Gutstavo Edition
Gutstavo Edition
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This here is fat fuck, my meth supplier
>Lyle you did not clean the fryer with a toothbrush. I am eating for lunch as punishment AGAIN
the boxing scene was pure cringe.
>Howie doesn't want to volunteer the fact he's crying to a shrink probably
I dont htink he cares at all about revealing that, he's all Namaste now and already told Jimmy about it in the bathroom.
Why did Gustavo get so upset when the guy ordered 2 cokes?
the boxing scene was pure kino.
The direction was pretty poor. This is a good fight:
This show sucks now
The writing is so bad
They don't even have it occur to Howard that he has a witness for his alibi that he could not have been driving the car.
He doesn't laugh and volunteer a drug test.
I thought he reacted like that because he remember Tuco as in "Two Co"kes. And expected the scene to change to Lalo visiting Tuco instead of making him think of germany lel.
Explain the timeline.
it was fucking awful and just designed to make Jimmy look ljke a stupid cucked out faggot who doesn't take anything seriously ever
Gus used a fat body double?
>Lalo can travel thru space and time
>Also able to increase and reduce his mass
It's over for Gus, his clairvoyance wont save him this time like it did wht Walt's car bomb.
His body has doubled
>Michael...assemble the surveillance team...I will arrive through my tunnel
Why did Lalo not hit it????
No no no, he ate the body double.
He's a gentlemen and didn't insist.
>This is my chicken
>my spice curls
>my baby blue
That's who he is
Can't this just be a sticky?
Jimmy is not and has never been a fighter. His gift is his mouth and his schemes. Having him win a physical fight would have been incredibly out of character. You would have more right saying that jimmy shouldn't have fell for the scheme of having the P.I. tail him, given that is a tactic more likely for Jimmy himself to use.
He wouldn't do that to his good pal Werner Ziegler
>Lalo cares about poon
blatant shill
Is this the biggest filler episode yet? This definitely feels like one they edited during peak covid.
2 cokes is mexican slang for gay sex.
>giving off the gutstavo meme
>filler episode
go away speedwatcher
>the bathroom scrubbing with the toothbrush
Kek, it's starting to get comical with how they are making him an OCD clean freak. The cold intros are also getting indulgent.
I hate when I don't realize the thread reached bump limit and I just keep posting
Anyone else hate the binary acting? It's so dumb.
>Level headed business owner who's kind and cordial to his guests and employees
>Oh wait let me flip a switch and now I am SERIOUS FUCKING DRUG DEALER. Thank Christ no one ever recognizes me, and somehow I barely ever sleep and I'm able to do all my shady deals at night.
BCS ruined his character.
He is not an incel who would fuck some random g*rman stinky gramma
>him win a physical fight wo
It's not about having him win you shill faggot
the way you intentionally respond to things that weren't said is how you're so easy to spot
it was the retarded gay way he danced around and didn't take himself seriously at all
Tell me again how he needs Kim to tell him everything because MUH PTSD
If Lalo didn't "leave tomorrow" then he would have, even then, if this was the only chance he might as well have gone for it despite "another lifetime"
no that was episode 4
Yeah, this was clearly the least realistic part of the episode. Absolute fucking HACKS!
90% of BCS is filler. It's comfykino.
As soon as he stepped in the ring I knew he was gonna lose the fight because Vince/Gould have a loveboner for their protagonists always getting humiliated physically. You'd horrible shitfaced if you suddenly had to take a shot for every time Walt or Jesse got beaten up humiliatingly in BB.
>he's a supervillain
Take meds. Have sex.
Ass too small for a Mexican
I wanna go back bros
jimmy threw the fight because like kim later confirms he knows what's in store for poor h.o. ward
>Gus travels to Germany thinking he can get to Marguerite before Lalo not realizing he has already been there
>He sneaks in but the dog Bear bites his ankle that is no longer protected from his ankle-pistol
>Marguerite stands over him holding the big resin slide ruler in her hand above gus's head
>"You might wanna hold off" says Gus
>Cause your bull is gonna need me
>cut to...
>Lalo is at home making tea
>There is a knock at the door
>He opens up the door and Gale is standing there
>He's holding the gun that Gus had hid in the lab.
>Lalo says, "you don't have to do this, mi amigo"
The boxing scene, but it's Kim and Howard instead
>They don't even have it occur to Howard that he has a witness for his alibi that he could not have been driving the car.
Cliff doesn't tell him when it was just that he saw Howard in a car with a hooker when he was with Kim, that's it. He didn't know it was during his therapy session.
>He doesn't laugh and volunteer a drug test
Cliff didn't accuse him of being a coke head to his face either even when he saw the fake coke baggie
>keeping your protagonist down to earth is a bad thing
yeah i tried the drinking game on tv tropes when rewatching bb and i had to stop
>binary acting
fucking perfect phrase
>le sad Jimmy :[
>le dangerous Kimmy >:)
All these scenes of Gus doing nothing really feels like they had their hands tied because of COVID
Jimmy got his ass kicked by Jesse and was scared shitless of Walt. He was never going to be able to do shit to H.O.
