When did it happen to you?

When did it happen to you?

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happens everytime after the jannies delete my troonjak

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South park is for 11 year olds.

>South park is for warped and abused 11 year olds.
ftfy kike-o

No because I'm not a depressed loser. Even at my lowest and most edgy teenage phase I still found joy in a few things.

Video games are indeed a blessing. Classic ones.

I played Runescape and Minecraft and that's about it lol, I found more joy in music.

Early 30s. I don't even enjoy movies or video games any more. Just sitting here waiting to die really.

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Music was pretty good until 2006, yeah.

Last winter. I turned 32 this year. I guess I am a late bloomer.

Is that poo?

Started having depressive episodes as a teen, like everyone else. But 18 is the age where the pain seemed to get sharper. Early last year I had my worst bout of depression and even though I got out of it after a month or two, it shifted something in my head and I'm still rather apathetic and nihilistic.

Sad to hear that from someone so young.


You’ve been missing out. Around 2021 there’s been a new renaissance of good music. The old tired out shit has been replaced my much more real substance. And we have the early emo rappers who gave their life overdosing on drugs to thank for starting the spark of new inspiration that we see in songs of all genres now

about 30 years ago. You are all shit

go outside and do some exercise
read classic literature and stop being a bitch
stop giving sympathy to this reddit bitch

There has always been great music. The difference is that retards want to be spoonfed instead of digging for it. Popular music has been garbage since the early 90s

>Around 2021 there’s been a new renaissance of good music

>depressive episodes as a teen, like everyone else.
this is not normal. get help

I wonder if the ending was a meta commentary on the writers themselves. I actually enjoyed both of these episodes. Stan taking to drinking to cure his depression, but then finding new joy to his life only for that to all be undone when his parents decide to get back together and not move was a little depressing. Then at the very end when he sneaks a chug of alcohol again before going out with his friends. Sad stuff. Maybe that’s how they felt continuing the show

never hahah imagine being like this

Not that user, but I distinctly remember it starting in seventh grade.
>at football practice
>just start crying
>no reason, nothing happened, just tears started flowing
>coach said I had a concussion, probably, and sent me inside
>went to the doc, no concussion
>didn't say anything to anybody at school
>happened again, just started crying, no reason
>was alone, thought it was odd, told mom
>she said go to the nurse if it happens again
>happened again like two days later, just said I had a migraine (which I did have, I take sumatriptan for them now)
>go to psych doc
>probably just puberty depression and it'll stop
>never does
>go back to doc later in life
>they say I have schizoid personality disorder and what happens is that after it becomes too much to bear for my mind things begin to snap
>have outbursts here and there for the rest of my life
>other doc says bipolar disorder type 2
>other doc says ADHD for some reason
>other doc says blah blah blah blah
So that's generally what happens. I'm pushing 40 and will likely die alone.

unironically when I was about 11, I just think that being alive is no fun at all, but you can still find some reasons to want to live, regardless

when my best friend died in an accident at 20

Just before 2016


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It’s normal to an extent, but if it lasts longer than a couple months then it’s probably cause for concern

yeah i got diagnosed bipolar twice
i'm 28 now and i'm either growing out of it or have gotten used to it
some of my friends and drinking buddies have noticed me being "off" from time to time (not talkative, depressed i guess) but otherwise it doesn't have a huge effect on me like it used to
every once in a blue moon i'll get a powerful mood swing but its either anger or anxiety, sometimes sad, but i've learned its completely arbitrary and to live like my "mood" doesn't matter or exist.
it's stopped me from doing/saying a lot of stupid shit

Coincidentally about the same time I started using this website

When my friend circle couldn't stop talking about Meet the Spartans.

Music is gay, and you're a fag

>I'm pushing 40 and will likely die alone.
If you're white, just start impregnating as many many as you can. Don't matter what race. just spread white genes.

It happened to me with video games, but instead of not changing my habits I just took it as a cue that I needed to listen to my mind, so I started forcing myself to be more social and doing hobbies that got me out of the house.

