do normies really end up in a relationship this fast?
Do normies really end up in a relationship this fast?
if two people click enough...
it's the drugs anybody justifying their relationship is a junky
Yeah. I asked my GF to be my GF after a month. It just made getting sex easier. You don't have to mean it lol
I guess
is this a geniuine question ? are you really this fucking unaware of reality?
Not him, but don't underestimate how socially isolated people can get. I haven't have a conversation with someone outside my family in years.
i literally havent talked to a woman since high school and im almost 30
i work in a CNC factory and just go home afterwards
i know multiple ppl in same situation as me, its not that uncommon anymore
Oh yeah OP I'm totally sure Yea Forums a whole board full of NEETs, incels, cucks, betas, failed males, basedboys and closet faggots REALLY has the answer to your question about relationships
Why dont you change that?
Because he doesn't actually want a relationship or to better his life and he decided that before he even walked out the door
why do you assume there's something wrong with his life?
I always skip these parts in tv shows and movies.
Im also a 34yo kissless hugless virgin
animals without worthy values do behave like that, yes
Beeing socialy isolated is psychological bad for you. Even introverts need a certain level of human contact.
I once saw a documentary about german prison and one inmate said he always watches shopping channels because they talk directly to you and it kinda substitutes actual social live. I guess people outside of prison watch YouTube to simulate social Interactions but I think that dosnt realy work.
You need people to function normal.
Not him but I had 2 really bad relationships almost a decade ago and so I've actively sabotaged the interests of every female who talks to me since then because the thought of going through another terrible relationship makes me feel nauseous.
i havent talked to another person outside my family for close to 7 years and i still know two heterosexual humans in brb case its two horny teen junkies that are attracted to each other living in the same house together it will inevitbly happen normies especially since their not autistic like us
yea this. I dated a girl one time that made me wear condoms since we weren't in a relationship. So I said let's be in one and dumped her as soon as I found someone better. Women are dumb lol.
>it's another "incels compete over how lonely they are" thread
I'm 24 years old and a virgin.
when and how does it become a relationship anyway? i've had two gfs and we just went from seeing each other and fucking to being in a relationship at some point but neither could tell when exactly it happened, it always confuses me when people celebrate their anniversary dates
That's a funny way to spell borderline druggies
Met wife at party when 17. Been with her 15 years. Not a normie at all. Just two dorks brought together by fate
I'm not gay but I've been leading this guy on for months and he legitimately wants to spend his life with me, I think he's actually in love with me and we're "dating" wtf do I do
You sound like you might have childhood issues. Maybe seek therapy?
idk, the longest I've ever been with one girl has been 3 months or so and I wouldn't call that a relationship if it just involves you meeting up to get food and then fuck. I don't really think it can count as an official relationship until your friends are aware of the girl
Just be gay I guess. It's not so bad. I've had a best friend for almost 20 years now and we're kinda gay.
Yeah but I'm not gay and don't love this guy but I don't want to hurt him by just admitting that, it's a long distance thing and he legitimately dms me every hour about how lonely and much pain he feels without me and this has gone on for 2 years
Rushing in and rushing out
I've been dating this schizoid woman for a few weeks and I think I'll ask her formally to be my girlfriend this weekend. How do I approach the conversation around asking her to go on birth control? I'd like to fill her up with cum as part of our romance
That's pretty fucked up. Obviously you are kinda gay though since you let it happen.
Wrong user. We're talking right now.
So how's it going? It's getting pretty warm here, and I hope it rains this weekend. I'm looking forward to The Northman coming out on streaming so I can watch it. Have you seen it yet?
based autist who knows how to play the normie script for social interaction
>Listen slut, Roe v Wade is about to be overturned and abortion is going to be illegal. I’m gonna fill your cunt with my goo and I can’t risk something growing in there that we can’t easily kill. Either you go on birth control or buy a coat hanger, it’s up to you
Well I'm a self hating gay but I guess I'm more bisexual than anything else. The problem is more that I just don't love this guy the same way he loves me but I still text him lovey messages and everything else
I do this with my bros all the time, sometimes we go on guy dates too like out to dinner or the movies but there's nothing gay about it and it's totally platonic. Sometimes we jerk off together afterward but it's always to porn and there's nothing explicitly gay about it just two bros getting their nut off
Never cum bear in a mentally ill woman. It can end your life as you know it. Just imagine she decides that actually she will have your baby..
