its like not even 2 days old, but if you want something newer then feel free to make your own.
Alright, I laughed. You did good.

She should be Number One instead of the bogged monstrosity. We're supposed to believe that thing is seven years younger than TOS-era Majel Barrett.

anyone could've done it, I'm just the one that did

That's one opinion, the point of the poll was too get an overview of all the opinions of /trek/

if this is a comfy /twek/ can we post sojis without incrimination?

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If that was the case they wouldn't have cast her at all. She looked better in Discovery before her latest surgery though.


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Still, credit where credit is due.

I saw that poll being spammed in all the SNW Jan 6th outragebait threads.

I think SNW could be saved with some better writing. Pacing might get better after they finish establishing the characters. Do they still fire writers? I remember writers getting fired during voyager?

Define spammed

the biggest problem about star trek these days (it started with ENT though you are too clouded by nostalgia and christian larping to admit that) is that episodes are about NOTHING. It's just action and drama, nothing more. No contemplation about, idk, death penalty, suicide, ethics of using medical research that was done on unwilling patients, rights of an AI, some cool sci fi concepts, various aspects of war or religion (in deep space nine) and so on. There is none of that. Just action and drama.

why can't they just follow the old formula? Pick some sci fi concept or some philosophical question that wasn't explored previously and build episode on this. With updated production values of course. No prequels, none of that bullshit. It needs to move forward. Just set it 200 years after VOY or whatever and you have endless stuff to explore. I can see it so clearly. It would've been even easier to write than current shit and it would find bigger audience.

my point your poll is biased on the assumption the pilot wasn't trash already

Surely the fact that it was posted in those threads even once invalidates it as /trek/'s opinion?

How fat will the NB trill get in nutrek discovery?

There was no such assumption. The quality of the first ep is left up to the questionee and instead asks how wiill the quality change going forward.
I'll address your points but first I want to make sure we are using the same language. Define spammed

i am just watching ENT now(so no nostalgia) because i hadn't really watched it before, ENT seems to have these aspects, maybe not quite as much as TNG or something but it still does

>why can't they just follow the old formula?
zoomers have no attention span to follow dialogue, complex storylines or character development.. they need quips and explosions and gratutitous cgi shots

Half of the zoomers weren't even born when ENT aired.

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Zoomers aren't the people watching nu-Trek.

in smol amounts. Not enough to scratch that itch for me. That's why ENT feels more like a Discovery and any other random space show.

This isn’t real, how is this a part of a franchise where the producer alone is paid 100 million? Fuck it’s like they take glee in their own malicious incompetence

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you're right, but thats all these writers know how to write for.. and thats why STU will never be the MCU and hit terrible franchise fatigue.. very soon and then Startrek will be thankfully gone for at least another decade.


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>Fuck it’s like they take glee in their own malicious incompetence
Heh, yeah, but that's silly, no way that could be the case...