220 days until Avatar: The Way of Water

>220 days until Avatar: The Way of Water

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I miss the original avatarfag, bros

me too :(

220 = 2 * 2 * 5 * 11

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You mean abatap?

Friendly reminder that pic related is how it should have ended

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Based and tsaheyloopilled

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He's with Eywa now

Everyone forced to evactuate Pandora would die in space, so they use one of the Venture Star's sublight engines, guided by the orbital shuttle to launch an orbital bombardment of the planet's surface.

221 days until it's forgotten

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i can understand that but the spirit lives on user

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>The Way of Water
fuck you jim you titled it that just to fuck with me

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I saw the trailer for the way of water when I was at the kinoplex for Doctor Strange last week. I had avoided all leaks and it was clear from the audience reactions most people hadn’t yet heard about this. And when they did, my god. The gasps, the hushed excitement, you could feel the elevated heart rates and rushing endorphins as everyone saw the kino that is James Cameron’s Avatar manifesting on the big screen for the first time in over a decade. The jaw dropping visuals, inspiring orchestral score, and classic throwbacks to beloved characters and the planet that is Pandora was unmatched by any piece of media hype in recent memory. I was absolutely mesmerized as was the rest of my theater and I unironically got goosebumps as it ended and someone yelled “Ohhhhh SHIT” at the title reveal. This is going to be a cinematic experience for the ages.

it will be revealed that the Na'vi are actually critical to why they're there, beyond unobtanium
because yes they could've just nuked the planet from orbit

The days are just ticking on by

for what purpose?
why would they die in space? they have their main ship that can take them back

Just breathe in the liquid Ed

I thought it was never coming out

I miss the old autist who made threads years ago, they were fun

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I kneel to abatap

This but unironically, I did hear the gasping of the audiences in a way I've never heard before, they were genuinely enthralled with the beauty of The Way of the Water.

lads, how are you working on yourselves to get ready for Avatar 2?

Since the motivation post I worked extra hard, stopped being a NEET, studied a lot and then as a consequence got 2 great jobs in IT. I also got a girlfriend but since then we separated.

It's never too late to start, we need to be the best version of ourselves for the launch.


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I'm running a half-marathon in August with the intention of doing it in under 2 hours, that's about all the self-improvement I've got planned.

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avatar sucks

That's really awesome. I used to be a marathon runner, ran 5 of them, but since the pandemic and after getting a full time job I stopped and got a bit fatter.

I need to return.


how does the absolute madman continue to keep it up?

Doing a full marathon is really intimidating. I feel like I could maybe get through 3/4ths and then just break down. But if I succeed in this there's no other path but forward and running a full marathon in 2023.

Literally didnt see the movie fanfiction. By the end of movie the little faggot CEO Jr. was clearly in emotional disstress over the deaths he caused, he only half agrees to the bombing run.

It's not always hard, it depends on how much you trained and how much you are pushing yourself during the race. So it varies from being a bit hard to insanely hard.

For your first half marathon I recommend that you don't try to do it under 2 hours if your training doesn't show that you can do it easily. Try doing it in a really comfortable pace during all the race. You probably will be able to complete it no matter what you do, but for the first race I think it's better to not end it in a lot of pain, to keep you motivated to try a more ambitious race in the future.

>For your first half marathon I recommend that you don't try to do it under 2 hours if your training doesn't show that you can do it easily.
I mean I can do the distance in 2 hours and 4 minutes right now, I'm sure I can shave it down to under 2 hours by August even if it isn't by a lot.

Can anyone tell me the legend of the Abatap?

Shut the fuck up already

If you try it during the race definitely do it with a watch or phone on your hand to keep track of your pace to not push yourself too hard in the beginning.

Race day it's different, trust me. Your see a ton of people around you, you feel motivated and euphoric and you can't help but start the race running a lot faster than what you're used to. You can tell who are the beginners when you start passing then after they got tired early to mid race. The pros start slow.

where is he? i miss you bro you didn't even give us a chance to say goodbye

I'll be careful, o wise one.

Can anyone stop him?

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Based user

>220 Neys until Avatar 2

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>tfw when you saw avatarfag posting at 1200+ days until avatar 2

time really flies my friends

If I make one more post, it'll be the closest post I ever made to the release of Avatar: The Way of Water.

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I can’t wait lol

anyway go over to /ck/ and post an on-topic frog thread. we’ve got a fussy little janny over there. thanks.

we're more than 95% of the way there now

you don't need that much acceleration to bombard a planet user, you can just calculate the vectors on a planetary slingshot and send in a big asteroid.

simply adjust the slingshot speed to go from anywhere like a few megatons to a planet cracker. if you have spaceships it's trivial

Based and robust

Someone should shoop le 56% mutt as a navi (with eyebrows)

Based prime poster

But our journey to Avatar 5 is still 6 years...

This honestly. That fanfic doesn't make sense. Each of the ISV's interstellar engines are several times larger than the Valkyries.

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>he forgot to add the countdown to Avatar Remaster.

Just turn the engine towards the planet and torch the atmoshphere

>Can anyone stop him?

>This honestly. That fanfic doesn't make sense. Each of the ISV's interstellar engines are several times larger than the Valkyries.
Some of the expanded source material suggests they're propelled by lasers shot from Earth.

They aren't. The ISV has a hidden 20 something kms photon sail which, in conjunction with the lasers in the solar system, is used from accelerating when departing Earth. The photon sail is then folded and retracted, and deployed again when returning to Earth for braking.
On the other hand the engines use matter-antimatter reaction to brake when arriving at Pandora, and accelerate when leaving. There's a video in YouTube which explains the process very well.

>They aren't. The ISV has a hidden 20 something kms photon sail which, in conjunction with the lasers in the solar system, is used from accelerating when departing Earth. The photon sail is then folded and retracted, and deployed again when returning to Earth for braking.
I've heard that too.
Hopefully they show one of the ships in operation to answer the question but as it doesn't really add to the plot, I doubt we will.

>On the other hand the engines use matter-antimatter reaction to brake when arriving at Pandora, and accelerate when leaving. There's a video in YouTube which explains the process very well.
One of the best things about Avatar has always been the tech (for the most part) is grounded in actual science.

>Top grossing movie of all time
>No one can remember a single line of dialogue

Yeah I agree. If we get at least a few extra shots of the ISV it will be worth it for me.

Damn, you should check your memory

The ship uses cryogenic pods to transport passengers on the 6 year voyage to Pandora from earth and there is not enough room for the entire colony to fit there, dooming a large number of them to die. The ship also did not have enough time to refuel during the timeline of the film.

>>No one can remember a single line of dialogue
maybe all the processed foods and sugary drinks are fucking with your memory? Also the lack of sleep from overstimulation from all the tech you imbibe.

>I'll see to it that you get your legs back
>your real legs

I would, but I only watched it in my native language.
But anyway
Post Cameron's quote about "if that's the worst criticism, I can sleep well tonight"

>Yeah I agree. If we get at least a few extra shots of the ISV it will be worth it for me.
Based. Well it looks like the Terrans are still going to be the foe of the series so we just might. Especially with new humans being introduced.


>>No one can remember a single line of dialogue
"I see you."

“Lookout Hotrod”

>papa dragon

abatap sure made an impact on all of us
still miss that little fucker, retarded though as he was

forgot to add
>cry more, butthurt fag