That movie is kino, I was actually kinda just thinking about it for some reason

>>football practice
>>just start crying
>>no reason, nothing
It's CTE. Get help before it's too late.

My dopamine receptors are fried.

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>schizoid personality disorder
My shrink says I have the same thing. I never had any outburst though

it hasn't happened yet, you just become a normie.

After I graduated from college and moved to a new city.
>haven't had a gf in 3 years
>no real friends, just some acquaintances from hobby groups
>Spend 80% of my waking life doing a job I hate
>wfh since the pandemic started so I literally never leave my apartment
>can't get excited for new movies or vidya because they can't just make a fun story anymore, it always has to be political and pozzed somehow
>Work my ass off to support a society that doesn't benefit me at all or even meet my basic needs
I want to just quit and go full hermit mode

Really? I never watched it. I just saw the trailer and thought it looked stupid. I also hate that time period so a spoof movie from back then only makes me feel like throwing up.

People are quick to prescribe something to you when they think there’s an inherent problem with you. I also was prescribed ADHD medication sometime in middle school. But I don’t think I had any trouble paying attention or wouldn’t have been able to do my homework or be good in class. I think I had more of the ODD side of ADHD, and I just didn’t have a natural respect for authority or care about responsibility. I wasn’t meaning to be defiant, and I was predisposed very low on aggression, so it probably seemed like I had ADHD. Now I went through a decent part of formative years basically on mild amounts of meth. It probably exacerbated part of the real problem. Although since I’ve been off the stuff, my life has been great. I have a lot of friends, a full time job and do part time bartending, and I’m really happy. I’m at work right now, my job is easy as hell and I have friends here


at 27

I don't think so, since my cognitive ability is pretty good. I'm a PhD student and can keep up fairly easily, but it does seem that my program is pretty lax on admission standards for minority students so I end up doing most of the work. Which is fine, I get an A and the faculty go easy on me whenever I have problems because I help out around the place. It's a good school, AAU and my program is top ten percent.

I have been seeing a neurologist, though, I will bring it up during our next appointment. Based on what I know about CTE, though, there is currently no effective treatment. Maybe that has changed. Imaging of my brain looks fine, besides a small tumor that I've been told is nothing to worry about unless it starts growing.
I never took it. I was always active, played sports and even rugby in undergrad until I got hurt, so I never took any of the medication for ADHD. My roommates stole it, they were part-time drug dealers and I ended up moving out over the affair. There is no reason for any child to take any form of medication for ADHD, the best cure is activity.
>mfw taking psych classes on the side so I can get a counselor's license in case academia doesn't work out and have to hear people praise adderall

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getting addicted to smack gave me something to look forward to every day. goin on 8 years now. you cant even tell looking at me.

I'm better now. But I'm not really sure when. I think it always kind of happened with me. Always felt left out of things and never was 100% invested into anything. This year I came up with a goal to try to reconnect with people and it's worked out.

I still had a functional normal life through most of it, but I felt like I was just lying to myself. I don't hate people, but they tire me out.

When I was like 13.
Then I grew out of it when I was ~20

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This. Anyone who says otherwise has never spent time searching for music they might love. Used to have the attitude of "all music is shit nowadays" but once I saw all the artists putting music on Youtube and how creative some of it was, I had to change my mind.

It’s goofy kino. It might be a bit dated though because it was a funny parody after 300

Its trash and so are you.

post arm

Go outside, hike in the woods, see mountains, visit ruins, go to a beach. You’ll feel better, I promise.

If you watched it as a 12 year old boy or while high shortly after 300 I guarantee you’d find it certified kino

Right after I discovered masturbating at the age of 10
Same, I fucking hate it

Honestly get fucked. I do those things regularly. Your little cookie cutter advice is obvious.

Well I think there hasn't been a good comedy movie since 1998.

Exactly what a cynical shit would say.

>new renaissance of good music.
Hahah, gtfo of here.


What a life

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I no longer subscribe to this worldview and try to find and appreciate the beautiful things around me, because I grew up