
Thread for the discussion of classic films and arthouse cinema.

Noticed edition

>/film/ literature
>/film/ charts
>/film/ directors directory
>but user, how do I make webms with MPV?


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I lurked the discord for a bit, depressing place.

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Capeshit won
I shall now go watch the whole Tsai Ming-liang filmography for the 10th time

>Capeshit won
It didn't seem to die down like Id hoped it eventually would, its a sad thing to see it populate the entire boards discussion, makes A24 look decent.

Heat wave coming on strong

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>depressing place
Such is life

No but really, half the talk surrounds inceldom.
I don't know, maybe discussions are just too personal and drift away from films.

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Oh oops I missed that one, my bad
Going through it His Motorbike, Her Island looks interesting, getting it now

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Dare I say it's one of his greatest?

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its so over bros

Hows that?

Oh /film/...

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Sorry I was rewatching The Phantom Menace
You were saying...?

>The Phantom Menace
Remember seeing that on dvd as a kid

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What film? Guessing it's something from Obayashi.

/film/ died because 80% of the posters here are insufferable autists incapable of actually discussing film. Every single """discussion"""" always ultimately boils down to two retards screeching "kek filtered pleb redditor" at each other. I don't know if these posters are just literal drooling retards who can barely string together a sentence or whether they're just midwit cowards who are scared of expressing their actual sincere opinions so they just hide behind le epic and cool Yea Forums buzzwords. Even when the threads were active there was maybe 1 good discussion per 3 threads of autistic shitflinging or regurgitated talking points about director x that have already been posted ad nauseam. It's a shame because I think there are, albeit few, actually insightful posters here every now and then. Besides that, good riddance.

what movie?

Haruka, Nostalgia (1993)

>Haruka, Nostalgia (1993)
any good?

Alot has to do with the kinds of posters coming up nowadays, things aren't thought through deeply or picked apart without being surrounded by all the distractions you find while using a computer plugged to the internet. I found the shitposting funny at times but you're right in that that's all threads would consist of leading to losing the few dedicated and serious film anons this general first attracted.

Dunno, haven't been watching stuff, just browsing and saving screenshots here and there, little I see about it the story didn't sit well with some. Might watch his motorbike tonight though.

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This site in general has become far too averse to any form of sincerity, shitposting has corrupted it absolutely and the only way to instigate conversation anymore is through memery, falseflag outrage, templates and bad faith.

kek filtered pleb redditor


discord link?

Why do you care about seeing one guy post endlessly about how ugly he is?

These are just coomer threads but everyone's wearing monocles

Wouldn't recommend

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you're welcome to join in

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crt screenshots, very nice

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Ducournau has no talent. Raw was a mediocre Lathimos rip-off and Titane was a mediocre Cronenberg rip-off.

don't disagree

Attached: Poor.Cow.1967.webm (1788x1074, 1.65M)

Attached: the.long.voyage.home.1940.webm (1200x876, 1.81M)

I like these webm 3x3s

How do I make these

Attached: House.Of.Strangers.1949.webm (1218x912, 1.43M)

I can post the code if you want

I wouldn't know what to do with code i'm a brainlet

He's gone forever

From here or there?

post it


How did that happen?

Pls do

>discord drama
No one cares trannies. Fuck off back to your discords

He seemed very paranoid of being doxxed and left when someone said his country



out_Filenames=("input_1" "input_2" "input_3" "input_5" "input_11" "input_8" "input_10" "input_9" "input_12" "input_14" "input_17")
out_Timejumps=("00:02:37" "00:07:06" "00:19:00" "00:53:10" "00:02:01" "00:47:38" "01:07:49" "00:44:16" "00:22:36" "00:10:13" "00:31:16")

for (( i=0; i

parameters_3x3="nullsrc=size=$totalSize [base]; [0:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=$scaleSize [upperleft]; [1:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=$scaleSize [uppercenter]; [2:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=$scaleSize [upperright]; [3:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=$scaleSize [centerleft]; [4:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=$scaleSize[centercenter]; [5:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=$scaleSize [centerright]; [6:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=$scaleSize [lowerleft]; [7:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=$scaleSize [lowercenter]; [8:v] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, scale=$scaleSize [lowerright]; [base][upperleft] overlay=shortest=1 [tmp1]; [tmp1][uppercenter] overlay=shortest=1:x=$scaleSize_x [tmp2]; [tmp2][upperright] overlay=shortest=1:x=$scaleSize_x2 [tmp3]; [tmp3][centerleft] overlay=shortest=1:y=$scaleSize_y [tmp4]; [tmp4][centercenter] overlay=shortest=1:x=$scaleSize_x:y=$scaleSize_y [tmp5]; [tmp5][centerright] overlay=shortest=1:x=$scaleSize_x2:y=$scaleSize_y [tmp6]; [tmp6][lowerleft] overlay=shortest=1:y=$scaleSize_y2 [tmp7]; [tmp7][lowercenter] overlay=shortest=1:x=$scaleSize_x:y=$scaleSize_y2 [tmp8]; [tmp8][lowerright] overlay=shortest=1:x=$scaleSize_x2:y=$scaleSize_y2"
ffmpeg -i "$TOPL" -i "$TOPC" -i "$TOPR" -i "$MIDL" -i "$MIDC" -i "$MIDR" -i "$BOTL" -i "$BOTC" -i "$BOTR" -filter_complex "$parameters_3x3" -c:v libvpx -b:v "$bitRate" -sn -f "$fileType" -an -metadata title="$metadataTitle" -y -pass 1 "/dev/null"

ffmpeg -i "$TOPL" -i "$TOPC" -i "$TOPR" -i "$MIDL" -i "$MIDC" -i "$MIDR" -i "$BOTL" -i "$BOTC" -i "$BOTR" -filter_complex "$parameters_3x3" -c:v libvpx -b:v "$bitRate" -sn -f "$fileType" -an -metadata title="$metadataTitle" -metadata comment="$metadataTitle" -y -pass 2 "$out_Filename.$fileType"


there's an extra "fi" there
pls ignore

thank you

>paranoid of being doxxed
Happened to me on a discord, thankfully it was mostly my own fault and the group didn't have any nefarious types.

weet ik

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Do you pick the timestamps or are they just random?

I pick the timestamps to create the input videos (usually between ten or twenty)
then I select 9 videos for the final mosaic

but you can do it random if you like, maybe you can find interesting combinations

Tsai master

why do all the threads about The Northman focus on box office performance?

Because discord trannies and capeshitters think that if a movie doesn't make a bunch of money, then that means it's awful