>flirts with 18-20yo women
>invites them women to hang
>they agree
>one has even a relationship with him
>years later
do western women really?
>flirts with 18-20yo women
>invites them women to hang
>they agree
>one has even a relationship with him
>years later
do western women really?
Other urls found in this thread:
Evidently yes. I hate women so much
...it's unreal.
>back then we didn't know how to say no
>literally 20yo women
this is fucking ridiculous
for a moment i thought that was elon musk with some beautifilter. but not its kerry fuk a niga
This hapa faggot deserves it.
iirc the allegations came out literally a day or two after he was whining that James Bond is a sexist or mistreats women or some dumb shit like that. It was peak irony.
white roasties will not stop as long as simps exist
sorry incel but if a woman claims a man did something wrong to her, it's true
Grooming isn't real
Cary Fukunaga likes them younger than 18. That's why Spielberg likes him
Reminder that the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements were manufactured social crises engineered specifically to disrupt the Western societal zeitgeist with the intention to divide us and break up normal intimacy behavior.
nothing to with intimacy it’s all just division
not a coincidence it all happened around the same time as blm and maga
Around hapas
call your papas
>I tried to reach out to him in the past about how he made me feel and he’s never taken accountability, he’s basically brushed me off,
Holy shit women have lost their mind.
women are beginning to embrace the idea of being adult-sized children
grooming is real when it's literal children
you can't "groom" a grown ass person
>its le joooz
>we're gonna keep worshipping the joo god and his son
Why are /pol/niggers so stupid?
It adds fuel to this whole depopulation conspiracy, yes
Every woman should be executed.
Women want the rights of men but the responsibilities of children. Women are literally ruining the world with their midwit bullshit. Nothing can actually get done because every aspect of life is now mired in female bullshit.
Elon Musk looks so fucking sexy in this pic.
White women hate Asian/Hapa males.
nice try, but I’m an atheist.
I would have agreed with you guys in the past, but I feel differently about it now. I don't think most men realize how much influence they have when women see them as an authority figure of some kind, which is usually the case when the guy is older, and definitely when he's super successful. I think you have to appreciate that, on some level, whether they like it or not and whether they realize it or not, women are programmed to follow a male lead. Could be because they're used to dad's being the lead in their household, God being typically a male ultimate authority, biological imperative to seek the security of a strong male lead and be submissive to his more dominant nature, who fucking knows. But the result is that they will see the things they do when under the influence of said male lead more as his commands than their choices, no matter how old they are.
And honestly, it's kind of supposed to be that way. It's our job to not lead them astray. I assure you girls won't accuse you of "grooming them" or sexual harassment if you're not using that influence to tell them to lie about being your cousin or niece so people won't think it's creepy that they're with you like this guy did. It's sexist or whatever, but it's kind of true that women often will just do what dudes say because you're a man and will act with minimal agency of their own. Just the way it works. If you use that power to be a scumbag, can't be surprised they go public with how you're a creepy user.
Women should just not act like whores if they don't want patriarchy, but they won't because they are inherently stupid. With patriarchy womens' partners needed to be vetted by their fathers. You can have patriarchy or you can be a stupid whore. There's no in between. It's binary.
You're a fucking idiot and an enabler of encouraging grown adult women to behave and act like literal children.
Sorry, but once you're legally an adult, you are officially within the adult sphere, so better pony up!
so you admit that he was a pedophile?
Since when are men the primary leader in homes? Half of all kids are being raised by single mothers. This is a typical straw man that you leftists use. You pretend that culture has been stuck in the 50s for the past 60 years whereas fathes have been optional for just as long. If anything the lack of fathers is the root of all that is ill with society. Single mothers are TRASH.
>You're a fucking idiot and an enabler of encouraging grown adult women to behave and act like literal children.
They are like children. The sooner you realize this, the sooner you'll stop being surprised by and mad about them being what they are.
Women literally have no agency
Reminder that due to the sexual revolution nobody is owed anything and women struggle publicly with this far more than men
>legally an adult
Tell that to biology.
They dug their own grave and now they have to lie in it. Abortion decreased the stigma against single motherhood and let Chads spread their seed without abandon. Feminism leads to women getting pumped and dumped because in the modern sexual marketplace a chaste woman is not that valuable. Modern women are whores but they chose this path themselves.
jesus user. who hurt you?
actually surprised they're still around
Skinny fat hands types this.
at least whores get paid. they do it for free. spiritually the same as jannies
based user spits facts.
faggot incels who have never had a gf treat them like her king seethe because they don't get it.
Changing your phone IP doesn't make you a different person responding to your own post, user
No, OP admitted you're one
Roastie pretending to be a guy.
Dating adult women is now "grooming". Bragging to children in kindergarten about your own sick sex life is now "education". Only in Clown World.
>as a man, its you job to babysit an overgrown child
I don't like being a man. Being a man sucks. I van see why so many go tranny
why is he holding a yellow dick head?
>women are retarded children in adult bodies
And the sky is blue
Okay then, at what age is a woman no longer mentally a child?
Just the way it is. Every man on the face of Earth before you knew and could accept this basic truth. Sad how much trendy modern protestations to the contrary have made a whole generation of young men hopelessly unaware of what was common and important knowledge to have about what the world and women REALLY expect from them, despite what they say.
incelism and porn overconsumption?
Yes, you're evidently a shit stabber.
>so you want to be a big director?
>Have you considered the cost of admission
Never, at least when it comes to their basic desire for a man to give them things and tell them what to do. They can still be mature though.
oh great the asians are going to bitch about white women even harder now
i honestly don’t blame you this time though
this is bait but
>if you're not using that influence to tell them to lie about being your cousin or niece so people won't think it's creepy that they're with you like this guy did.
Is the guy in the OP guilty of that or did you just pull it out of your ass?
>women often will just do what dudes say because you're a man and will act with minimal agency of their own
I really do not see how that is my fucking problem. Equal rights and all.
>Is the guy in the OP guilty of that or did you just pull it out of your ass?
Seriously? Read the fucking article.
>Equal rights and all
Millennia of evolution and culture don't care about something people made up fairly recently.
you listen to asians? lol that's on you
>female agency vaporizes in thin air the moment there is even a slight shift in power dynamics
That's actually a good analogy. Whores are sex jannies. They do it for free.
Can't wait till they raise the federal age of consent to 25.
And even dumber. Women almost exclusively go for stronger, taller, richer, smarter more powerful men
its literally what they are attracted to the most.
>be a successful, powerful megachad
>also, power imbalance is wrong and means you are taking advantage of women
What is it cunts?
trying really hard here, huh?
but still, either
>woman have equal rights and are not discriminated against based on physical and psychological factors
>women are a protected class which enjoys special treatment based on these differences
American women are fucking insane