/bcs/ Better Call Saul

Drama girl edition

Old thread:

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i need my fidgety queen lydia to make an appearance....

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Do franchise CEOs in real life make a point of working at some normal instance of their chain, or is that just a weird Gus thing?

shame she's confirmed to be absent the whole season due to travel restrictions


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The good ones do

Last episode was so fucking shit

Last episode was so fucking good

I love Lady Banjo Eyes

>mid season finale

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No one has yet any answer to why he did this

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i'd guess it's just gus wanting to 'hide in plain sight'. IRL it would make no sense not to just hire someone else, but i'm sure there are control freaks out there that do the same, can't imagine it being much hard work.

Lalo is going to pull of something equivalent to when Walter killed all the prisoners before the mid season finale of season 5

>building lab on private property spans multiple seasons
>le super secret tunnel between houses in public neighborhood casually exists


The last episode was so fucking alright


is jimmy (slippin form) seems so much more powerful than all his other forms, i don't understand why he just doesn't always stay in it

I'm just getting warmed up.

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yes they have answered this multiple times, go back a thread.

>Kimmy feet in the first five munites
>Howard punching out Jimmy
>Lalo getting his mack on

Kino episode.

I told my mom the new season was out and she said this show was "unwatchable" so I posted her nudes all over the internet


Gotta wait for the Gus prequel show.

I'm waiting for Bowling With Bolsa

Something something why are Kim and Jimmy mad at Howard

last episode was kinoo

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Anyone got the preview for the next ep?

>episode 1 cold open of the exterior of a house in chile
>as the camera nears the front door the faint sound of plap plap plap plap can be heard
>camera is now inside and as it goes down the hall the noise gets louder
>bedroom door opens and an exhausted gus and max exit to the kitchen for breakfast
>after 5 minutes of watching eggs cook we get the title card

What will be the "Hank takes a shit" mid-season cliffhanger this time?

I can wait til Charlie Hustle meets Saul Goodman. Jimmy will flip out

wow... another episode of NOTHING FUCKING HAPPENING

How did lalo get to Germany?

>the next ep?

I feel like gus could have just hid in the lab from the start and not much would change.

He jumped

Whats up with the lynchian portrayal of Europe?

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Ring-a-Ding Fring
Like Mike
Heat on Skinny Pete
Better Thank Hank
My Homie Gomie
Minerals Marie
'Ello Lalo

Used Gus's other secret tunnel from Mexico to Europe

>fat balding gus walks into frame
>"us teenagers need to stick together if we're going to survive what's going to happen in Santiago, Max."
>nods and winks at the camera

He used his Cartel Airways frequent flyer miles

You mean no blacks?

>Lyle in charge of operations

Wdym? That's what Germany looks like.

SEX with 49,99 year old Kim Wexler

americans are subconsciously scared of europe

What about Rather be Badger

>no turks
>no mosques
>no public beheadings
It just feels wrong.

Would watch a whole season of Badger pitching Star Trek episode ideas.

>tfw no good end for Howard

THAT picture confirms it anyway but there is no way Howard makes it out.

Werner's wife is a SLUT

Dont forget muslim refugees chanting Adolf Hitler

Retard here. Why do they want to ruin Howard again?

This shit looked like a FMV game in daylight.

as the cartel members are ransacking and destroying nachos home they find a lone baseball card between the couch cushions
meanwhile we see pryce sifting through his collection only to notice he has been missing a single card all this time
and he is pissed

Choose your fighter

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Lalo also being an ethereal is kinda going too far imo. I can accept Howard and Jimmy but a 3rd one? Come on now...

Because Howard offered Jimmy a job and Jimmy felt patronized.

Howard has a twin brother?
This could change everything.

alpha timeline chad howard

Is that one of the Salamanca twins?

Howard looks like he stopped on a nail but is trying to hide the pain

Shit constantly happens in Seinfeld. It has 2-3 plots that start and conclude within 20 minutes, and is highly quotable and easily referenced for 90% of the situations you're in daily.
BCS is what a show about nothing actually looks like.
If Seinfeld was like BCS, George would be preparing his jerk store joke for five episodes.
And at this point I feel like George has more of a legitimate beef with that guy than Jimmy and Kim have with Howard.

