>their god is a corpse nailed to a stick
söycuckstianity BTFOed by The NorthChad
Their god is a corpse nailed to a stick
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Odin drinks the cum of hanged men.
And Odin was a turk that drank semen and hung himself on a tree
imagine being an atheist. its going to tickle me pink watching you hedonists scorch in hell for eternity
A judeo-christcuck was behind this post
Too bad they will never make a movie portraying vikings as the retarded cucks they historically were, getting repeatedly annihilated by christian armies and converted en masse after christians chop down their retarded sacred tree kek
Can’t wait to go to hell. Way cooler than heaven. God is a dumb cuck and can suck my balls.
Not an argument
>I'm excited to see you suffer eternally
So much for 'loving thy neighbor', lol.
Kek, Christianity is far superior than any other tribe or group on Earth. Atheist love to sit and whine about how “pointless” and “oppressive” Christianity is but in reality they’re just upset Christians are running the show.
>tfw pagan
>hated the northman
Also I'm trans btw
A line literally spoken by the antagonists, and the christians are shown in a sympathetic light.
you and any other atheist animal are not my neighbor. I hope you get to watch your loved ones tortured for eternity you fucking subhuman
I'm a white Muslim who wants women beat.
Hell will be based. Heaven will be full of groids and spics
golden rule bros?!?!
Blacks are definitely not more religious, they shoot each other in the street after service
Source: (((David F. Greenberg)))
Of course, worshipers of a Jewish god would have no problems perpetuating their lies. It's expected, really.
>former pagan countries
soon to be 3rd world africa-lite
>catholic countries
soon to be 3rd world africa-lite
wow big difference
if i die in battle i'm gonna go to disneyland yay
Cope mudskin. Go worship your rabbi lmao
Don’t look up a history book OP. This line implying the Norse suspicion/fear of Christianity’s influence over mainland Europe is ironic because the Vikings would soon convert to that faith harder than any of their contemporaries and partake in their crusades.
>His god (male/tranny) birthed an horse
Lmao nice deity larpagan
This. Alaric the Gokturk also destroyed one of the biggest pagan centres of that time (The Sanctuary at Eleusis) in the name of Christianity. The Library at Alexandria was also spurred to destruction by Christian rebellions.
And your god drink semen...look it up.
>Us christians burned down libraries and it was so heckin based and epic
>also, the Dark Ages is a myth. Us christians totally valued intellectualism or whatever, nevermind that our own religion contradicts this.
If you still buy into LARPaganism in 2022, you're unironically mentally deficient.
Seething jew, go worship your fake science faggot.
those pagans can only dream about such a hardcore death
>Us christians burned down libraries and it was so heckin based and epic
Burning books perpetuating lies is based.
>also, the Dark Ages is a myth. Us christians totally valued intellectualism or whatever, nevermind that our own religion contradicts this.
Valuing truth is based too.
truths such as 'earth is a snowglobe' and 'devils cause diseases', lol.
t. reddit historian
I accept your concession
When are you burning your bible then?
>I accept your concession
What a zinger. Got any more where that came from?
God won't like that! You have to be kind. You don't want to go to hell, do you?
Also don't forget: Euclid's Elements was the most published book across Europe and Africa up until 900AD when The Bible overtook it.
That's a sin you fake Christian
Reread your post and ask yourself if it was not the most reddit response you could ever had typed.
easy now ahmad
Seems you blew your load then. Sad.
>Christians are running the show.
Only in the Republican party and shitholes like the Philippines
>Christians are running the show
Not right now but chances are soon will again.
Why are christcucks so retarded?
How is a corpse nailed to a stick different from a dude hanged from a tree? I know they didn't argue semantics back then but this seems pretty silly.
>imagine bein a LARPagan
Happy now?
>christians burned down libraries and it was so heckin based and epic
Why are you people such worms? Ceasar burned down the library
Idolatry is irrational and leads to sexual perversions. How do you think the Japanese got to where they are?
This is a very sinful post user
You better ask your god for forgiveness lest you end up in hell, too
like everything redditors believe in literally the opposite is true. No one is more responsible for the preservation of ancient knowledge than the Christian monks, and no there were no mass book burnings. Christians didn't burn down the library of alexandria which is a simple google search away
Lose weight, lardass.
It’s amazing how hollywood and american larpers have sparked up this wierd hatred over a 1000 year old non-practioned belief system, it’s certianly not us nords who keeps bringing it up. Religion over all has never really been zealotry over here ever, the old system was not codified or any rules really, and christianity was top down, my great grandmother who was born in the 19th century was officially (everyone was forced to be, since you had to know your bible to answer the priests interrogatiob home visits) but still was all into believing in elfs and woodland spirits and mentioned the old gods in everyday speech.
because every single modern "neopagan" is an atheist in disguise
Yet, their faith was so utterly obliterated that all we have to go on for any details of it is from a Christian monk who pittied it enough write down some oral history bits over two centuries after it was gone.
Many such cases
>christcucks absolutely seething
It's weird stuff, really. Their religions are dead. Their traditions forgotten. All they can do is try frankensteining it back together and then they get angry if you call it a LARP.
Unironically take your meds.
>jews jew and slander people that they infiltrated
>It’s amazing how hollywood and american larpers have sparked up this wierd hatred over a 1000 year old non-practioned belief system, it’s certianly not us nords who keeps bringing it up.
What's even more amazing and even quite funny is if you were to take all of the most damning sections of the bible and (the remnants of) pagan texts, take them at face-value, i.e. every suspect parts that are debated to this day, the bible is still gayer and way more heinous and degenerate. Like literally just tally up everything minor/debated and confirmed wrong about paganism and christianity and christianity is so retardedly homosexual and jewish that it's embarrassing.
I don't know how jew worshipers can still peddle jewish filth so much like they were trying to hide their guilt. They're almost BLM/antifa tier when it comes to ignoring every fault with jew worship. It's the exact same mentality; they need you to know that jew worship is without fault and totally virtuous and so on, but not only is the opposite the truth but they can't even admit to one fault at the hands of christianity. Most will even deny that christianity is jew worship. Why would anyone trust a militant internet christian when they can't even admit christianity is jew worship?
>jews this, jews that
You people really are materislists, aren't you? Always missing the spiritual component or wilfully ignoring it.
I'd have more respect for them if they tried to believe in a religion that could theoretically be reconstructed from recorded documents, like hellenic or egyptian paganism, but of course those things are for niggers and not based nazi aryans like themselves
>the spiritual component
Yes, the spiritual component of worshiping jews. Let us hear more of the divine spark of worshiping Yeshua and the holy prepuce.
*your semen
did the kikes eat ur foreskin
You really can't reconstruct any of it properly. It's dead. Gone. They are sort of like Protestants but without the option to come back to the Catholic Church.
Thank God, unironically. Good riddance.
I don't think you understand even the least bit about spirituality, which is unsurprising. Judaism is not just an genetic thing. It's also a spiritual thing and very, very different from Christianity.