
season 3 was ass but I'm still hyped for season 4

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Pretty much everyone dropped this shit season 2.
Fuck off shill.

trailer looks lit

go back

i'm capping

more of this shit? goddamn you people are gluttons for punishment

S2 was the most coked out train wreck ive ever seen.Actually kinda fun to see derail so hard but never again.

Still no dinobots? Skipped.

Your shitshoe hasn't been good since season 1.
Your show is bad in different levels of bad, it one thing to make slouch, and just be an incompetent storyteller, but your show is non-coherent pseudo-intetectual shit with nice visual.

>a perfect day starts playing
Immediately dropped

The show ended after season 2, this is just some boring feminist transhuman pet project for the female writers.

Lol they're doing another season? I'm in.

everyone ends up being an android
they were in the matrix all along

I completely lost track of the plot honestly

Looks like dogshit no cap on god


Never saw another episode after season 1. Sounds like this was a good decision. Did they ever end up finding the shrink ray?

There was a season 3?? hahaha

The only way to dig themselves out of the whole they've written themselves into is to basically retcon most of the second half of S3 (particularly killing MIB and the embarrassing maeve plot) and I just don't think the women writing the show are capable

i'm pumped for the shrinkray reveal

S2 is better on rewatch but S3 has like, half a good episode. Show desperately needs better writers.

Nah, it wasn't fun. It was just boring.

What could they do with this show that they haven’t already done?
Might be kind of cool to see a whole season in Eastworld, expand the asian elements of it. Or take all the Game of Thrones assets out of storage and do a Medieval Conan type world. I’d watch something like that. Still like seeing Thandie Newton so I’ll probably check it out anyway.

No it doesn't need better writers. It just needs to end. Season 1 had a perfect ending. There was no reason to continue. All questions were answered. Nothing after it matters.

They almost did the futureworld plot of 'mentally copying guests and replacing them in the real world but the AI get sentient and mess it all up' but I guess it was 'too simple'.
S2 had an interesting idea about a global AI trying to prevent negative future outcomes via mass social control but it kinda felt mashed in and more the plot of a different sci-fi show

I'd still like an explanation to the ending of S2, with MIB (a host version) and Dolores in the far future catacombs of a decaying Westworld.

God I wish we spent like 4 or 5 seasons in the park. Why'd it have to climax at the end of season 1 bros. I fucking hate Westworld now

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Why are critics such cum-guzzling retards? S2 deserves 70% at most.

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It did a Heroes: excellent first season, radically different second and shit itself in the third. If it wasn't HBO the show would be dead so at least we might get some kind of ending. Who knows

This show could have been interesting but they blew their load too early and the show turned into an unfocused mess by season 2. Once they started incorporating other parks and real world stuff it really lost its appeal. Didn't they replace basically the whole cast by now? Whats this shitshow even about anymore? I dropped after s2 because s3 looked generic and bad

>Why are critics such cum-guzzling retards?
Money and politics.

s1 was good writing and a good contained story. s2 afterwards was cringe woke shit.

Don’t care, I’m still watching it

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Definitely. Would have gone down as one of the greatest miniseries of all time if they stopped at season 1. Really a perfect ending.

there is only one season

>Meme washed up breaking bad actor
>Black woman
>black woman
>Ed Harris (based)
Yeah I have no interest in this shit. If it had more men in it and less meme women I'd probably watch.

The first season was good, but nowhere near something like Chernobyl or the first season of True Detective. It was fun, but I hated the overly long monologues for everything. Ford was KINO and the heart of the show. Continuing the show without him was a big mistake.

about to say exactly this lmao

The biggest problem in the cast is thandie newton and everyone knows it
>Second is Charlotte Hale/nu-Dolores
Both horrible horrible rbf one note cunt actresses get rid of them for even any other generic diversity hire and the show would massively improve

Jeffery Wright is fine. Aaron Paul is ok for his role.
Of course the main issue is that all these characters are being written by a mostly woke female writers room after S1.

fr fr

fucking brubaker can't wrangle a bunch of vaginas

I enjoyed all 3 season equally well, and they live rent free on my NAS

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season 1 is one of my favorite sci fi tv shows of all time. im not even going to bother pirating season 4.

Season 3 was alright (good ending) it was season 2 that sucked.
I am not hopeful for season 4.

>Weekly release
Yeah fuck that.

>Weekly release
I hate late-zoomers and millenials so much. Not even younger generations have such a low attention span. You all just want instant gratification. You'll binge an entire show in one week and that's it, it's over. Wow! Very fun! No looking forward to the next episode or season. No discussions, no memes, no fun.

>Never saw another episode after season 1. Sounds like this was a good decision.
You missed a really good episode in S2

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>What could they do with this show that they haven’t already done?
Different parks, but that was what everyone wanted and expected. Instead they threw Weebworld in for one episode then fucked off to the "real world" which apparently is urban Singapore.

This was a great episode and there were a couple others too. Unfortunately it was mostly shit on not worth it.

Go to space.

shrinkworld was the only interesting plotpoint.

>S2 had an interesting idea about a global AI trying to prevent negative future outcomes via mass social control but it kinda felt mashed in and more the plot of a different sci-fi show
Robohomo was lame and too "relevant". I think they were trying to be too clever with S2 and decided that because westerns, cloning, and robotics were popular in the 70's when the original movies were made, they had to downplay all of that going forward and make the show about whats relevant to the 2020's. The problem is that now the show isn't Westworld. It's just some random sci-fi show that relies on predictive programming about social media and AI, which are much more insidious and depressing and less comprehensible to the average viewer.

S3 is wot if Black Mirror but retarded?

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>I must meme on this very meme-able image
You took their bait

They should never have done anything beyond season 1.

Season 2 sucked so hard Season 3 had to soft reboot most of the show. Season 4 will be what Season 3 was setting up, and after Season 4, people will start to appreciate season 3, or hate it even more. Considering the makers of this show have another deal with Amazon Studios (Fallout TV show), we may have another Game of Thrones situation on our hands. Season 5 was always going to be the last season I believe.

Go back to twitter

Thandie Newton is like a blind spot for fags and women. They think she's "aMaZiNg" and unironically thinks everyone else thinks so too. Tess Thompson is just pure trolling trying to "make the right people angry". Big different between the two and yet they both result in a terrible show.

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Why don't they just uploaded their minds into the bot bodies and be immortal? I thought that was the purpose.

>>Weekly release
>Yeah fuck that.
Neat. So you like binge CoNsOOmIg over 1 or 2 nights and then having no memes or protracted discussion because your tv show that is actually a serialized long movie just disappears from relevancy in a week?

That's literally where you belong since you like taking bait and spreading "memes"

I had but during the pandemic i ran out of decent shows to watch so i watched S03... i was ready for it to be shit but damn if this didn`t take it far beneath my lowest expectations.

>season 3 was ass but I'm still hyped for season 4
lmao retard

Yes of course, unlike Yea Forums, where no one ever takes bait or spreads memes.

>t. HBO producer who came to Yea Forums to spead memes with the fellow kids

>HBO producer
It's DiscoveryWarnerHBO now, grandpa