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Maybe if Odenkirk had a stunt double he wouldn't have almost died.

why this grandma wearing bell bottoms

she was 100% down to fuck just a few hours of meeting if she wasn't working the next morning, god i'd love a dirty milf like that. Also putting all of my bets that she cheated on Werner at least 3 times while he was gone.


>No 20 minute full frontal Lalo sex scene
Please tell me it'll be on AMC+...

Howard's actor is 57 years old and he looks better and fitter than me in my twenties.

We're getting Better Fuel Huell, but only if you post 'Arigatou, Babineaux-san'

the girl between jimmy and howard has some nice jugs hiding under there, you just know it.

say lalo finds out about the lab
so what? gus could easily just say hes increasing profits for the cartel by not having to cross the border and shower the don with even more money and gifts

E = mc Kubed (prequel about Kuby)

too bad about the wicked witch of the west face

What is Master Sushi Chef Hiro "Good afternoon" Terada doing there?

I watched some BrBa recaps and Saul:

Tells people to murder other people
Sexually harasses his employee
Straight up tells people to launder money
Rats other people

But mid season finale, some months before all of those happen he’s still a good lawyer fighting for a good cause because he has to be a likeable character.

Bravo Vince

that's melissa bernstein, executive producer and the director of this ep
iirc she's the one who cast bryan cranston for breaking bad way back when

>It's going to continue being Lalo vs. Gus, not Lalo vs. Jimmy
Worst timeline. Does not help with Gus fatigue at all.
Lalo coming to their apartment was 10/10 TV. Gus's life being threatened is nothing new.

I thought all europeans lived in stone apartment buildings.


season 6 is in 2004, bb is in 2008

>alpha howard confirmed


Where in New Mexico do you think the crew found this location?

i still dont get what timeline H.O. Ward is from. And what happened to Howard prime? Did H.O kill him offscreen?

Shit's boring. When is Walt coming in and fucking someone up with science?

So is there going to be a 70 seconds montage of Saul becoming desensitized to murder, cheating and stealing?

He's just a new plot device character because they had no idea what to do this season. That's why they call him Emergency Ward.

This house is going to literally sell for a lot more now in the future for being the

It's clear Vince isn't going to actually be filling the gap between BCS and BrBa, and will just leave this blank space between the two where you simply assume Jimmy turns into the Saul we know from BrBa.
Just like Kojima couldn't turn Jack into Big Boss in three prequels, four if you count Portable Ops.


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This entire plot is to show why Gus didn't get in the car at the end of S4 so Walt had to come up with the Hector plan.

Imagine dying and then your whore widow decides to try to fuck some mystery meat "American" after like two hours of drinking in a bar and chit chatting. Euros really need to keep their women in line.

> Saul becoming desensitized to murder, cheating and stealing?
Do you think his vacation in the fucking desert was a cakewalk spa retreat?

>sexually harasses
lmao go back to twitter

[link] spoiler? [/link]

I was expecting season 6 to be everyone vs. Lalo, but I guess I expected the stories to merge

Chuck = The Boss and their death is all we needed to show the MC's descent into villainy. Then they had to stretch it out but never actually follow through with it.

you just know she had a good few fun nights while wernie was away, it was too easy for her

so why can't Lalo just kill Gus again?

I looked her up a couple months ago, she was like 30 when BrBa started.

>cartel bosses don't have their own planes

kek I cant believe you had this same thought as me

Arigatou, Babineaux-san'

HHM is dragging it's ass on the Sandpiper case when they should settle. That's the reason Kim is on board with fucking with Howard anyways, although
is probably good enough for Jimmy.

im gonna be so pissed if he and lalo get into a time battle

is gus the top or bottom?

Because they'll spot him and he needs proper proof it was Gus.

hottest woman in the show
if i was lalo i'd have eaten her ass for the whole night

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good question
i guess he and hector might be scared that eladio will then kick them out of the cartel if they do it without solid evidence?