So this city is called King's landing, because it's where the king landed, ok?

>So this city is called King's landing, because it's where the king landed, ok?
>It also has a poverty riddled slum in it, what shall we call it?
>Fleabottom? Yes, genius!

Attached: welldonefatman.png (350x212, 126.99K)

>So this country is called Essex because it's in the east and this country's called Wessex because it's in the west, ok?
>Oh yea this one's in the middle so we'll just call it Middlesex. Genius!

>The North
>The Vale
>The Westlands
>The Riverlands

Attached: americantolkien.png (645x729, 95.65K)


Attached: 6039ae355bf8ec6598b0461368aacc1b.png (830x472, 292.37K)

>The Vale
>Castle Black
>Nights Watch/ Crows
>The Hound
>The Mountain that Rides
>Euron 'The Crows Eye'
>Robert Beretheon King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm
>Weirwoods that are the centre of the GodsWoods
>The Others/ White Walkers
>The Tattered Prince
>Iron Born from the Iron Islands
George creates some great cozy names


Wow, as if real life is the same

What the fuck is this? Almost all continent names start and end with A? Lazy ass naming scheme.

>back water entrance to my city?
>the black water

Real naming conventions are basic and simplistic as well. Nothing wrong with that

>hnmmm... what should we name this landmass we just discovered?

Maario Naharis

Attached: 3i3ag7fqlsv21.jpg (477x318, 51.67K)

>names with varied ethymology and from different languages have accidental similarity
>names like narrow sea -> The Narrow Sea
finish winds of winter

Ikr whats next, a country in a shape of a boot ???

>North America
>South America
yeah thats some lazy shit there

>hm what should we call this big desert?
>The Desert Desert!

god forbid the cities have names that makes sense, it's not like people name cities after things that make sense or anything

Attached: megapint.png (795x813, 336.93K)

>the store sells Seed and Feed
>Let's name the owner,"Sneed"

Who writes the garbage?

>hmmm what should I name this new continent?
>oh I know, myself
>t. Vespucci Amérigo

Attached: AB71C477-7611-4647-86B5-062F480C2A2F.gif (200x200, 3.06M)

>the one ring? How about....the Elden Ring!!!!
>Middle earth? How about....the lands between!!!!
>Ahhhh every important character should have a name starting with G, R, R or M!!!! Just like my initials hehehehe!!!
>Mmm yes this should pay for my ribs and BBW hooker with L-cup breasts, very nice. I'm glad the tax policy in Japan was so lenient oh ho ho....


>So this city is called King's landing, because it's where the king landed, ok?
Newfoundland, Ecuador (Equatorland), Argentina (Silverland), South Africa, Central Africa, Nigeria/Niger (Niggerland), Sudan (Blackland), Netherlands, Austria (Eastern Realm), Yugoslavia (Southslavland), Romania (Romanland), Ukraine (Borderland), Turkey (Turkland), Iran (Aryanland), China (Middle Realm), Indonesia (Indian Islands), Australia (Southland)

>it causes blackness of skin and death
>I'll call it the Black Death! Genius!

Attached: 6857957956.jpg (1554x1662, 1.01M)

Attached: mediblu.gif (1200x745, 469.9K)

> terranean
> is actually a body of water not a terrain
who rights this shit

Captain Maario Naharis

Attached: Captain Maario Naharis.png (477x318, 288.46K)

Hiter & Himmler

Adolf Hitler & Adolf Eichmann

I cringed...

Barack Hussein Osama

I don't get it.

>god created the first MAN (hebrew: adam)
>guess what his name was???? ADAM!!!

>so his name is JESUS
>and guess who betrays him? JUDAS!
What hack thought this was good writing?


But Aegon wasn't a king when he landed right? Wouldn't it make sense to call it something like:
>Aegtown (portmanteau of Aegon + town)

>this other country is called sussex because the people there are sus and have sex

this enrages the pseudo he cannot accept it

>name the board Yea Forums television and film
>but the users never talk about television and film

>New South Wales
>South Australia
>West Australia
>Northern Territory
>Australian Capital Territory

>the outback
who comes up with this shit

why would he not be a king?

He was just a lord of Dragon Stone.
Only recognizing makes one a king, at the time, everybody in Westeros only recognized him as lord of the island. But when he defeated the Storm King the lords began to recognize him as a king.

This is shit world building.

This is my D&D setting how did you get this.

Its original name was Aegonfort.

That is way better

We really should've kept calling it the Mare Nostrum, now THAT was a kino name.

What a hack fraud.

Attached: 1639951193747.jpg (720x729, 141.99K)

Nice to see some round here still keep the old Gods.

>Desert region
>Called Arid Zone

>Knight from a family whose sigil is a dragon
>Called "The Dragonknight"

brilliant post

Forgot pic

Attached: 392D19BA-1D14-423E-A6CC-027023925C89.gif (507x568, 57.59K)

God is such a hack. What a retarded setting.

>this place used to be part of Mexico?
>lets just call it New Mexico they don't pay me enough to come up with better ideas lmao

Attached: new-mexico-counties-map[1].png (2455x2560, 938.45K)


>Thirty thousand wildlings attack the Wall
>They all lose to 1,500 of Stannis' knights

Attached: 1623645597267.png (861x877, 186.16K)

Havent you seen 300 user?

Yes, hordes of untrained disorganaized savages tend to lose composure and run when they get charged by armored knights.

There were a ton of Knights like that, and the mod adds in a ton for other potential families, Knight_Animal, The_Black_Animal, The_White_Animal, The_Red_Animal, etc.

god didn't name arizona you retard

And martin didn't name king's landing, the characters in his world did.
See where the comparison comes from?
Imagine god as the writer of the world history.

>this lake is very salty
>lets call it salt lake
>there is a city next to it
>salt lake city
>this is a big desert
>lets call it Sahara (big desert)
>This nation is called XY land
>because it is the land of the XY people
>have city york
>make new city
>new york
>thats a big canyon
>lets call it grand canyon
We always sucked at names

The worst part is that there are actual people who see Mexico in the name and assume NM isn't part of the US.

>>It also has a poverty riddled slum in it, what shall we call it?
>>Fleabottom? Yes, genius!
Realistically would be called something like Shitcockhole.

Why do you phoneposters always have the most retarded opinions?

American cities are either named after cities from other countries, or named after whatever the native americans in the area called the place. They aren't used to the names of places making sense.

Why is it "Jaime" instead of "Jamie"

>moon is called the Moon
>sun is called the Sun
>Milky Way Galaxy literally means Milky Way Milky Way

It's not an opinion you fucking moron.

Why is it cersei instead of just circe?

>american president george w bush
>his son, american president george w bush
bravo abrams

>the w is short for the same fucking name in both
bravo vince