I was in a relationship like this, but I actually asked the girl to be my gf. The sex was amazing, but then I found out she secretly resented me for never doing anything romantic with her, but I'm guessing she just put up with it because I'd fuck the shit out of her
After you have a conversation to be exclusive. Some people with attachment issues will say "we are just FWB" but after you've both agreed to not sleep with other people it's official unless stated otherwise for some reason.
user, please trust me when I tell you not to cum in a mentally ill chick unless her personality is so redeemingly amazing that it overpowers how mentally ill she is. You're setting yourself up for hell if she doesn't decide to abort.
>two young people who probably shouldn't be in a relationship
>"searching for a signal" displayed on the TV
Unironically bravo Gilligan
Stop hating yourself then. And I mean that not as a troll but as a bro.
He's a drug dealer and she's a whore.
I am 28 years old and I never even kissed a girl
Depends on the person. I met my GF, and 3 weeks later we were officially dating.
Bonus: when I started dating my GF she was a virgin, and said she was wanted to wait until marriage. It took me only 2 weeks to convince her to let me pop her cherry. Lol. I'm also 12 years older than her. Double lol
Hire an escort
Not him but that sounds awful.
I lost my virginity to an escort at 28. It was nice. She kissed me and we spent the rest of the time talking about World of Warcraft and cats in a hot tub. One of the best nights of my life to be honest
It can easily happen like that, but worthwhile relationships often start way slower, which allows for a more solid ground once you are officially in a relationship.
Drugdealers get more pussy than anyone in the world
pimps, popstars, actors , superstar athletes etc. are incels compared to drug dealers
I haven't made a friend in 8 years
Yes. There’s a sweet spot though. A girl who is ready to fuck after no more than a week is a whore who will likely cheat on you, but a girl who keeps you jumping through hoops for more than a month or two is just playing games. There’s some leeway if she’s a virgin or it’s her first relationship but if there isn’t a clear sense of commitment after the first month then you should usually bail.
I'm sorry for you. But whatever I guess. Inauthentic experience isn't my thing.
I'm fairly certain my life as a /NEET/ has irreversibly ruined any chance I have at having a social life thus never meeting a girl or having sex
Colleges are literally Marxist indoctrination institutions but they are supposed to be seas of socialization
>I'm 24 btw
jesse was a drug addict/dealer, in that case yes. the reason they were together is the drugs and that's it. you have to meet the right person but unfortunately for you introvertcels that actually requires going outside and meeting people
How do you do, fellow normie?
What do you make?
Ya live in Florida around space coast or treasure coast? I can get drunk with anyone and make friends lol
click what enough?
There was nothing inauthentic about it. I paid her for her time and she gave it to me. I told her I was a virgin and she made it nice. Sex is just an act my dude, and can be completely separate from love. If you’re lamenting the fact that you’ve never been loved, well that’s an entirely different thing which many many people have never experienced, including chads and stacies
yes if it’s based mostly off attraction
I’ve had half a dozen girls make a move on me after a few conversations
then they jumped ship after actually knowing me better
>herp-derp everyone should chase roasties 24/7 or you're broken
here's a redpill for you - some people are much better on their own
What are you supposed to do? Waffle over it for months while she gets dicked down by a bunch of other dudes and hope maybe she notices you? A woman makes an almost instant decision on whether or not she's going to fuck you the first time you meet, and it's pretty obvious when she's made up her mind. All you have to do is act remotely like a man at that point and you'll be hitting it that night.
this is my experience with women too, first impressions are good and usually get laid quickly but then they realize i'm a no life loser
CNC for dildos. Very interesting.
If escorts are my only option I'd honestly rather die a kissless virgin
Nah, I'll hit you up for drinks if I ever make it down that way though
>Wrong user. We're talking right now.
interacting online is NOT the same as in person, body language and social cues aren't needed online but you need them offline
>do normies really end up in a relationship this fast?
Sure, why not? Its how these things were originally.
