What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Attached: cowboy bebop.jpg (1080x1350, 363.03K)

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Having a 50 year old asian dude play a 30 year old white guy for starters

"A Netflix series", that's what went wrong.

The constant “we know it’s silly” winks. Either own it or make it a flat out parody

Pretty much everything.

Spike was asian

>should have been the easiest anime to adapt
>fuck it up anyway
just how bad is this gonna be?

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They hyped it up to be like the anime only to take liberties in changing it for the worse. Like the shit with Julia was laughable. Faye was cringe but I could of dealt with it.

Adapting it at all. Bebop being shit to begin with.

He was jewish.

ok eunice


That’s what I said, asian.

No you said white.

It's a show about nothing


No I said Asian.


spike spiegel was a moegap
a Martian guy that knows Martial arts
that was the joke then this guy came in and ruined it

I have a theory it was rushed into development after The Mandalorian was a success. They had the rights to live action Bebop for years after all.


Israel is on the Asian continent.

Asians are also white. What did you think you were European because you were white? Lmao Hansdeep Nigelwong pls

>adapt a space western
>remove the space
>have the actors sit in a café most of the time
It was doomed from the start.


>What went wrong?

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>replacing brunette with a bl*nde

It didn't need to exist. They basically rip the half hour long episodes change a few arbitrary plot elements and the rest is just filler involving Julia and Vicious. The stuff that is ripped from the show like basic plot and the overall design are really good, but the stuff they changed or added was beyond terrible.

>Hansdeep Nigelwong
you post that all the time and it has never been funny

They should have opened with Radical Ed and kept up with the character in every episode.

It’s pretty funny actually

Marvel quip script

literally one thing went wrong

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She's blonde, that picture is just dark.

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Joss Whedonesque writing

He was martian


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You don’t change ethnicity by emigrating, Hansdeep Nigelwong. Sorry.

hollywood/actors/actresses not learning their lesson(s), don't anger the fanbase.

Attached: space seinfeld.webm (480x480, 2.91M)

Not this shit again. WHO THE FUCK CARES

that's actually how you change your ethnicity, given you integrate with the natives instead of ghetto-it-up.

Why is he a nigger

Yes but it hasn’t and will never happen for you, Hansdeep Nigelwong.

nobody but you gets joke but the word you are looking for is "race".

I would have been fine with asian Spike if they had gotten someone who at least knew martial arts and wouldn't injure themselves in action scenes so easily.

All Europeans get the joke, you're just not European. Sorry, Hansdeep Nigelwong.

i want to fuck nami

>Scott Pilgrim visuals
It came out a decade too late for that to be acceptable.
>woke writers
It came out a decade too early for that to be acceptable.

I did like the 'what is that' bit.

kept expecting kumar to show up and he never showed

>take a sexy character who uses seduction and her looks to get what she wants like a realistic woman would but is also independent and has depth to her past and personality
>turn her into a quipping, prudish bitch who is extremely in unlikeable

>take a badass, suave martial artist and bounty hunter
>make him an old asian guy who barely does anything and looks like a harmless fag

>try to ape the cool parts of the anime and it’s style
>fail to actually make anything remotely as cool or as engaging due to the limits of live action and a poor budget

>take an intimidating and interesting villain who matches the main character as a perfect foil
>turn him into a pathetic stooge and fuck around with the entire arc and backstory

Also cringe dialogue. The only character I thought was done well was ironically the one they blackwashed into a negro, I think the actor nailed his mannerisms. That’s about it though

Ashkenazi Jews are not from Israel.

>first google result is a picture telling Furthark runes are based on Gokturk runes
so this shit triggered you so hard you made it to top Google results. well that's something, grats.

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Why are Asian men so beta now? What happend?

Also Cho is Korean, which is even more insulting to the Japanese than a white dude kek

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After this bullshit I turned it off and never watched again

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The laugh track really just drives it home how shit this is

Its a live action adaptation of a pre-existing cartoon series. There's no real reason to make it. I could understand a live action MOVIE adaptation, but why the fuck would anyone make a live action version of a series we've already seen? Nobody asked for it, there was no market. It was like a 5/10, nothing special.

Attached: spic posting cat in the hat pest mask spike spiegel cowboy bebop radical ed.jpg (1080x720, 146.97K)

no way this is true

I dont know but if they thought Bebop fans were rabid wait till they fuck up one piece ...

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>welcome to the ouch motherfuckers
>you are black and male

Gee OP ...I wonder