Avatar 2 trailer comes out

>Avatar 2 trailer comes out
>all the Americans start seething again

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It's like The Matrix 4. Sequel came way too late for people to care anymore about it.

It’s pretty based. Watching the mutts cope and seethe over a beautiful film like this really shows you what a great Satan they are.

imagine being this obsessed

>euromutts eat up bland Hollywood shit because they don't know what's good


But Cameron is Canadian and Avatar 2 was filmed in New Zealand

You will always be Asian no matter where you go, Hansdeep Nigelwong

All Anglo countries are culturally the same and I'm not even this Faggot

Has nothing to do with Hollywood, seethe more chud.

James Cameron's production company is American. Avatar 2 is American. You're hyped for an American movie

Avatar 2 is a Hollywood movie retard.


You do know you can create offshore corporations very easily for tax breaks right?

>Santa Monica Los Angeles
>off shore
That's literally Hollywood.

No it’s not. Cameron is the producer and he’s Canadian. Seethe.

So he's creating a company in America where taxes are high?

Elon Musk is Canadian/African but Tesla is American. Norm Macdonald was Canadian but lived in Los Angeles. Canadians with talent don't stay in Canada fucking dumb leaf hahahaha

You are clearly too young to understand the point. Many people set up companies in lands that have favourable tax laws to whatever they’re trying to do. Those companies can be headquartered there but the “employees” don’t have to ever step foot anywhere near that region.

>you are seething, I’m not seething I swear. I made a troll thread because I’m calm and happy, I swear guys. I’ve even posted a frog laughing

Retard. When people set up off shore companies to avoid taxes they do it in Ireland. California has high taxes.

Avatarbros...we won.

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So why headquarter it in America instead of some shithole with extremely low taxes?

Holy kek the Americans are absolutely assblasted

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>foreigners got hyped for Avatar 2 thinking it's not American but it's literally just another Hollywood movie
Hahahahahs holy shit. Does this guy also think Nolan movies are British?

I like how this image was clearly made by a studio and distributed to all shills for posting during the mandatory time period


Americans are mad because Trump pulled out of the Paris accords and pumped more infrastructure funds into oil and coal and it was supposed to jumpstart their economy instead they’ve become even bigger outcasts and their country is collapsing while the world tries to heal with positive messages about protecting nature

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you're the only one seething, phonefag

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>you're the only one seething, phonefag

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It's a shit faggot movie from over 10 years ago, who even gives a shit about it lol

So you admit you don't actually care about the plot or characters, you just want your movie to make "teh most money evah!!!"

There was a Matrix 4?

It’s funny how angry this movie makes chuds

Could also be a poor CGI artist that has been paid in box office shares.

Canadabros we won (again)

Do some research, dummy

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So does Canada too dumbass, ever heard of Vancouver?

How? James Cameron betrayed you by setting up his studio in LA instead of Vancouver. Norm Macdonald betrayed you by living in LA instead of Toronto. Elon Musk betrayed you by setting up all his businesses in America.

Canada is the most cucked industrial nation in that regard.

California still provides bigger tax incentives

Damn. No wonder Canada will never have a good film industry.

Based Canadian movie

Attached: calm.png (785x1000, 276.86K)

Replies: 42 posters: 13
Nice samefagging OP. I bet you have a great life


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It's literally an edit of a regular pepe pic(that some autist made)

Left: Patrician
Middle: Patrician
Right: Commoner

I just feel bad for Abatap user. He kept making Avatar threads everyday for years only to die in a ditch in Ukraine.

Right would only be commoner if it was T2.

>Americans: Exist
>Every other country: Wait that's illegal

Attached: 1652068429090.jpg (582x600, 294.19K)

>made over a billion dollars
>dude it's not a normie movie

Attached: lmaoing.jpg (282x400, 93.61K)

for me, it's xenogenesis


think you mean zoomers

I’m hyped for Avatar 2 because it’s what big blockbuster sci-fi films used to be about, complete escapism. Look at what’s being shown today for example in Star Wars or Marvel, films and tv shows set in deserts or New York with “4th wall breaking” dialogue and Redditness oozing out of it, it’s LACK of escapism. They WANT you to be grounded because taking you anywhere else would take actual creativity. So many of these blockbusters are boring, unimaginative and more importantly downright ugly to watch. At least with Avatar 2 it will just be actually nice to look at, which feels like a big ask from Hollywood by todays standards

based Avatar

Attached: Inshallah my brothers.gif (640x356, 3.85M)

zoomer girls in NZ I manhandle are hyped af for A2
>t. zoomer

Based. MCU and nu-wars are for 110-120 IQ midwits

I made this and posted it yesterday, its called blender. Kindly KYS

Attached: Op here ksy.jpg (618x1087, 109.74K)

Nobody with a working brain cares about Avatar
They're only viewing because "Insert Mainstream Media Here" is posting it

Big cock user

>All Anglo countries are culturally the same
holy shit based and true

Canada isn’t an anglo country. It’s French/Native.