>only way to enter US is through a shitty truck disguised as a bale of hay
>is able to fly halfway across the world to visit Germany
Explain this
>only way to enter US is through a shitty truck disguised as a bale of hay
>is able to fly halfway across the world to visit Germany
Explain this
How about you grow a brain, a dick, and a heart you fucking faggot piece of shit.
Kill yourself... TODAY.
He flies from México using his connections
He swam, obviously. You speedwatchers drive me nuts desu
He jumped to Germany, retard. Sheesh
He's wanted by police in the US...
It's a TV show. Did you know Bob Odenkirk isn't really a lawyer?
He was entering the US in secret because he didn't want Fring's men to know he was alive.
Space and time are the same thing, so he used a timeline shift to maneuver through space by calculating how far the Earth would move during the timeline shift as it orbited the sun
This. Planes in other countries go to Europe too goofy ass nigga
That doesn’t explain anything though.
You're busy today
>. Did you know Bob Odenkirk isn't really a lawyer?
this made me laugh more than it should.
they would notify interpol so german customs would see he's wanted
Did he break international law?
everyone official thinks he's dead
>thought to be dead
>only thought to have broken US law
>for some reason interpol is looking for him
Youre stupid
>Red Notices are issued for fugitives wanted either for prosecution or to serve a sentence. A Red Notice is a request to law enforcement worldwide to locate and provisionally arrest a person pending extradition, surrender, or similar legal action.
>why does this serious drama tv show make no sense and break its own rules
>durrrrrrrrr its a tv show
>>only thought to have broken US law
>connections trump international law, customs, border protection that is meant to stop literal terrorists
Being a cartel leader he obviously had some backup fake documents that he could use to fly to Germany directly from mexico or South America. Or he took a boat and took off from an island in the Caribbeans
The Lalo in Germany is L.A. Lo from the prime timeline. He came over with H.O. Ward in the last episode.
Plane or ship to some shitty third world Central European country with weak border control, then catch a bus or drive into Germany
as you already know lalo can only move forward through time as he pleases, but not space.
His position stays the same, so moving through time is extremlely risky, and a change of too much magnitude will cause him to be moved off the face of the earth. He warped for a miniscule amount of time repeatedly in an attempt to use this concept warp to the lab to exact revenge on gus, but he overshot his target and landed in germany.
Have you ever tried to get on a return flight to the US. There's always a separate line and they grill you about why you are there even if you are a citizen. It's much easier to fly to other parts of the world without people asking too many questions.
Did you fucking gorillas ever ponder what time the show is supposed to be set in? Its pre 9-11 and War on Terror. He can take a plane from Mexico to Europe, because he's not actually that high notoriety, he's only wanted in the US, and not even by some high profile agency, its just the DEA.
he jumps through spacetime? amazing
You think the US is the only country that people can enter illegally? He could have flown from Mexico or a third country with fake documents, taken a boat, or entered a country with weaker border controls then driven to Germany.
bait but brainlets will bite
is calling a white man a gorilla an insult or a compliment?
That's quite an image, how would he mount her?
You know how long it would take to sail to fucking Germany from the Caribbean?
>its pre 9-11 and War on Terror.
it's set in the 2000s. start of terror hysteria, right after 911
>he jumped from that 2nd story window
God damn this nigga loves to jump. Post them.
little bear was cute, I hope he gets another appearance
4 days
Actually, it's set right after 9-11 so what you're saying makes no sense, if anything people would be more spooked at a brown man using a plane
Season 6 is 2004, so actually in the height of post-9/11 hysteria
yes, though because of what little control he has over it he needs to be extremely careful.
The single frame after gus turns out the lights in the lab, for a split second you can actually spot lalo. This was supposed to be where his timeshift took him and he's there for a SPLIT second, but he keeps going for too long and overshoots as I said before
This is just a mistake right?
Shit is so weird.
yes, sadly it was a mistake on Lalos part
he miscalculated how many jumps he needed to get to the lab
Little Bearsisters....we win again
>You know how long it would take to sail to fucking Germany from the Caribbean?
Not what I meant. He took a boat to an island with Aerial transport, somewhere no one knows him. And from there he took a plane
Maybe he claimed to be a muslim so he got a free invitation to Germany and even his flight payed by them.
the multiverse of madness cometh for the breaking bad universe
What would he have done is Margarita didn't speak English?
lalo knows how to lay low
>flies on private plane to cartel controlled airport in spain
>rents a car and drives to germany
Yes. Networking, blackmail, bribery and graft gets you ahead.
He's considered dead by the US prosecution
No you’re stupid shut up
>don't point out my retarded logic shut up!
Lalo is confirmed dead in the US, no reason why they still be looking for him
Yeah it was lazy, even a small explanation would've been fine
I'll let it slide because his scenes saved the episode
so based
Ben has a perfectly valid passport as a citizen of the United States and therefore can travel freely to Europe. I don't understand the problem.