Singlehandedly destroyed Mike Stoklasa

Singlehandedly destroyed Mike Stoklasa

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Not as much as when "Based" William Shatner buck broke Mike (polish are honerary nogs)

autism strikes again

I'm sure it was a thoughtful and well-laid out rebuttal.

>no link

Imagine being Mike Stoklasa. A fat talentless alcoholic, an out of touch gen Xer who will NEVER produce anything of artistic value. A retard who felt "personally ofended" because the prequels didn't follow his head canon. Stoklasa will always be nothing more than the obese idiot who made a video shitting on prequels while making a funny voice because he is too incompetent, uneducated and cinematically illiterate to make a proper serious video essay

Lucas won. Stoklasa lost

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Prequels were crap, zoomie

The cherry on top is when he suggested that, based on the JJ Trek movies, maybe JJ Abrams would be a better fit for Star Wars. And we all know how that turned out.

Lucas and Abrams lost. Johnson won.

Funny because zoomers LOVE reddit letter media

highly doubtful

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Imagine being such a sad sack of shit you write 108 crying about how mean someone was to your space sword movie.

He may have gone too far in a few places.

Did Mike ever get the body pillow from that Gay internet Panda guy who's obsessed with him?

The best was that one autist who made a whole video where he watches and responds to every point. Anyone remember that guy? He was like obsessed with those hypothetical gas giant lifeforms from Sagan's Cosmos and one of the fish in TPM, and he also had some grudge against some other Youtuber for "tricking" him into hating Timon and Pumbaa?

I really dont think I give enough of a shit about anything to cobble more than a paragraph together over it. just cant be bothered anymore.

Unironically, this dude needs to have sex. How are you gonna spend all that time writing a rebuttal to a YouTube review of an old movie. Holy shit.

you are so close to enlightenment yet still fail to see it. Tell me, what is more valuable, a 108 page essay on a topic of your interessent serving and strengthening your pride and dignity, or an act that needs to be repeated only once every 9 months but which is probably done in procrastination thus placing it in the box together with (hard)drugs and consumerism

>George posts here
>he's the apologise poster

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Being a father would be infinitely more valuable in fact

*Being a father to my wifes son

He said JJ would be good at directing it, which is a skill he is competent in. The problem is the fact that disney just gave him the writer role too

maybe learn to read, the "have sex" argument only holds for having sex less than once every 9 months. you can be a father and still follow your interests without thinking about sex every day

imagine caring this much about bloody Star Wars
it's only a blockbuster

Reminder that this dweeb wrote his filmschool thesis on Mike Stoklasa

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Having a family is way more valuable. And if you can't do it then have fun writing your giant essays.

Was childhood in the late 70s / early 80s really so shitty that it caused an entire generation of people to irrevocably fuse their emotional identities to these utterly mediocre sci-fi movies?


I could do a couple paragraphs because I like arguing, but yeah. 108 pages honestly just comes off more just as embarrassing.

Then again, those reviews were pretty long. What do they say, about a minute per page per script? I guess it's reasonable for the rebuttal to take about as much time as the original video.

Why are the prequels so hated? I never watched the RLM essay video and don't intend to, I want to hear the opinion of Yea Forums. The most common complaint I here is about cheesy characters like Jar Jar but Star Wars is already cheesy af since it's space fantasy of warrior-monks and critters made for selling toys.

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The problem was they didn't grow up and have children of their own and be able to experience the joy they had as a child from the other side as a parent.
instead they went into the film expecting to be transported back to their childhood and when it failed they decided to take their hate out on Lucas instead of looking inward at their own failure.

that's a meaningful weeb number, I guarantee he padded his shit so he could hit that number.

zoomies only watch the critical drinker

>Mike Stoklasa: "I don't think about you at all"

>108 pages of 20 years to late butthurt
If only Lucas did put 1/4 of that effort into prequelshit

That's a lot of autism and free time.

The prequels are shit. You're allowed to enjoy bad movies. But they are still bad.

>if you can't do it then have fun writing your giant essays
Thank you. I intend to.

Bad movies with mostly bad characters on their own, particularly Anakin
Turned SW into predestination shit
Ruined Vader

Fuck, I only watch him.

>predestination shit
Is this about the midichlorians? Another complaint I hear commonly is how it ruined the concept of the Force by trying to explain it "scientifically".

I could probably write an essay about some of my favorite things, but doing it for the sake of an online argument is a complete waste of time

People who say that are idiots who don't understand what is happening.
The galactic republic is a civilization past its peak and in decay. The Jedi are/were supposed to be a priestly caste. They had lost connection with the world of the spirit and made scientific what was once so much more.
It makes perfect sense for them at that point in time to see the force as nothing but microscopic organisms.
Luke corrects this error he is the rebirth and the victory of spirit over matter.

If you're explaining, you're losing. Plus, you can dismiss it out of hand as tl;dr just like every other leftist meme.

Way too much CGI, made everything look shiny and new, seemed like it forgot it was about Anakin's fall to the dark side until the last twenty minutes of the last one.

>108 pages
could've just sent one.dead.buck.tooth lol

pic related

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>many lines are poorly disguised forms of audience exposition
>unrelatable characters with cringe dialogue (I actually like this though and think it fits the characters)
I say this as someone that prefers the prequels over the OT

is anyone going to link it?

does it even fucking exist?

>making multiple edited video essays about how some star wars movies made you cry
>writing an essay in less time about how those video essays were wrong

Is this cringekino?

>108 pages
thats full on bipolar disorder


This kills the redditlettermedia shill

>the prequels are better movies than you deserve
Just saw the thumbnail and I'm not even going to click play. I deserve the best already.

You deserve the Disney trilogy

>Gen X fags still upset their headcanons were ruined by the prequels

Lemme guess...
Was it Razorfag?

I clicked on a video yesterday that was a critical analysis of Fallout 3, and once it started realized that it was 8 hours long. I honestly don't understand the thought process of the psychos who do shit like this but they should be medicated and institutionalized before it's too late.

cope harder, lol
Lucas himself (the messiah of Prequelcucks) confirmed that not only midichlorians are the real reason the Force exists, but they are also sentient little people

That was actually a pretty fun read. I still have the pdf on my dropbox.

>t. witless swarthy buffoon pretending at intelligence