What a fucking CHAD.
He won.
i want the one directly behind jesse with the nip covers
love that sheboon grin
and you???
I’m in the middle of season 2, when do they introduce the time travel plot and all the alternate timelines?
Never did one of those, any recommendations?
Blatant retard, Jimmy isn't a badass
>unable to respond to point
>denies existence of shills in a major, current show
yep it's a faggot shill, textbook
>every episode without a death or massive twist is filler
Fucking millenials.
>its another Gus is paranoid about Lalo scene
its all so tiring
My comment was fairly neutral on it but there's more than one way to do it. Nacho was extremely down on his luck/drowning whilst not being a pussy the way Jesse was, so there's more than one way to skin a cat
Unironically KINO. Love the detail in the show.
In episode 1 when the abuelita turns into Tuco
>Tell me again how he needs Kim to tell him everything because MUH PTSD
Oh it's this retard again
next episode
They should reach MikeMode and just act one way instead
>Le badass corpse
>episode starts
>10 minute segment in a coca cola factory
>meticulously shown how a coca cola can is made
>next scene starts without explanation
>45 minute mark
>Saul walks up to a vending machine
>Saul buys the can and drinks it
Do you check for troons under your bed at night?
>Cliff doesn't tell him when it was just that he saw Howard in a car with a hooker when he was with Kim, that's it. He didn't know it was during his therapy session.
He even asked who Cliff was meeting with, but not when? You have the gayest job on earth
fuckin kek
You could do this with any fucking character of any show. It's very dishonest.
Strawmanning retard.
>le chemistry teacher
See? I can be retarded too
Lol kill yourself
No one said he should win, just that prancing around like a faggot and not taking it seriously is gay and retarded
he doesn't care about proving himself in front of cliff
>have half of episode 4 and the entire opening showing how the usual level headed and calm Gus is scared shitless of unpredictable Lalo
>"Alright cool"
>do another half episode of scenes of Gus scared but it's even more boring like him scared at work and cleaning all night instead of his surveillance house or secret tunnel
Literally why?
>He even asked who Cliff was meeting with, but not when?
Because at that point he already knew they were setting him up?
Are you legitimately autistic?
Same. When watching that scene in the morning when Howard first expressed obvious confusion over what Cliff was saying, I was thinking in my head 'Ask him WHEN this was supposed to have happened'.
>we will never get another scene of him turning from business owner to drug dealer like his first scene talking to Walter
>he thinks the top lawyers actually do work and think instead of having their paralegals and other attorneys do all the work
He's right. Filler is not the same as having a show based around smaller stories. This episode set up a lot of new things. BCS (unlike most modern shows) actually shows us how characters do things and why. Most shows these days would just cut to them fucking over Howard without any build up.
The boxing scene was my favorite part of the episode, and Vince Gilligan personally handed me $50 to say that. How's your life? Loser
>Shitty writing is actually good!
>Why would a lawyer think to ask clarifying questions when he is falsely accused of something?
Let me guess, Howard has PTSD too and that's why he is being written like a retard now
All the plebs on this board think that every 5 minute scene where "nothing happens" doesn't have any subtlety or nuance to it. They really think that they're just padding out the episode length with pointless shots.
I hate this pic because I'll never have pizza that looks so good, no wonder he's happy
Howard is such a genuinely likable dude.
Okay, but did the fat guy get his order or not or did Gus just leave without saying anything like an autist?
>tfw no Lalo's Latin Adventures tv show where he tours the Latin world from Europe to South America documenting the local cuisines
That's disingenuous, though Brian Cranston as Walter White also did that often, basically yelling or acting calm. There wasn't a lot of range, though there was more than the other characters on the show.
He did, Cliff said when was with Kim
Sorry he didn't say "Tuesday at 5pm"
Who is Madrigal/Schuler?
>should I tell this powerful person jimmy is behind this, when he himself knows how crazy jimmy is?
>nah better just be ambiguous, beat up jimmy, and let him think I’m a cokehead
Poor writing
I've watched every Lalo scene at least 10 times. I am going to watch until my personality and mannerisms become Lalo.
These people would say exactly the same about Mad Men, Deadwood or The Sopranos if it came out today. They would probably be complaining about it constantly. That's what you get when an entire generation grows up with smartphones and YouTube.
>it’s a black guy
>orders a lot of fried chicken
Yeah it looked terrible
>Daenerys just kind of forgot
lmao i dont give a fuck about your gay shilling because no matter how stupidly you try to justify this shit, it won't matter.
The IP will be completely dead and no one will ever rewatch it
It's too bad they had to kill it, but no surprise, honestly.
you need to look good to be like him
I wish they would release the screenplays of every episode so we could see all the subtext we miss in every scene even the ones where people think "nothing happened"
Because they only carry Pepsi.
I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large...
how did Mulalo found that old hack?
He literally told him. Why would he stand there and explain himself to Cliff instead of trying to stop whatever they are trying asap? As for Howards plan, we don't know shit yet. Retards like you guys belong on a cross.
