Oof! Why did our movie flop bros?

Oof! Why did our movie flop bros?

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people unironically don't care about wikang shit

Why can't you stop making the same thread over and over again?

It's trash. Simple as that.

Worst movie I’ve seen in 3+ years. Vastly preferred the latest Dr Strange and the Batman.

Probably because it was bad?

Idk bro, I don't pay to watch movies lmao

Never answer the call ffs

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There will never ever be a successful theatre movie again that isn't capeshit or a CGI wankbuster


Because its a gory r-rated historical epic. It might have been a financial hit 10 years ago.

I could have made a better movie with $90Mil

it's funny how much this movie makes troons seethe lol
go back to your black cock fetish discord

How is posting objective fact (the movie flopping) 'seething '?

because movie theaters are basically marvel zoos.

Horse jaw women are hot

viking fatigue

>Why did it flop?
Oh jeez, I don't know... Normies are socially engineered retards, perhaps?

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>This will sell our movie

>He bought?
>Damp it, Fjolnir

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Society is too filled with n***iggers and their shitty culture, whites can't catch a break

>movie about a bunch of white vikings who look bored with no colours
Geez I wonder why no one wanted to go

what's with the dude with the wig

You posted it.

>white women start swallowing gallons of nigger cum
>develop jawlines that would make the chaddest of chads jealous
At least they're becoming as ugly on the outside as they are on the inside.

Our movie? I didn't watch this shit pile

Its SJW anti-christian shit

>Society is too filled with n***iggers and their shitty culture, whites can't catch a break

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This, I saw this boring low budget "artsy" film and its just:
>retard mom wants to fuck and kill son
>mc runs into like a dozen men and he solos them
>left tied up but crows free him
>mom slices his stomach, nothing happens
>his half bro leaps on his back, stabs him a dozen times, nothing happens
>his step father walks in and stead of killing the guy who murdered his family he just drags his dead wife and son away and mumbles some crap to MC
>MC and step dad fight each other naked and kill each other

This shit was gay, boring, and degenerate

Eggers bullshit can only make money in one way : make a misleading trailer to trick a couple of normies into watching your movie and rely on your schizophrenic fanbase to actually make your budget back. It has to be low budget because word of mouth makes makes the numbers slow down almost immediately.
Give him a higher budget and this happens: normies realize you tricked them and your miniscule fanbase just isn't enough to make money back, you get sent to VOD 3 weeks after the premiere

>Released post-pandemic
>Historical movie
>R rated
>Arthouse stuff
>Poor marketing

gee i wonder

>L-look I posted it again! I posted it agai-ACK!!!!

dilate freak

Fucking horrible movie. I fucking have white people. Couldn’t relate to any of the characters or story because the main character just looked like an incel chud. Why were there no PoC? I thought for sure the blonde white woman would at least get fucked by an ashen African fellow but the chud movie just kept them the same race. Like, fucking ew. 3/10

i don't care. it was kino.

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Getting fatigued just looking at this

Where is the colour?


its an all white cast, chud.

i wonder if thats ethan hawks real beard.

Hasn’t even come out in Europe yet, I’d hold my horses a bit longer before declaring it a complete flop

Maybe we need to change the definition of a flop?
If 90% of movies “flop” maybe thats just what a success is now…? People see movies less. Words change.

Partially at least, maybe with some extensions.

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Lol really wtf why? Is this like a video game from the 90s?

i see, yeah could be, i think they even cgi beards these days.

Its out on VOD on Friday lmao

is this the end of big budget historical movies?

>let's change definitions midway because our le based movie has failed
Lmao, if you don't even make the budget back if flopped. Stop coping.

different markets have different windows where it's better to release movies
this movie will have exactly 0% appeal in wumao land because all they consume is capeshit, cgifests, and 3 kingdoms wirefu

lurker here, are all Yea Forums threads full of samefagging?

Why are you mad your movie flopped?

viking fatigue

your mom had you at 40 didn't she

But no one watched that Vikings show, what are they fatigued from?

probably more likely that it tried to be historically authentic
for some reason, if vikings aren't covered in white nationalist tats and wearing biking leather it doesn't appeal to americans for some reason

Go back, faggot. What even spawned this comment? Wow, people are replying multiple times to the same thread, CRAZY AMIRITE FELLOW PLEBITTORS???

she was hot in it

Would have done better if it starred Leonardo DiCaprio.

vikings shit in general is already oversaturated like samurai
> Last Kingdom
> Vikings
> Vikings: Valhalla
> Assassin's Creed Valhalla
> God of War
And thats not including capeshit which doesn't really count, but I can't be bothered to care about another savage viking dude on a quest for revenge against feedric sneedsson

this spamming samefagging "Oof" tranny is beyond brainfried, did Eggers fuck his mom or what lmao

It's done, at least we won't see eggershit for a while

Lil chuddie is mad lol

samurai isn't even saturated in the only market it does well in, what are you talking about?
modern day japs are too gay for awesome movies

why cast such committe stock actors? kidman? hawke? that charisma vacuum lead nobody? do directors even choose who they work with? is that why michael mann has to work with adam driver? we will bankroll your movie but this star wars guy has to star!
also the northman has the most basic muh revenge cliche as the premise