Reminder to never tell a girl you're a virgin because they automatically assume there's something wrong with you if you haven't AT LEAST had one gf
Literally fake it til you make it like your life depends on it
You’re a fool, but to each his own
posts like this are why i think its fine women whore themselves out for money on the internet. retards like this will pay for it
As you enter your late 20s as a virgin you don't even have to tell it to anyone, most people around you know
There are metal dildos user
Absolutely based choice, the people who hire escorts are bigger losers desu.
>I’m not gonna experience an essential part of the human existence because I don’t want other people to judge me
Hiring an escort won't fix the fact he doesn't know how to be a "man" who knows how to initiate. In theory a woman can ask you out or make the first move, but that's mostly just feminists' fantasies, the exception is not the rule. As a guy, if you don't know how to make the first move, to be the one to ask her out on a date, to hug first, to initiate sex, etc. - you will be alone forever by default. You will be a ghost in this world. You are invisible by default as a man and must make yourself visible. An escort will technically make you lose your virginity, but you won't lose it in the way that matters, in terms of you having the mental skills to be able to seduce a woman and initiate sex. You will have had sex, but it will become something more elusive than ever before - you can pay for sex but still be clueless on when it's appropriate to kiss a woman. Paying an escort is fine if you've truly given up on relationships, but if you want one someday, an escort will fix nothing for you unless you specifically get her to educate you on how to "be a man" and "talk to women".
I've literally only had 2 instances in my life of a girl ever flirting with me
Welp here I am now
Who gives a fuck about other people. Even if literally no one knew I still wouldn't go
Bro I been married a long time and been with wife since my teens. Sex without love is trash to me. More than a few drunken cheating adventures and experiences before meeting wifey. Was never good. But like I say man, whatever works for. I'd rather fuck over 20lbs of pussy and ass and hide it in my closet afterwards than pay for flesh. I also hate strip clubs and I never leer at chicks in public like my peers so it's just my autism I guess lol
Hello me
Most women offer absolutely nothing to the table except their holes anyway, you're better off alone.
I'm schizoid too so it's cool, I'm just highly functional now. She's not as successful as me but is still pretty functional. We communicate like romantic robots over texts, it's cute. I don't have to worry about dealing with her friends and she's not blowing up my phone.
my memories of meeting my wife are literally
>make eye contact
>smash cut to sex
i honestly have no idea what i said or did and neither doe she, and neither of us were drunk.
>As a guy, if you don't know how to make the first move, to be the one to ask her out on a date, to hug first, to initiate sex, etc. - you will be alone forever by default. You will be a ghost in this world
This is me 100%
i know you're joking but I've met a few women who were virgins like me in their 20s. Its relieving and reassuring knowing there's virgins around my age
Find a male friend who can teach you, or pay a woman to teach you.
If you have money, you can pay a professional to teach you like all those social retards who got a job in Silicon Valley do
No. It's way faster in real life. If they were normalfags, they would have been dating by the second day of him moving in.
>DBAA would be the cute inside joke that they tell, when people ask about how they met
>"and he didn't even know what it meant"
>"I was just playing dumb, to keep you talking. I knew what it meant, I was just a little nervous, but then I remembered to just go for it. 6 years later, and we're thinking about adding another little one to our family
I remember everything when I met mine. But can't remember yesterday much. Also forgot mother's day... So that was fun... Lol
>I haven't have a conversation with someone outside my family in years.
Same, unless your work manager telling me that my schedule is changing counts.
It's a sexual psychology I had to unlock for myself. I'm not sure how I can properly advise you. It's simple, but hard advice. You really just have to stop caring and keep trying. It's a skill you can learn, and you don't have to resort to cringy misogynist PUA stuff (that'll just attract BPD women like Amber Heard). If you're a late 20s man, virtually all the women your age already know what the "game" is. They expect you to want to have sex with them. It's okay to let yourself be motivated by sex. I can give you a little script on how to initiate sex if you want. I can't teach you how to score a date though, that's too complicated and contextual to explain here.
It's pretty embarrassing to ask my male friend that when we're both nearly 30 years of age, I don't think any of us would be comfortable with that.
What professional do you mean? Paying women to teach me how to make moves on women seems silly, no?
You're ready to become the faggot tinder swindler.
That's called integrity. I may be a khv but I'll never sink low enough to pay for sex