Watch the end of season 4 and the beginning of season 5 again
Kek, I still love how dipshit BB fans acted like Walt had a Jekyll and Hyde situation going on. All the unironic le badass 'he was Heisenberg here!' comments way back when. The 'I am the one who knocks!' scene is meant to convey how unravelled and full of bluster Walt is being yet those idiots construed it was le badass ebin moment
>punished howard
>liquid nacho
>solid lalo
Who is ocelot and who is kim?
How is beating jimmy up going to stop him framing him as a cokehead?
Guess what. Howard bearing someone up just makes him look worse
thanks asshole
>No one said he should win
I didn't say you did, just he's not a badass. Him looking pathetic is completely in character.
i'm the second user and what exactly was retarded about my post? I tried to explain it to the other who didn't understand it.
Actually, this has been debunked.
>There would have been revolutions in the Ukraine
Fucking time travelers man
Absolute kino
Clicked the wrong post. You're right.
Um Howard just kind of forgot and also Howard already knew he was being set up so that's why he doesn't care about any details of being framed and having his car stolen
and also Howard isn't smart enough to ask any questions because of paralegals lmao fucking shills are insanely obvious, i love pointing you out, then normy users start to recognize you and your patterns of misunderstanding/smokescreen/revisionist bullshit
He looks more and more like Charles Barkley after each episode
Punished Lalo
Solid Howard
Liquid Jimmy
Raiden Nacho
George Chuck
Ocelot Gus (both gay)
Kim...Boss? Eva?
kim is cute
>going to stop him framing him as a cokehead?
Beacuse he doesn't care, he knows it's bullshit and exposing Jimmy is more important
Why was Gus so insistent on hiring Walt in BB, again? He built the superlab and the overall operation without the knowledge he'd be able to hire Walt so unless his calculations were wrong he could just truck it with Gale. Hiring Walt just shoots in a bunch of instability into the mix. I guess hiring him buys out the competition but the guy was dipping in and out of the drug trade anyway so could probably be convinced to totally stop, and you could just murder him instead.
Maybe it's something Schuler demanded? Madrigal's hemorrhaging money from interest on hiring Ziegler without having anything to show for it and now having round the clock surveillance for Gus and two random lawyers, so Schuler eventually decides finishing off the lab isn't worth it and forces Gus to continue just being a cartel flunky for a few years, until blue meth starts flooding the streets and Tuco dies, and Gus says "I'll hire this guy" to convince Schuler to let him finish the superlab.
What ever happened to the student film makers?
I find this show really hard to follow
What a bunch of digusting whores
>damages the timeline
nothinn personnel
>MGS references
Cringe. Die weebs, die.
>Him looking pathetic is completely in character.
this is what shills want you to think, they want you to forget all of Jimmy's competence, his balls, standing up to the cartels, all of it. They want you to take away that Jimmy is pathetic, just as season 6 shows him, and they want you to think it was always that way.
No patience at all, they expect every episode to be payoff. Faggots.
Don't waste more time thinking about it than the writers did.
Better Cuck Jimmy
I'm not a big fan of the whole exchange either, but it was established in EP4 that Cliff's son has a drug problem.
You're a big gus
YOu do realise that Vince had not written a page of BCS during the action your speaking about in BB?
>I'd like a 12 piece bucket - extra spicy
>Large signature spice curls
>Two cokes and a side of coleslaw.
Is this just your average food order in America?
>Jimmy's competence, his balls, standing up to the cartels, all of it
Jimmy is on his knees begging for his life in his debut episode in Breaking Bad thinking the cartel is going to kill him.
Are you retarded?
Gale was insistent because muh 99% purity.
Gus couldn't care less
No, Gale had gotten a sample of Walt's work and told Gus that it was far better than he could do. Gus was triggered when Gale said "I know you want the best" and he later hired Walt.
>t. EP0401 Box Cutter
Gus was always vain about all of his ventures. He thinks he can be a clean criminal in a dirty world
This is the reason we get so many trash Netflix shows these days. In the past, even the shows that weren't as succesful (like Boardwalk Empire and Justified) were pretty well written and didn't try to be the most epic thing on TV every episode. These days, nearly every show is pure garbage.
Bros, we're going to get one final courtroom kino with Hamlin vs Goodman right?
They couldn't possibly just drop all the court shit right? They realize that was the best part right?
Erin is actually Gus wearing a Total Recall-style fatsuit disguise
Hamlindigo blue, such an iconic shade
Gus didn't really give a shit until Gale insisted on getting the Blue Sky cook. He was 50/50 but gave Walt a few chances which he passed and he seemed to be a promising employee at first - the extra purity was worth the extra nudging efforts on Gus' part and appeals to his high standards and demands for quality. Then shit spiralled out of control bit by bit. Guess he figured once he firmly had Walt employed and working, it was worth cutting Gale over Walt because Walt's the better cook and Gale would go quietly into the night if fired, whereas Walt's a maverick.
did someone of you losers fucked a widow ? story